The Lost Clan of Naruto

Chapter 574

The time originally agreed in advance was to hold the five shadow talks in the evening.

But as soon as I heard that the fire shadow had arrived, the fourth generation Lei Yingai was forced to start the five shadow talks.

In addition, in the past two days, the waiting of several shadows has indeed been a little anxious, so after asking vortex Zhishu\'s opinions, the time of the five shadows\' meeting has been changed to the afternoon.

Zhishu is not unhappy about this. For him, the earlier the five shadow talks are held, the better.

Everything has been arranged, but it will change later.

In the afternoon, Zhishu and his party had gone to the conference room of the five shadow talks.

Zhishu entered the conference room and was wearing a fire shadow robe symbolizing the identity of the fire shadow. A white body, dotted with bright red. There is also a hat with the word "fire" on its head.

Although the conference room is quite spacious, only six seats are reserved on the round conference table. It belongs to the position of the five shadows and the position of the three ships as the leader of the neutral country.

When Zhishu arrived, the other five shadows had been seated.

Maitekai and kakasi have been hidden behind the curtain, like the guards of other five shadows.

As soon as Zhishu entered the room, he already felt the eyes of other shadows converging on himself.

Just eyes have a kind of momentum suppression. I\'m afraid it\'s hard to get in this door if it\'s not for Shangren.

Even if this is not the intentional attack of these shadows, it is just the natural momentum.

But for Zhishu, these are nothing.

After looking around for a week, Zhishu put his eyes on Fengying I love Luo.

This man is not only his friend, but also his ally.

Zhishu reached out his hand to say hello, then with a smile, he naturally sat on his fire shadow position.

"Hum! Is there no one in Muye? Let such a young man do the fire shadow... Oh, no, Lord fire shadow, did you take your identity by yourself? "

As soon as Zhishu sat down, Tu Ying began to get into trouble.

The short and thin old man had a posture of relying on his old age and selling his old age, and these shadows waited for whirlpool wisdom tree, which made him quite unhappy.

What\'s more, the old man himself has a great prejudice against young people.

But Zhishu probably knows the old man\'s character. Although some are not likable, I\'m afraid there will be some changes after I have a dialogue with him.

So he joked,

"Then I don\'t know Lord Tu Ying. Who among the wood leaves is suitable for this fire shadow?"

Hearing Zhishu\'s rhetorical question, the people in the room were stunned. Neither the shadow nor the guard thought Zhishu would ask such a question.

Is this the question he really wants to ask? Or does it mean more to ridicule the earth shadow?

Tu Ying\'s two guards, his son and granddaughter, are embarrassed at the moment.

As a beautiful ninja, the black earth helplessly covered his forehead. "The old man is like this again. This time, isn\'t he coming to discuss how to deal with Xiao? How can it go on like this? "

However, as his father\'s loess, he still said with a simple and honest smile: "it doesn\'t matter. All the shadows here will be handled. We just have to do a good job of our escort. "

Black earth had to hold his bulging cheeks, his aura eyes turned, and began to think about the problem thrown by the whirlpool wisdom tree.

Not only he, but also the people present gradually thought about who among the leaves was more suitable to sit in the shadow of fire than Zhishu.

In fact, in theory, the position of whirlpool wisdom tree fire shadow is not orthodox.

The orthodox shadow of fire should be authorized by Daming.

However, whirlpool Zhishu executed the acting huoyingzhi village Tuan Zang and Daming by his own strength.

Although his Huoying identity was recognized by the two consultants of Muye... In this matter, Zhishu\'s legitimacy is still worthy of doubt.

As the answer to this question, Onoki\'s eyes were also sharp.

He didn\'t know what whirlpool wisdom tree meant, but since he asked, of course he wouldn\'t be afraid to answer. Even if this matter is a bit of interference and denial, the whirlpool wisdom tree shadow means.

Onoki put his left hand on the earth shadow hat on the table and said in a muffled voice, "the self coming of the three forbearances is very suitable, isn\'t it? Both qualifications and prestige are above you. And Kakashi, who came with you this time in the name of copying ninja, is also a very suitable candidate. In the final analysis, young people should consult and learn more from their predecessors. "

Several shadow guards thought, "Zilai is indeed a prestigious predecessor in the tolerance world."

Lei Ying said, "Kakashi? Is it the son of white teeth? "

Zhishu was about to say something, but suddenly he was interrupted by someone nearby.

I love Luo to talk,

"Of course, the position of Lord Huoying is beyond doubt. Shadow can\'t be held by seniority. The two elders mentioned by Lord Tu Ying just now do have the ability of shadow. But can the ability of Lord Huoying be denied? "

Tu Ying didn\'t say a word. If he wanted to deny the ability of Huoying, it would be really noisy.

Moreover, the reputation of whirlpool wisdom tree in the tolerance world has already been spread, and there is no place to deny it.

Zhishu also said, "now is the time when the tolerance world is united against Xiao. Let\'s discuss it first."

The three ships looked at the whirlpool wisdom tree carefully and said, "Lord Huoying has a calmness different from his appearance."

This is the truth from the third ship. According to the news spread in the forbearance circle, which is not something that bold people dare to do alone to save the wind and shadow, engage in civil war and kill big names.

He always thought that whirlpool wisdom tree was an impatient and cruel man.

But as soon as I saw it today, I knew that there were many deviations in the judgment of the past.



Lei Ying\'s hand suddenly hit the table. How can the hardwood table resist Lei Ying\'s fist?

A pothole the size of a washbasin broke out on the table.

In an instant, all the shadow guards rushed out and used their strongest means to confront each other.

Even Kakashi\'s hands were already shining with ray of light, and the sound of a thousand birds was chirping in the room.

The battle seemed imminent.

However, all the shadows are sitting in their own positions, an indifferent appearance.

Lei Ying also yelled at himself, "what time is it now! Did I call you to hold the five shadow conference to listen to your nonsense? Xiao has caught my brother Zhu Liqi Rabbi! What we have to do now should not be to discuss how to fight Xiao\'s strategy? "