The Lost Clan of Naruto

Chapter 572

"This time I went to the five shadow talks. The Dai Tu society claimed to be Yu Zhibo ban and declared war on the whole tolerance world."

Zhishu\'s eyes gradually sharpened.


Kakashi slammed his right hand on the nearby tree,

"Damn it, if I explain the whole thing to Dai Tu clearly."

"Impossible!" Whirlpool wisdom tree interrupted Kakashi\'s words,

"Now yuzhibo brings soil, not just because of yeyuanlin. But lost hope for this tolerance world. That\'s why he will implement yuzhiboban\'s plan. "

Kakashi\'s expression was dim, and he knew that even himself once thought how hopeless the tolerance world was, "yuzhiboban, is he still alive?"

Zhishu shook his head and said, "no, as I just said, yuzhibo was about to die when he found yuzhibo carrying soil. Yu Zhibo and Tu inherited his will and died. "

Kakashi took a deep breath and asked, "so our enemy is carrying earth“

"It can be understood now, but... Yuzhiboban\'s plan will have a plan for resurrection. Even this plan involves mythical characters, so if you are careless, the whole tolerance world will be destroyed“

Kakashi seemed to understand something. "That\'s why you let Kay and I be your guards“

This time, there is no need for me to act as the fire shadow escort with maitekai.

After all, Kai and I have the power to take a close-up picture.

This is not in line with Zhishu\'s character. If Zhishu takes so much trouble, it can only explain one thing.

It is necessary for them to come, and this necessity is an extremely important battle.

"Can I have a word with Dai Tu before the battle begins“

Kakashi seemed to have made a decision and asked Zhishu.

Of course, Zhishu knows how much his teacher attaches importance to his former friend.

Even if Zhishu wants more, when the war begins, he will cooperate with Kakashi\'s divine power to kill yuzhibo and bring earth, which will never happen again.


If this is done, it will be extremely unfair to both Mr. Kakashi and yuzhibo.

After all, Dai Tu is also the role he once liked. And from the beginning, all he wanted was peace.

Zhishu shook his head. "It\'s ridiculous. A group of people are fighting around. The final goal is for world peace“

With a sigh, Zhishu nodded,

"Yes, but if other people are present, we can\'t reveal the identity of Yu Zhibo and Tu“


Hearing Kakashi\'s words, Zhishu smiled at ease,

"In that case, let\'s go quickly. It is estimated that Mr. matkai will cross the border of the country of fire“

With that, Zhishu turned and arched his body in the direction of the iron country. It seemed that the next moment was an explosive speed.

Kakasi couldn\'t help reaching out to the back of Zhishu. He still had questions to ask, "Zhishu, do you know that guy Kai has eight dunjia“

Zhishu\'s body,

"Don\'t worry, Mr. Kakashi, I will tell Mr. Kai that the strategy of this mission is to open seven doors for explosive attack at the beginning, but only seven doors can be opened. Because this time, the enemy that the tolerance world should deal with is more than spots and earth. If you want to burn your youth, please respect your life“

With that, the soil at the foot of the wisdom tree suddenly cracked and seemed unable to bear such a great strength.

The green chakra steam on Zhishu has burst out, turned into a green flash, and rushed away into the distance.

Kakashi also cleaned up his fluctuating heart and left with the footsteps of Zhishu.

He said in his heart, "maybe Zhishu will become the best generation of fire shadow“

After embarking on the journey, Zhishu and Kakashi both accelerated faster than just now to chase matkai\'s footsteps.


"Mr. Kai is so desperate."

Even though he was approaching the iron country, Zhishu still didn\'t find maitekai. I can\'t help feeling about it.

Because he had entered the border of the iron country, Zhishu soon found many fierce chakras.

Chakra from Samurai feels very special compared with ninja. Because of the emphasis on physical surgery, I have a pure feeling like Mr. Kai.

Now that he has entered the border of the iron country, Zhishu also slowed down to avoid causing panic among these warriors.

"Is there a wise tree in front of you?"

Several warriors quickly appeared on the road in front of the whirlpool wisdom tree. One of the first warriors asked respectfully.

Whirlpool wisdom tree\'s red hair is particularly eye-catching in the tolerance world, and Kakashi next to the wisdom tree is still wearing wooden leaf tolerance clothes, and his identity is almost determined.

The samurai wore silver white steel armor and held unified swords in their hands. This outfit looks much better than ninja.

Zhishu replied, "yes, I\'m whirlpool Zhishu. Have all the other films arrived?"

"The latest wind shadow arrived last night. Other films are waiting for you. And... "

The warrior seemed to think of something bad, but before he finished, there was a shock.

The green chakra steam rushes here quickly!

"Kakashi! Zhishu! You came here at this time! I have thrown you away so far. As Huoying and my eternal opponent, you have been slack on the road of youth. You should work harder! "


Zhishu was like an arrow in his chest. He also understood what the warrior\'s difficult words were.

I couldn\'t help pressing my head with my hand, looking distressed.

Although Mr. Kai is a very powerful man... He can often bring inexplicable happiness to people.

"Well, Mr. Kai, didn\'t you say who came to the iron village first? So we haven\'t lost yet. "

However, maitekai immediately posed to Zhishu with his finger, and then said loudly,

"Hahaha! I thought Zhishu would say that. I\'ve finished reaching the iron village. Now I\'m here to inspire you! Although you have lost to me, you will never give up on the road of youth! So you have to work hard to finish the next journey! "

As he spoke, tears overflowed from maitekai\'s eyes.

Well, this hot-blooded man is also full of feelings.

The warriors were also in a cold sweat and said awkwardly, "so, Lord Huoying, please hurry to the iron village."