The Law God - Artic

204 Artic - Chapter - 204 - The Betrayal --

Within minutes, Garin had come in front of Artic with a piece of paper. Sensia and Einsi were standing right next to them.

Artic waited a while. Garin had put the paper from his knee on his knee, and he was writing something with the pen in the other hand.

Artic just waited and didn't do anything. A few minutes later, Garin gave the paper to Artic with his handshaking.

Artic had a strange feeling. But without caring, he picked up the paper and started reading it.

"3.Talent – The Curse Agreement, if a person manages to do something after giving the other side a piece of paper, he or she will have a deadly power over the other person."

Artic continued to read the talent, something he didn't expect happened. Suddenly, a great pain began to mafinest in his head, and the system, which had not spoken to him for almost three years, began to speak.

"Curse Agreement"

"The user agreed to the agreement according to the capabilities of the other party's Law Power. But the deal didn't apply because the user's power is higher than Origin Level 5!"

"The Curse Agreement has been neutralized."


Artic fell slightly to the ground after these noises. He understood everything. Garin tried on his own. But the ability was influenced by the power he had.

Artic suppressed his anger and began to impersonate fainting on the floor without saying anything.

That's when he started listening to the people around him speeches.


Sensia, Amia, and Garin were seriously surprised. That was exactly what they were planning, and they worked strangely.

Sensia began to explore Garin's abilities at future levels, using her abilities and the abilities of other mystics.

When garin saw the talent he was going to get after doing this research, it was a whole different place.

The ability Garin would gain at Level 6 allowed him to make deals with people who were at very, very high levels. Garin was writing on a piece of paper, and he had to say some important words to the other person. Those words.

It was called " That's my ability, will you read it for me?" When the target heard these words and unsuspectedly picked up the paper garin had written, the Curse Treaty was activated, directly making the other person Garin's slave.

Since then, Garin was able to order his target to do whatever he wanted. He could also kill the target at any time, different.

Sensia, who had learned these things, began to talk about it to Elonia. After thinking long and about Elonia and Sensia, Lord Altic was the first person they thought of as a target.

If Garin could acquire this gift and enslave Lord Altic, they could do whatever they wanted.

They could have used Lord Altic's knowledge to strengthen themselves. They wanted to do it, even though it was a dangerous try.

Right now, Sensia couldn't believe her eyes. The man he was always afraid of in his life, and he thought he was too strong, was standing on the floor, standing there, unconscious.

Angry, he walked up to Artic and kicked him hard. Artic, who had been kicked, was slightly thrown 2 3 meters.

Artic was beginning to understand all this. But he didn't care. Because he had it, he was not harmed by Sensia's coup in any way. He was just waiting to find out more. He wanted to know who was involved.

That's why he was trying to stop his hatred for the rest of his time.

Garin excitedly came in front of Sensia and started talking.

"Sensia Teacher, my talent worked, I managed to enslave Lord Altic!"

Sensia grabbed the student's head and after he embraced it, he started talking.

"Elonia and Black Hand will be quite happy this way. Besides, I've avenged my old friends. Thanks to you, we will be the strongest on the whole planet."

With Sensia's words, Garin and Amia nodded their heads with understanding. Aside from the increase in their power, perhaps the most powerful man on the planet was now under their control.

But right now, they're supposed to try.

That's when Garin took a deep breath and looked at Sensia and started talking.

"My teacher, according to my ability, will lord Altic do everything I say after he says "Damn Emir Altic."

Sensia grabbed her chin and started thinking.

"Yes, you'd better try it now. Lord Altic is a very dangerous man, so these things are not jokes."

Artic was getting angry when they talked about all this, but he just waited and didn't move. That's when Garin started talking.

"Teacher I gave the order with my thought , It did not work I thin I have to give the order with my voice."

Sensia just gave her approval with her head and began to watch Artic lying on the ground. That's when Garin started talking.

"Curse Order Altic, Stand up!"

Artic stood up this time without waiting too long. Seeing his talent work, Garin was going to scream with joy. The same was true of Sensia and Amia.

Amia, after came towards to Artic she, punched Artic in the stomach with a strong punch. Artic, who collapsed with a fist, stood up again.

Naturally, he didn't feel any pain from it. He even threw himself on the ground to make it believable.

Sensia couldn't believe she saw all of this. So she immediately used a skill to invite Elonia into the garden where they were found.

After 10 minutes of doing nothing, Elonia came and started looking at Sensia.

Although she didn't believe it, she didn't know what to say in astonishment when she saw Lord Altic, whom she feared and believed to be very powerful. That's when she started talking to Sensia.

"Sensia, is your story true now that Lord Altic is a slave to us?"

Sensia just smiled and didn't say anything. At the same time, she looked at Garin.

Garin knew what that look meant. After he smiled lightly, he started talking.

"Curse Order Altic, kneel before Queen Elonia!"

Artic knelt before Elonia, only in slow steps, without re-exiting the role. Elonia, who started watching what happened, didn't know what to say.

At the time, Artic was a different thought. He knew what kind of action he was going to take before he left the planet. He couldn't help but carry out the greatest torture of his life.

He gave strength to these young people. But they tried to enslave him. Artic was happy about it. Let's see what's going to happen.Now What