The Law God - Artic

205 Artic - Chapter - 205 - Applause -

When Elonia saw the man she was afraid of kneeling in front of her right now, she didn't know what to say.

She was starting to feel very strange emotions. her whole body felt a little cold. and she turned her head and started talking to Sensia.

"Is that the right thing to do?"

Sensia knew what Elonia was talking about. her friend was feeling a little uncomfortable. That's because of the guy in front of her, the reason she had everything she's got right now.

Naturally, this was also true of Sensia. But Sensia still had more plans.

"Yes, even though we owe Lord Altic, we have to think about ourselves. We will strengthen our planet and ourselves more and control the entire planet."

Sensia spoke proudly, looking slightly at the sky. Amia and Garin were smiling and staring at their teacher. Elonia had a dull look on her face.

This expression naturally did not escape Artic's eyes. That statement and remorse alone was a sign that Elonia was not as guilty as the others.

A few more minutes had passed in the garden when Cahrum had arrived. When Cahrum saw his teacher kneeling in front of Elonia, he quickly noticed the situation with astonishment. But he yelled because he couldn't pull himself together.

"What's going on, Lord Altic, why are you bowing before that woman?"

He yelled.

With Cahrum yelling, Sensia and her students, Amia and Garian, began to look at him coldly and menacingly.

Meanwhile, Sensia put her hands together and began to speak in a rude but also authoritarian tone.

"Lord Altic will serve us now. You better serve us because you're his disciple."

Cahrum couldn't believe what he was hearing. It couldn't have happened. Why would Lord Altic, a very powerful and godly man, want to serve the girls he had experimented with and given them so much power. It was weird.

Lord Altic must have been influenced by an ability. If he didn't do anything now, he could stay that way for the rest of his life.

As much as he wanted to help, Cahrum knew he was in the wrong position. Cahrum was mystical at the 4th Star Level. In front of him were mystics, each of whom was stronger than him. It was almost impossible for him to kill them or attack them and wound them.

But he still had a move on his mind. Just as he was about to make the move, he heard some noises in his ear.

"Cahrum, I'm Altic, I don't have any problem, I'm just pretending. Don't create trouble and do what they say!"

After Cahrum heard those words, he looked at Artic. Then he saw Lord Altic looking towards him. He winked at himself at the time. Cahrum took a deep breath through it and relaxed.

He knew all his doubts were empty. Lord Altic was pretending to see the real criminals. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been in a position to fall into the abilities of the people he was up against. With Artic's words, Cahrum bent was slightly on his knees.

Sensia laughed when she saw Cahrum kneeling. And then she started talking out loud.

"As you can see, Altic is now a slave to me. Therefore, there will be no trouble and we are all comfortable!"

By then, Elonia started talking. There was still some remorse in her tone.

"Sensia, Lord Altic had a creature. You know, the creature that destroyed me and my group. That creature could cause us problems."

Sensia laughed slightly and began to speak with a smile. She was getting crazier.

"After all, isn't lord Altic his creator. the worst thing can happen we order Lord Altic to destroy him."

At that moment, the inner door of the shop opened and the creature in the garden entered. This thing, which completely resembled a normal person, was a very, very powerful creature that Lord Altic had created.

When he examined the situation, a slight smile appeared on this creature's face and he began to speak.

"What are you people doing?"

Sensia started talking after taking a deep breath. If possible, she would want to capture this creature alive. The power he had would have been of great use in general.

"Guardian - 1, Amerni, Lord Altic will work under me. You must do just like him and swear allegiance to me."

After Sensia spoke, she began to look at Amerni with cold eyes. Artic gave a name to the puppet he had created because of his intelligence. He had another plan, but he wasn't thinking about it right now.

After Sensia's words, Amerni began to look at its creator, Artic. Since Amerni was created directly by Artic, he knew his real name and power. At the same time, Artic helped him increase his power to Origin Level 2. His law was called the Law of Sharpness.

Thanks to this law, he was making strange slaughter attacks.

When Amerni looked at his creator, he immediately noticed the situation. He smiled lightly. But without saying anything, he was on his knees in the same way.

Sensia noticed a little weirdness at the time. Why did both Cahrum and Amerni bent with no resistance?

There had to be a reason for that. She was a little intoxicated because of that she was swimming in power, but that didn't mean Sensia was a complete idiot.

At that moment, she felt a coldness in her back. Elonia, Amia and Garin screamed directly. Because Artic stopped kneeling and stood up.

Sensia began to sweat from her head when she saw Artic stand up. She didn't know what to say, and he didn't know what he could say and save himself.

"Wait, this can't be real, you've got the paper."

After Artic stood up, he didn't say anything, he just smiled. Then he looked at Amerni and Jahrum.

After looking, he began to speak in a slight tone.

"Stand up."

With Artic's voice, Amerni and Jahrum stood up. They had a smiling look on their faces, too.

Meanwhile, Artic just raised his hand in the air and started clapping.

At the same time, Amerni and Cahrum began to applaud. Lord Altic told them they should applaud.