The Law God - Artic

203 Artic - Chapter - 203 - Something is Fishy -

Artic naturally didn't want to give a big penalty just for such a small mistake. But he had to do something. The real reason behind this was simple.

By giving a simple punishment, Artic would have told and demonstrated how to treat and treat the younger girl in front of him.

And he would continue to maintain his authority.

If he didn't care about anything like this, this young girl who just knew him would think he was a weak person.

That's not all it was about. Artic wanted to give such punishment because he was a little bored.


Sensia was staring at Artic with a look of fear on her face. She knew the guy in front of her was generally a normal guy. But what she knew better was what kind of monster the man in front of her could become whenever he wanted. If Lord Altic, was angry with her disciple Amia for the way she looked at him, and he wanted to punish her, she didn't even want to think about what kind of punishment would be for us.

So she approached Artic slightly and she was about to start talking, when Artic silenced him with a sign and looked at Amia, who had kneeled, and began to speak.

"Why did you look at me so angry and instinct to kill?"

With Artic's words on the ground kneeling, Amia was beginning to fear. Maybe for the first time in her life, she was getting so scared.

The reason for this was quite simple. Because Amia was a girl who grew up in a pretty good family. She soon caught Sensia's eye and became a student of the school's founder.

After that, no one had interfered with him and did not need to fear anyone. After all, everyone's master and teacher were not mystical at the 7th Star Level. That's why she was starting to get scared for the first time.

Artic didn't spread any energy when he said his words. But the fact he was the one who said those words, it was enough to make it scary. Because the owner of the words, Altic, was the one who enabled Sensia her teacher to gain the power she had.

It was very serious that she have problem with such a person. That's why Amia was scared. But eventually, she answered.

"I... I. I thought you were hurting Garin."

Amia, Sensia, responded with trembling as she spoke, and Sensia was breathing deeply and constantly checking Artic's eyes. Artic smiled slightly and began to speak.

"This isn't a strange situation, but I'm still going to give you a little punishment for what you've done."

Amia had received advice from her teacher in such cases. She mentioned that if they encountered a situation like the right now, everything called directly should be done.

That's why Amia simply responded.

"I'm aware of the mistake I've done. I will accept my punishment."

After Amia's words, Artic smiled lightly. He liked the way the girl in front of him behaved. That's why he reconsidered his punishment lightly.

At that moment, he looked towards Garin, who was waking up and smiled lightly. Because as scared as Amia was, her eyes were constantly looking towards to Garin and checking to see if she was okay.

When Artic realized that, he whispered lightly to himself.

"Love I guess.."

After Artic whispered, Amia told him to get up. Amia stood up as it was said and put her hands together in front of her and bowed her head as respectfully as possible, waiting in front of Artic.

"The punishment I gave you is that you marry Garin!"

Artic said it directly. Hearing these words, Amia didn't know who to turn her eyes to in amazement. She's never seen such a punishment in his life. Why would marry Garin, the man she loved, would be a punishment for him, which, naturally, Amia thought Artic didn't realize the relationship and love between them.

Sensia laughed with a slight giggle after Artic's words. Naturally, she knew about the relationship between Amia and Garin because she is the their teacher. But she didn't say anything about it so her students wouldn't be embarrassed or distracted.

At the time, he knew all his worries were in vain. If he could understand such a thing, even if he had teachers, a divine being like Lord Altic could not miss such a thing.

That's when Garin stood up slightly. He'd heard the last words. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, but there was something more important at the time.

Garin was up to the 6th Star Level. Sensia and Amia realized it after they came to them. They didn't know what to say. They've never seen anything like it in their lives. It made them feel so weird. So they realized that being surprised wouldn't help anymore.

Garin took a slightly deep breath and began to speak respectfully after leaning in front of Artic.

"My lord, thank you for everything. If it's okay with you, I'd like to count my new talents."

Artic just smiled lightly and pointed it out with his head. That meant you could tell the sign.

Garin started talking after taking a deep breath.

"The first new talent I've ever acquired, "The Cursed Aura," thanks to this ability, I'm empowering energy that's been combined with the damn law, and anyone who has contact with that energy, if they're lower than me, they start to rot. If they are high, their power is decreasing."

Artic shook his head sympathetically. Although this ability would have worked in the future, it might have worked now.

After a while, Garin told me about his other talent.

My lord, my second talent is the Damn Trap, and thanks to this ability, I'm putting a trap in any 10-meter area I want. The person who's trapped in this trap starts to rot directly. This ability also works for those at a higher level than me."

After Garin said those words, he looked at his teacher, Sensia. Sensia shook her head

sympathetically. What that look meant was. "My teacher, even someone of your level could die in this trap."

Artic smiled, even more, this time. He was interested in such a talent. Meanwhile, Gebin took a great deep breath. He was going to talk about something very important.

"My lord, the strange question I'd like to ask is that there are some things in my third ability that I don't understand, and it would be better if I wrote it down on a piece of paper."

Artic only confirmed it with his head. He didn't want to say anything about it.

At that time, a Sensia and Amia looked at each other insidiously. But Artic didn't realize it.