The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 758

After dinner, Chechen wrote down the saddle and a piece of cowhide from the horse\'s back. He spread the cowhide on the ground and put a saddle on top of the cowhide.

He said to Princess Louise Henry, "Princess your highness, in the wilderness, tonight you are afraid that you can only make it overnight."

Princess Louise Henriette\'s tone was slightly alienated. She replied to Cherchen: "count, please don\'t regard me as an ordinary spoiled daughter. I was also born into a military family and know military life well."

Chechen was awed that a princess could say such words, but he inadvertently ignored Princess Louise Henriette and his tone of speech was very different from that in the past.

After the princess spoke, she said again, "but count, you are the one who should rest most today. You took me all the way and consumed a lot of energy when kidnapping my nephew. Please go to bed first in the middle of the night and let me rest until the second half of the night."

Cherchen would have refused, because he couldn\'t let a princess on duty for him. But unable to resist Princess Louise Henriette\'s repeated insistence, he had to obey rather than respect.

Before lying down, Cherchen handed the pistol and dagger to Princess Louise Henriette.

"Your Highness, this gun and this dagger. You must watch this poisonous snake carefully, even if he has been tied up with his hands and feet." cautioned Chen.

By poisonous snake, of course, he meant boguslav.

Hearing that he was stigmatized as a poisonous snake by Chechen again, boguslav also cast a hate look at Chechen again, but he responded with Chechen\'s relentless provocation.

Chechen fell asleep. He was really tired, and soon he snored loudly.

Princess Louise Henriette sat by the fire. She looked at the fire, her fingers dancing the ridge of the dagger.

Boguslav looked at his aunt without turning his eyes. He thought that Princess Louise Henriette would release herself immediately after Cherchen fell asleep, but an hour later, Princess Louise Henriette still sat there motionless, like a stone man.

"Aunt, aunt," borguslav whispered. At the same time, he kept twisting like an earthworm, trying to get close to Louise Henriette.

Princess Louise Henriette finally recovered from boguslav\'s cry.

Just now, she was hesitating whether to release bogusslav. Then, the princess involuntarily thought of her lost child. The more she thought, the more absorbed she became, and suddenly she didn\'t know the passage of time.

"Ah?" Princess Louise Henriette responded to boguslav.

Boguslav raised his neck and looked at Chechen. He couldn\'t help smiling when he saw that Chechen was still sleeping.

"Aunt," boguslav shouted more anxiously to Princess Louise Henriette, "you should know what kind of man this guy in front of you is. You should let me go and I\'ll escape from this man with you."

At boguslav\'s words, Princess Louise Henriette instinctively took a step towards the prince.

With one step, Princess Louise Henriette stopped.

She looked at boguslav with alert eyes.

This alert was seen by boguslav. He carefully shouted again, "aunt?"

Princess Louise Henriette looked angrily at boguslav, who was lying bent on the ground. She whispered and said firmly: "Prince, do you think I\'m a three-year-old child? Even if the count of Chechen was unbearable, he saved me from the Swedes and wanted to send me and my child back to William. As for his private morality, God will punish him; but as William\'s relative, you stood on Carl X\'s side and wanted to imprison me in myagiles again K. why should I risk being handed over to the Swede to let you go and deal with my savior? It should be your magic hand that I want to escape at this time, right? "

Boguslav did not expect Princess Louise Henriette to think through the essence of the matter so quickly. Although he secretly complained, he said: "You\'re mistaken, aunt. I didn\'t invite you to miatelsk to imprison you or hand you over to the Swedes. I was protecting you for my uncle. And think about it, Carl X and King Jan kachmidge want you only because they value my uncle\'s army, and my uncle can control you as long as you don\'t fall into the hands of either of them Fengyuan, stand by and move. Think about it, is it such a truth? "

This is another profound political problem. Maybe the father of Princess Louise Henriette can understand the truth, but it is too difficult for Princess Louise Henriette to think about it. After thinking for a while, the princess\'s head began to hurt.

She shook her head hard to get rid of all thoughts and ideas.

"Boguslav, from now on, don\'t confuse me. Otherwise, I\'ll wake up the count and let him cure you." Princess Louise Henriette threatened boguslav.

Seeing and hearing Princess Louise Henriette\'s decision, boguslav quickly begged for mercy. He said he would not say much, but he also asked Louise Henriette to give him two bites of the bowl of dry soaked bread, because he had not eaten that day.

Princess Louise Henriette put the bowl in front of boguslav, and she sat back by the campfire.

After a while, the princess looked at the bonfire and began to miss her children.

While Princess Louise Henriette fell into the vortex of missing, boguslav began to save himself.

Boguslav picked up the bowl with his mouth and slowly moved it behind him. Then he began to lie on his back and shake his back faster and faster, and every time he shook, he moved back half a minute. But as soon as he tried, he was hot enough and his head was sweating like rain. At the same time, he shook, rested, and sometimes had to stop, for he was afraid that Princess Louise Henriette would turn his attention back to himself.

But he was lucky that Princess Louise Henriette did not move and became a stone man again.

After a while, he finally moved himself to the wall.

When he reached the wall, he struggled to sit up, then held the bowl in his upside down hand and put the bowl between his back and the wall.

Boguslav pressed the bowl against his own weight, trying to crush it.

He tried several times and finally succeeded. What\'s more, because the bowl contained something, when the pottery bowl broke, it didn\'t make a big sound. Neither Cherchen nor Princess Louise Henriette noticed it.

Boguslav showed a ferocious smile. After enduring such a long humiliation, it\'s time to "repay" Cherchen.

Carefully cut the rope that bound him with fragments. Boguslav took a hidden dagger from his boots. He cut the rope on his leg and stood up.

In the light of the campfire, boguslav cast a terrible shadow on the wall.

His goal is Chechen in deep sleep. As long as he is solved, Princess Louise Henriette is not worried.

Princess Louise Henriette felt the darkness covering her eyes. She looked up and saw in horror that boguslav had broken free and was holding up a dagger to stab Chechen.

"Be careful!" cried the princess.

At the same time, she threw herself at boguslav.

Cherchen suddenly woke up from the scream of Princess Louise Henriette. He turned over, just as boguslav\'s dagger fell on his chest.

Chechen widened his eyes. The sword of the dagger expanded rapidly in his pupils. He pushed his hands up and held bogusslav\'s wrist.

The dagger was still only a millimetre away from Chechen\'s chest.

But before Chechen could breathe a sigh of relief, boguslav pushed away Princess Louise Henriette. He pressed his other hand to the bottom of the dagger and stabbed Chechen\'s chest with both hands.

Boguslav was a famous swordsman. He had great strength. At the moment, his hands work together, plus his body weight, how can Chechen resist it.

The dagger pierced Chechen\'s clothes and the lock armour inside.

Seeing that Chechen was wearing a lock armour, bogusslav pushed away Chechen\'s hands in front of his chest. He raised his arm again and stabbed it down.

"I want you to die!" borguslav shouted

The biggest advantage of Suozi armour is its softness, but its disadvantage is its weak ability to prevent stabbing. It is difficult to resist the sharp sword when it is stabbed fiercely; If the heavy weapons such as meteor hammer and mace are smashed down, the lock armour can not play a defensive role. At this time, boguslav\'s dagger suddenly fell under the blessing of his arm strength and gravitational acceleration. The sword tip pierced the ring on the lock armor and pierced into Chechen\'s body.

"Ah!" Chechen uttered a painful cry.


Princess Louise Henriette regretted that Chechen was hurt by boguslav. If he had not lost his mind, if he had not given boguslav a bowl, he would not have been able to get out of trouble, let alone hurt Chechen.

"Prince," cried Princess Louise Henriette to boguslav, "you let the count go, and we\'ll let you go safely."

But at the moment when the pros and cons were reversed, Princess Louise Henriette\'s proposal could not satisfy boguslav\'s appetite.

The dagger in his hand pierced half a point again. After Chechen gave another painful cry, boguslav, who felt that he was in possession of the victory, said to Princess Louise Henriette: "Dear aunt, why do I need you to let me go now? You should beg me. But God, I won\'t have mercy on this guy. Because he has humiliated me and ruined the reputation of the raziweu family. It\'s not enough for him to die a thousand times and ten thousand times."

"Bogusslav, you are still as shameless as before." Chechen scolded angrily, biting his teeth. Blood was seeping from the corner of his mouth and the wound stabbed by the dagger.

"Thanks for the compliment," boguslav said with a grim smile.

With that, boguslav spun the dagger.

Chechen\'s wound widened, and he opened his mouth like a fish out of the water.

By this time, boguslav was already holding the winning ticket. He looked at Chechen\'s painful expression and didn\'t forget to talk to his aunt.

"Princess, before today, I really didn\'t expect that my uncle married a noble girl with a smart mind. I thought you were like the Canaries I\'ve seen all the time. I told you a lot of lies, but you weren\'t influenced by my words. I believe that with your help, my uncle, the Principality of Prussia will prosper 。”

Although boguslav\'s words were praising Louise Henriette, the princess turned white after hearing boguslav\'s words.

"So what you told me about the count is false?"

"True is false when true, my aunt."

Boguslav smiled.

At this time, Cherchen took advantage of his opportunity to talk to Princess Louise Henriette and tried to push out the dagger inserted into his body. But his counterattack was easily dissolved by boguslav.

"Slow down, slow down, sir." boguslav said the cruelest words to Cherchen in a kind tone: "I won\'t let you die like this. As I said, I\'ll let you die a thousand or ten thousand times. When you faint in pain, I\'ll take you back to Mia jersk. I\'ll put you in a dark cage like a monkey and torture you slowly."

"I won\'t fall into your hands if I die." Chechen gnashed his teeth.

This is not what he said. If there were a day, he would rather bite his tongue and kill himself.

Boguslav was about to speak when Princess Louise Henriette suddenly said, "boguslav, stand up."

Boguslav turned his head and said, "why do you..."

Before he finished, boguslav stopped.

Because Princess Louise Henriette was holding a pistol at herself.