The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 757

Princess Louise Henriette looked at Cherchen differently because she was provoked by boguslav. Perhaps because of excessive fatigue, Chechen didn\'t notice the change of Princess Louise Henriette\'s look.

Although Princess Louise Henriette was bewitched by boguslav, she was not so easily deceived after all. Chechen is her life-saving benefactor. The princess still doubts the prince\'s accusation against him.

So the next day, Princess Louise Henriette did not untie the rope that bound Prince boguslav, but went on the road with Cherchen in silence. Although boguslav was extremely anxious, he didn\'t show it on his face. Because he believed that as long as he had not arrived at Werner and as long as there were only three of them on the way, he must have a chance.

In order to get to the ferry of the daugawa River as soon as possible and return to the territory of the Republic, Cherchen and his party accelerated their progress. In the pine forest full of snow, they galloped nonstop, as if the pine trees around them were retreating.

Small roadside hotels, forest guards\' huts and tar workshops all flash by, and occasionally you can meet a single or several large cars driving to devonsk.

Whenever he meets pedestrians, Chechen gets closer to bogusslav. His iron hand grabbed his arm, and the sharp dagger pointed directly at boguslav\'s armpit.

Fortunately, the passers-by just looked at the three occasionally and had no interest in where they came from and where they went.

On the way, boguslav\'s golden wig was blown off by the wind, which scattered his thick brown hair.

"For God\'s sake, rest your feet. I can\'t stand it." boguslav shouted hoarsely.

Chechen gave boguslav a scornful look.

"Don\'t play tricks on me, your highness. I know that your bones are not so weak. In France, you once cut Duke de fremore, the famous swordsman in the French Knight world, and beat Baron von grot to your knees to beg for mercy; in the Republic, you compete with the female bear protecting your cubs with only one spear more than once."

Chechen refuted boguslav with these examples and told Princess Louise Henriette that a fighter like boguslav could never be affected by riding a horse for such a while.

"Yes, I admit that those are my achievements. What you don\'t know is that I have just recovered from malaria and my body is still very weak. Now I am no different from an ordinary person."

With that, boguslav looked pitifully at Louise Henriette.

The princess felt pity. He said to Chechen, "count, let\'s find a place to rest. Even if people are not tired, horses are also tired."

It is true. They had been running and galloping, and the horses were foaming at the mouth and falling in the wind like snowflakes.

Che Chen sighed. When they saw a hut at the corner of a road, Chechen looked at the sky and said, "then let\'s have a rest here."

The house is a tavern that has been abandoned for a long time. The owner of the tavern may have a better business or be enlisted for military service, so he gave up here.

There was a small open area between the house and the road, which was not blocked by a fence, and there were scattered grass that had been trampled by people and horses. On the open ground, there were pots and old tables and chairs. Chechen jumped off his horse and tied the three horses to a post. Then he and Princess Louise Henriette escorted boguslav into the house.

Although the house is full of dust, the main structure is solid and can completely shelter from wind and rain. More fortunately, Chechen also found the dry firewood left by his predecessors in a corner of the house - which can make fire for him.

The campfire was lit. Chechen got a pottery bowl, put snow water on it, melted it by the campfire, put dry bread into it, boiled it soft, and handed it to Princess Louise Henriette.

Princess Louise Henriette took a sip. She raised her head and asked Cherchen, "count, although it\'s impolite for me to ask you so, you and boguslav seem to have a great contradiction. What happened between you?"

Finally, Princess Louise Henriette couldn\'t resist her curiosity and asked the question.

Boguslav, who was lying in one corner, was delighted at the speech. He pricked up his ears and listened to Cherchen\'s answer.

Because it will affect your destiny.

Chechen didn\'t expect Princess Louise Henriette to ask her this question. He was stunned at first, and then lowered his head in silence.

He recalled the time when he first met Christina.

Princess Louise Henriette saw that Chechen didn\'t speak. She looked at Chechen\'s face nervously. Boguslav also turned over and looked at Chechen opposite.

After a while, Chechen picked up a piece of firewood and threw it into the campfire.

The bonfire is burning more vigorously.

"It\'s for a kind and kind sister," Chechen said, looking at the campfire. "I\'ve got a grudge against boguslav for her."

Boguslav showed a smile of conspiracy. He knew that Chechen\'s unclear words could not relieve his doubts planted in Princess Louise Henriette\'s heart, but encouraged her growth.

Sure enough, Princess Louise Henriette\'s face became as white as paper.

With preconceived ideas, Princess Louise Henriette naturally added Cherchen\'s words to the story boguslav told herself.

At this time, Chechen\'s words deepened Princess Louise Henriette\'s misunderstanding of him.

"But I don\'t regret it. It\'s because I saved that sister that I can have today."

Cherchen\'s emotion was originally from a series of things that happened after he left yanush raziweu, including knowing Natalie and going to Crimea, but this was mistakenly thought by Princess Louise Henriette that Cherchen became an earl because he betrayed Christina.

Boguslav\'s stomach was almost aching when he smiled. Today, Cherchen must have taken the wrong medicine, because every word he said made Louise Henriette misunderstand him more deeply and was more beneficial to herself.

Princess Louise Henriette put a bowl of bread on the ground.

"I\'m full," she said.

At this time, Princess Louise Henriette only felt that it was disgusting to eat the food given by Cherchen.

The way she looked at Chechen was exactly what boguslav expected.