The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 759

Princess Louise Henriette aimed at boguslav, and it was the musket Chechen gave her.

Previously, Louise Henriette forgot that she had a pistol because of panic. At this time, she finally remembered.

Prince boguslav stopped moving.

"Aunt, what are you doing?" boguslav smiled, pretending to be cynical. His left foot took a small step forward.

"Don\'t come here!" Louise Henriette raised the muzzle of her pistol.

"Prince, I really will shoot."

"Yo Yo," boguslav said, opening his mouth. "Aunt, are you really going to shoot me for an outsider?"

Louise Henriette looked at Cherchen lying on the ground covering her chest wound. At this time, her heart was very firm.

"Yes," said Louise Henriette, "Prince boguslav, if you take another step, I will really shoot. I have made a mistake once, and I don\'t want to make another mistake. Don\'t force me."

Boguslav knew that although her young aunt was weak in appearance, she was very strong in heart. Besides, what she left was Prince orange\'s blood, which was the iron blood of generations of soldiers.

Boguslav retracted his toes. He looked at Chechen lying on the ground.

At this time, Cherchen is trying to cover his wound. Although the knife was not deep because he wore a lock armour inside, the wound expanded and made him bleed because of boguslav\'s cruel agitation.

"Hey, aunt," boguslav said to Louise Henriette, "I think this guy is dying if you don\'t bandage him to stop the bleeding."

Princess Louise Henriette looked at Chechen. Sure enough, Chechen\'s face and lips were gradually losing their blood color.

Louise was about to step forward and bend over to dress up Cherchen, but Cherchen spoke to stop the princess.

"No, no, princess. If you wrap up for me, you will be distracted."

"It\'s Prince boguslav," boguslav corrected.

Although his attempt was seen through by Chechen, bogusslav\'s face remained silent.

"Let\'s continue to hold on like this. I don\'t care. After a while, my men and horses will be found." boguslav spread his hand, and he continued to use the heart attack tactics.

"The person who will pick me up will be here soon." Chechen is also unwilling to show weakness.

The two sides were so deadlocked that a fragile balance was formed. But everyone knows that as long as there is a trace of external force involved, this balance will be broken immediately.

Time passed minute by minute, during which Chechen fainted twice because of excessive blood loss.

Jingling, jingling.

A bell rang, and the three looked out at the same time.

"Just rest here," someone said outside the cabin.

Boguslav showed a disappointed expression. Because this is obviously not his own person.

The door was pushed open, and snow and ice particles poured in, beating boguslav and Louise Henriette\'s cheeks.

"Passers by. It\'s too snowy. Please stay for a while." a man stood at the door, patting the snow on his fur hat.

This man is very stocky. He has a round yellow face, small eyes and a big nose.

Then another four or five people poured in, and most of them looked like this.

Boguslav was very surprised when he saw the appearance of these people, because they were Tatars rarely seen in Sweden.

When the four or five people saw what was going on inside the cabin, they all put their hands on the machetes and bow bags around their waists. They blocked the door and looked warily at boguslav and Louise Henriette.

After a standoff, boguslav finally asked in a slow voice, "Hi, Tatars. Are you doing business from Crimea?"

The round faced man looked very angry when boguslav called himself Tatar. He said rudely, "where we come from has nothing to do with you, and we are not your friends. If you know, put down the dagger."

Boguslav\'s face immediately changed when he heard that the Tatar was so impolite. As the head of the raziwiu family, the terrified nobles were robbed by a Tatar. How could he not be angry.

Then Louise Henriette\'s voice came from one side.

"All kind-hearted people, my friend was stabbed and has lost too much blood. If you have medicine, please treat him and I will repay you."

Louise Henriette\'s words were undoubtedly much better, and she put down her gun early and seemed harmless. So those people looked more kindly at Louise Henriette.

"Hey, girl. Look what you said. Are we bandits who rob our homes? We rely on friends when we go out. We don\'t need reward, we just need to avoid the wind and snow here. As for the medicine for knife injury, I don\'t have it, but my master does. You can ask him later when he comes in." the round faced Tatar humanitarian.

The man finished and looked at bogusslav again. This time, his eyes and tone were vicious.

"As for you, put down your weapon. I\'ll only say it once."

As soon as his voice fell, the two Tatars drew their bows and arrows and aimed at bogusslav.

The situation is stronger than people. Boguslav has only a dagger in his hand, not to mention that the other party has a bow and arrow. Even if he has only a machete, he is not an opponent. He held back his humiliation and raised his hand, but instead of throwing away the dagger, he changed his face and said: "Hey, friend. Don\'t be angry. I was just bad. I\'m here to make amends to you. I\'m Prince boguslav of the raziwiu family. I don\'t know if you\'ve heard of my name. I have friends with many bey and Pasha in the Crimean Khanate. Who sent you to do business in the kingdom of Sweden? Maybe I know you."

For boguslav, it was low enough to say this. But instead of easing his face, the other party was more angry. The round faced Tatar murmured, "put down your arms, or I\'ll be impolite."

Just after saying this, a voice came from outside: "CE zero, who are you talking to?"

Then a young man in a luxurious mink coat came in.

The round faced man was obviously the policy zero in the young man\'s mouth. He quickly blocked in front of the young man and said, "Taiji, be careful."

The young man\'s face showed no surprise or panic when he saw the situation in the house. It was obvious that he was extremely calm.

While the two men were talking, bogusslav carefully studied the later young man\'s face. Bogusslav saw at a glance that the young man\'s background was extraordinary. The value of the mink coat was equivalent to a good manor. Because it was not ordinary mink, but the most expensive purple mink. You can\'t buy such a coat with money Boguslav believed that even the Crimean Khan could not have more than five such mink coats.

"Is it the son of bayazid Khan or the illegitimate son of Muhammad gley?" boguslav guessed.

Among all the figures in the Crimean khanate, boguslav can only think of these two.

At this moment, the Tatar man named CE Ling finished the whole story with the young man. The young man nodded and took out a bottle of ointment from his arms.

"Miss, take this and put it on your friend."

"Thank you," said Louise Henriette gratefully.

The princess stood up and was ready to pick up the ointment.

But she stood up, and Chechen\'s face, which had been hiding behind her, appeared. Seeing Chechen\'s face, the young man and the round faced man shouted in unison: "alvar!"

"Do you know?"

"Do you know each other?"

Louise Henriette and boguslav asked at the same time.

Compared with the former, the latter\'s tone is tense.

The Prince did not expect to meet a group of people casually in this ice and snow, but he was also a friend of aleval Chechen.

"Of course." the young man lifted his cloak. If Che Chen was sober now, he would exclaim: "ah Yuqi!"

It was Taiji ayucci and general kardanzezero of Kalmyk Khanate who came. After returning to Khanate territory and migrating their herdsmen to kirksk, they prepared the plan to travel around Europe. This preparation took more than a year. They finally set off in August 1658. The first stop was Sweden, the European military power in Cherchen\'s mouth.

The reason why this is the first stop is also because this is the hometown of the former maid, Swedish prijit. Ah Yuqi won\'t be at a loss if he has acquaintances to guide him.

Unexpectedly, in order to avoid the wind and snow, they met Che Chen who was seriously injured and unconscious here.

Perhaps this is the will of the Buddha.

"This guy is in cherkesk, which makes me suffer a lot," said ah Yuqi.

This turned boguslav\'s worries into joy.

"It turns out that this is a man who has a grudge against Chechen like himself." bogusslav thought to himself.

With this in mind, boguslav touched the corners of his mouth and revealed a smile that he charmed countless noble girls in the French court and made the male nobles jealous.

"It was a misunderstanding. Ayyuchi Taiji." boguslav said.

Because he didn\'t know what title to use to call ah Yuqi, boguslav used the Taiji that kardanze called ah Yuqi just now.

"This damned aleval Chechen and I are also sworn enemies."

"Really?" ah Yuqi looked at Chechen, then looked at bogusslav, and smiled evil. "Shall I give him to you?"

Princess Louise Henriette didn\'t expect that things would go down so quickly. She hurriedly protected Cherchen behind her, and then raised her gun to aim at ah Yuqi. However, she was quick eyed and quick handed by gardanze zero, who knocked the pistol to the ground.

"Of course," boguslav replied: "I\'m Prince boguslav of the raziweu family. Your men haven\'t heard of my name, but I think you\'ve heard of it in Taiji. The raziweu family is a famous family in Lithuania and is extremely rich. You give these two people to me and you are friends of the raziweu family. Our raziweu family is the most kind to friends. I\'ve always been generous with money for friends 。”

"So you have a lot of money? How about bialvar? When I fought with him in Crimea, he was a bey." ah Yuqi asked deliberately.

Boguslav boasted: "the farms and real estate of the raziwiu family are all over Lithuania. We even have more fiefs than a German principality."

"That\'s great." ah Yuqi clapped his hands. "Then if I sell aleval to you, what price are you willing to pay?"

Boguslav was stunned. He didn\'t expect that the Tatar had talked about business with him.

Although boguslav is telling the truth, the raziwiu family does have so many assets, but these assets were either burned or fell into the hands of the Republic Army in the war. In order to support the army, he is already short of money.

But after a boast just now, if you take out a small sum of money, it will undoubtedly save your face and will be despised by these Tatars.

Boguslav shook his teeth and was ready to quote 10000 tales.

Before boguslav could speak, Princess Louise Henriette said first, "I\'ll give you 30000 tales. I\'m the wife of Frederick William, the elector, and the daughter of Prince orange. I mean what I say. Just don\'t hurt him."

Ah Yuqi tutted twice and seemed extremely satisfied with the price. He even gave the ointment to Louise Henriette again and asked him to apply it to Chechen.

Boguslav began to worry. He knew whether ah Yuqi was his friend or enemy. Now it all depends on the price given.

"Taiji, I\'ll give you 50000 tales." boguslav shouted urgently, "and it\'s on a horse. My territory is in myatailsk, which is very close to here. You go back with me, and I\'ll give you a lot of points."

In order to prevent Louise Henriette from being overweight, boguslav reminded ah Yuqi that both Louise Henriette\'s husband and his father are far away in konisburg and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Taking money is definitely not as convenient and fast as taking their own.

This seemed to change ah Yuqi\'s mind. He opened his arms and made a friendly gesture to bogusslav.

Boguslav laughed. Although hugging a Tatar seemed to boguslav to be out of his identity, he couldn\'t care now.

The two held each other. Boguslav felt that ah Yuqi\'s arms were tightly bound around him like an iron bar.

"Taiji, what are you doing?"

"Prince, now you should make a price for yourself." ah Yuqi said with a smile.