The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 59: 59, Rocky was arrested

Chapter 59 Chapter 59, Loki Arrested

  Rorschach exploded with 50% of his strength and punched Hulk.

  Feeling Rorschach\'s powerful oppressive force, even the berserk Hulk instinctively gave up attacking, but crossed his hands, trying to resist the punch from Rorschach.


   One punch fell.

   Rorschach\'s fist was like a small meteor falling, hitting Hulk\'s folded arms heavily.

   Only a crisp popping sound of \'click\' was heard.

  Hulk\'s thick arms collapsed, and his bones burst.

   "Ho... Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

   In mid-air, the bones of Hulk\'s arms were smashed by Rorschach\'s punch. He had just recovered some rational eyes, and was shrouded in boundless anger again.

  Rorschach could even hear Hulk\'s heart beating violently like a drum.


   Immediately afterwards, Hulk\'s veins burst out all over his body, and his shattered arms showed a faint tendency to swell. The bones returned to their original positions in an instant, and healed as before.

   "It seems that the MCU has always weakened you. The real Hulk is far more powerful than what is shown in the movie."

  Rorschach looked at the falling Hulk Hulk.

   Anger will indeed continuously strengthen his strength, but Rorschach is temporarily unsure whether the Hulk in front of him will be like the setting in the comics, the more angry the stronger, and there is no limit.

  You must know that in countless parallel universes, the probability of the Hulk Hulk becoming a disaster is far greater than that of becoming a hero.

   Such as Dark Hulk, War Hulk, Demon Hulk, Stellar Hulk that appeared in other universes...

  In contrast, Hulk, the Hulk in the MCU, is simply a harmless little sheep

   "The existence of the Hulk is an untimely bomb..."

   Rorschach flew towards Hulk.

  Currently, the safest solution to solve the Hulk is to let Banner stay in the gamma laboratory for 18 months, so that the two personalities of Banner and Hulk can be completely integrated.

   It\'s a blend of strength and intelligence.

  Compared to the power of uncertain factors like Hulk, what Rorschach hopes to get is Dr. Banner on the scientific research side.

  Thinking of this, Rorschach decided to quickly end this farce.

  Because Loki has left the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier and is flying in the direction of Stark Tower.

   Loki is going to activate the wormhole generator and summon the Chitauri army.

   It\'s time to capture Loki.

   Immediately, Rorschach quickly approached Hulk.

  Because he was still at a high altitude, Hulk lost control and kept falling, with veins bursting from anger all over his body, and he kept making terrifying roars.

   "Big man, you should go to bed!"

   Before he finished speaking, Rorschach stretched out his hand, grabbed Hulk\'s huge palm, and pulled it over violently.

  Catching the huge inertia of Hulk approaching, Rorschach swung his right fist again and punched Hulk in the head.


  He hit his head with a heavy fist, and Hulk\'s eyes were lost for a moment.

  However, before he could gather new anger, Rorschach\'s another punch had landed.


  Boom! Boom!

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Rorschach punched one after another, and each punch was powerful, forcibly holding the huge Hulk in mid-air.

  Hulk\'s figure swayed uncontrollably from side to side, and with every muffled sound, his body would sag deeply.

last blow.

  Rorschach turned his fist into an elbow, and threw an elbow at the back of Hulk\'s neck.


  The sound of the impact stopped abruptly, and this elbow directly made Hulk lose his sanity in both eyes. He closed his eyes unwillingly, and his body naturally fell downward, even shrinking continuously during the fall...

   Just before Dr. Banner, who returned to his normal human form, smashed straight to the ground, Rorschach quickly approached him and grabbed him.

  At this moment, Dr. Banner didn\'t have any injuries, but fell into a deep sleep.

  The transformation into Hulk broke Dr. Banner\'s clothes, so Dr. Banner who turned back to normal human form is still naked.

  Compared to handing Bruce Banner over to S.H.I.E.L.D., Rorschach felt it was safer to let him follow him.

  At least Rorschach will not abuse Hulk like S.H.I.E.L.D., causing Hulk\'s personality to dominate, and Rorschach can help Hulk physically calm down when Hulk loses control.

  Rorschach did not continue to stay, but sent Dr. Banner to the Osborne Group for temporary placement.

   After finishing all this, Rorschach once again used super speed and headed towards the Stark Industrial Building.


  The roof of the Stark Industrial Building.

  Loki, who left from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, arrived on the roof of the Stark Industrial Building in the first time on a Quin-jet fighter.

   "Why haven\'t you activated the wormhole yet? Don\'t tell me that there is a problem at this juncture. If I don\'t see the Chitauri\'s army within ten minutes, I will kill you!"

   Loki stepped off the Quin-jet fighter and walked towards Dr. Octopus, who was disguised as a researcher of S.H.I.E.L.D.

  Dr. Octopus is panicking now.

  Although there are special forces members of the Osborne Group around to protect him, Dr. Octopus still trusts his mechanical arm more.

   Unfortunately, in order to pretend to be a researcher of S.H.I.E.L.D., Rorschach did not allow Dr. Octopus to bring his robotic arm up.

  Seeing that the \'researcher\' has not answered his words, Loki raised his voice a few decibels angrily: "Tell me now, how long will it take to open the wormhole?"

   However, before the words fell, a power grid shrouded Loki\'s head.

   Just when Loki realized that the situation was wrong and wanted to cast magic, several flash bombs and shock bombs were thrown from all directions.

   bump bump...


  These flash bombs and shock bombs are specially made for the physique of the Asgardian protoss. The high-intensity light of the flash bombs can blind even the eyes of the frost giant Loki.

  The high-frequency blast bomb directly caused him to temporarily lose his hearing and sense of direction, like a deaf and blind disabled person, losing his ability to move.

   Immediately afterwards, the power grid covering Loki\'s body was activated, and a powerful electric current passed through Loki\'s body, causing him to twitch and foam at the mouth.

   "The target has been controlled, the anesthesia bomb is launched!"

  Osborne Group special forces members showed up one after another, the shield group covered the rear attack group kept approaching Loki, and the team members with sniper rifles directly fired a large dose of anesthesia bombs at Loki.

  Same as flashbang stun grenade.

  The anesthesia bombs they use are also specially prepared, one-tenth of the measurement can stun ten elephants.

  In an instant, dozens of needles of anesthesia bullets were fired in succession. Loki\'s face, arms, and body were all shot with special anesthesia bullets.

  After consecutive blindness and electric shocks, Loki still insisted on refusing to obediently fall into a coma.

   "You group of...damn... bugs, actually conspired against..."

  Before he finished speaking, Loki finally fell straight on his back, and the spiritual scepter in his hand fell to the ground.

  Until Loki completely lost the power to resist, Doctor Octopus turned around slowly, and took off the dark sunglasses and the special sound-proof cotton stuffed in his ears.

  Dr. Octopus looked up at the slowly descending figure in the sky, and questioned:

   "Mr. Rorschach, this is the end? Didn\'t you say that he is a god... how can there be such a weak god?"

  Brother Meng, the editor told me that there are so many great masters who have released new books recently, and there is a lot of pressure to recommend them. If Sanjiang is not ranked this week, it may be arranged for May Day. The author Jun wants to go to Sanjiang, wants to be promoted, and wants to continue to write free chapters for a few more weeks. The most important point is that there are not enough saved manuscripts on the shelves! So I beg you to collect and vote here! Ask for a recommendation ticket! Ask for a recommendation ticket! Already desperately writing and saving the manuscript, I am really saving it!



  (end of this chapter)