The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 58: 58. Destroy Armor

Chapter 58 58, Destroy Armor

"Otto, you are in charge of disguising the researchers of S.H.I.E.L.D., and study this wormhole generator here, but you have to be careful, this thing is closed now, if you activate it accidentally, there will be a A swarm of aliens came running."

  Rorschach said to Doctor Octopus seriously.

   Immediately, Rorschach looked at the Osborne Group special forces members who were following behind him, and continued to order: "You guys, hide around, and put on the clothes of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents by the way to protect Otto\'s safety."


  All the special forces members took orders one after another.

  Rorschach intends to sit here and wait for a rabbit. After Loki disrupts the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, he will return here immediately and activate the wormhole generator.

   At that time, Loki can be captured alive.

   "Mr. Rorschach, can I bring up my robotic arm and disassemble this device? It\'s hard for me to understand the logic of this thing just by looking at it..." Doctor Octopus asked.

  Dr. Octopus\'s mechanical arm has been modified by Rorschach, which improves the connection method of mental sensing, and is loaded into the Tianluo artificial intelligence system to transform it into a freely wearable model.

   "Don\'t be impatient, you will have time to study later. I also found a colleague for you to assist you in the study of the Rubik\'s Cube. He should be here soon." Rorschach said.

  The partner in his mouth is naturally Dr. Eric Savig who is in charge of helping S.H.I.E.L.D. to study the Rubik\'s Cube in the original plot.

  However, in this world, Dr. Savig is still in the western part of the United States, working with Jane Foster to detect and study the data of celestial bodies.

  Rorschach asked Norman to contact them after Loki arrived, and arranged a private plane to pick up Jane Foster and Dr. Shavig.

   After all, they have signed an employment agreement with Rorschach, and they must rush over when Rorschach needs them.

  Dr. Savage can assist in the study of the Rubik\'s Cube. As for Jane Foster, as the female Thor, she can play a certain role in the upcoming invasion of the Chitauri army.

  Rorschach does not intend to directly destroy the wormhole generator, on the contrary, Rorschach even intends to activate the wormhole generator at the right time and place, allowing the Chitauri to descend on the earth.

  The difference from the original plot is that the area where Rorschach intends to let the Chitauri descend is in the wilderness far away from the city.

  Of course, this is a later story.

   After telling Doctor Octopus what needs attention, Rorschach looked towards the sky.

  His gaze pierced the void, looking in the direction of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.

  I saw a green figure jumping onto a fighter jet. He waved his hands and tore the fighter jet to pieces.

  The fighter jet exploded in the air, and the green figure also lost its support and fell from a high altitude.

   Hulk Hulk!

   "Otto, you stay here and don\'t move around. I\'ll do something and I\'ll be back soon."

  Rorschach stepped forward and took off his suit jacket at the same time, revealing the miniature nuclear fusion reactor on his chest.

  This miniature nuclear fusion reactor is made into a logo similar to Superman, except that the letter on Rorschach\'s chest is not \'S\', but \'X\'.

  \'X\' is taken from the second initial of Rorschach\'s name, and the letter \'X\' also has unknown and infinite meanings.

  Pressing the miniature nuclear fusion reactor on his chest, accompanied by a surge of energy covering his whole body, pieces of black metal were unfolded, constantly entangled around Luo Xia\'s body like a swimming dragon.

  Consists of pieces of mail armor similar to Thor\'s suit.

   This is not the use of nanotechnology, but the extensibility property of the magic side of the Destroyer armor.

  Rorschach used the fragments of the Asgard weapon Destroyer armor to rebuild his own armor. During the forging process, Rorschach retained the self-recovery and ductility of the Destroyer armor.

  I knew earlier that the Destroyer Armor itself is a wearable armor that Odin built for himself to fight against the Celestial Group.

  Rorschach continued to supply energy to this set of armor, activated its magic attributes, and then reshaped this set of armor based on this, transforming it into a destructive armor suitable for him to wear.

   "Mr. Rorschach, what... what are you going to do?" Otto saw Rorschach wearing a black armor, and subconsciously connected him with Iron Man.

  Thought that Rorschach was also equipped with a technology similar to the steel suit.

   However, Rorschach\'s armor has an extra black cape than Iron Man.

  Rorschach didn\'t explain anything, just stepped out, the whole person jumped into the air, broke through the sound barrier suddenly, and flew towards the direction where the Hulk fell.

   "My God, why does Mr. Rorschach\'s battle armor have no propellers and can still fly? What kind of technology is this?" Doctor Octopus watched Rorschach disappear from his field of vision with a look of astonishment.

  New York, above a factory somewhere.

  A big green man fell from the sky and smashed straight towards the factory.

   Just as he was about to smash through the ceiling of the factory, another black figure pierced the sky like lightning and collided with the Hulk.


   There was a muffled sound, before the Hulk could react, Rorschach carried him directly and flew a long way.

  At this moment, the Hulk Hulk was still under the influence of the spiritual scepter, boundless anger rushed to his heart, roared and raised his fist, aiming at Rorschach\'s head and smashing it down fiercely.


   bang bang...

  The angry Hulk raised his fist and punched Rorschach a few times. Rorschach\'s head didn\'t move at all, but Hulk\'s fist hurt and let out roars.

  Rorschach raised his head, his gaze fell on Hulk who couldn\'t control his anger.

   "Since you can\'t calm yourself down, let me help you."

   Before he finished speaking, Rorschach punched Hulk in the face.


   Centering on Rorschach\'s fist and Hulk\'s right face, a circle of invisible shock waves suddenly spread out.

  Under one punch, Hulk\'s body seemed to have overcome the gravity of the earth, and flew towards the sky uncontrollably, flying higher and higher.

   Just before Hulk\'s huge body rose to an extreme height and was about to fall again, Rorschach followed closely, approached Hulk again, and punched out again.


  The same is the right face, under the two punches, Hulk\'s right face has been slightly deformed.

   You must know that Hulk\'s physical defense is extremely strong, even if he is bombarded by an intercontinental missile head-on, he may not be injured.

  However, under Luo Xia\'s two punches, his face bones actually showed some signs of collapse.

Hulk was punched by Rorschach and flew higher and higher. Below, Rorschach also continued to rise into the air, and the black cloak behind him was buzzing. It flies.


   Above the sky, Hulk\'s roar became more and more violent, and his anger had been burned to the extreme.

   Facing Rorschach\'s successive attacks, Hulk uttered a thunderous roar, clenched his hands above his head, facing Rorschach\'s direction, and slammed down with all his strength.

   Hulk Slash!


  In the sky, Rorschach\'s right fist and Hulk\'s hands collided heavily, and a strong wind swept across the world.

  The two sides seemed to be still, hovering in mid-air.

   "As expected of Hulk, he can block a punch with 20% of my power, so I can increase my power to 50% without worry."

  Rorschach\'s eyes flashed with excitement.

  Now 50% of the power is close to the peak combat power against Odin when the Kryptonian blood is not fully integrated.

  Rorschach unlocked the complete Kryptonian bloodline, and with the help of controllable nuclear fusion technology, he created an environment for himself that was like continuously absorbing yellow sunlight. His power ushered in a new explosive period.

  An inexplicable sense of oppression descended suddenly, Hulk\'s angry eyes froze slightly, and a coldness shot straight from the tailbone to the sky.

  His heart trembled slightly, and most of the anger in his eyes was extinguished in an instant.

  I saw the body of the young man in front of him hovering in the air, his right fist was slowly retracted, like a fully drawn bow and arrow, ready to go.

  (end of this chapter)