The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 60: 60, Aegis changed hands

Chapter 60 60, Aegis changed hands

   "Loki is just a character in mythology. Compared with humans on Earth, he has a longer lifespan. You can completely regard him as a long-lived alien."

   Rorschach\'s figure fell back to the top floor of the Stark Industrial Building. He came to recover the spiritual scepter.

  Picking up the mind scepter inlaid with the mind gem next to Loki, counting the cosmic cube in the wormhole generator, which is the space gem, Rorschach has two infinite gems at once.

   At this time, Rorschach looked at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.

  Before Loki left the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, he not only tricked Thor into a special cell, but threw it directly from the sky.

   Even backstabbed and killed Acting Director Phil Coulson.

  Loki has always regarded himself as a god. To him, people on earth are just a group of ants. Therefore, killing Phil Coulson is as insignificant as trampling an ant to death.

  However, Coulson\'s death directly wiped out Loki\'s previous efforts.

  In the original plot, it was because of Coulson\'s death that all the team members let go of their prejudices and united together to resist the threat of the Chitauri army.

In this world, Sitwell, taking advantage of Coulson\'s imminent death, immediately injected him with a physical strengthening potion, which temporarily suspended his life, and once again united with the senators to challenge Nick Fury. impeachment proceedings.

  Whether it is the World Security Council or the high-level U.S. federal government, this impeachment procedure has been passed.

  Although those senators who supported Nick Fury still stubbornly defended Nick Fury, trying to transfer the contradiction to Rocky.

   There can be one incident after another, and S.H.I.E.L.D. suffered heavy losses. The root cause of all this is the lack of Nick Fury\'s ability.

   This time, the World Security Council also lost confidence in Nick Fury.

"In just a few days, S.H.I.E.L.D. not only lost the Rubik\'s Cube, but also lost too many excellent agents. All this shows that Nick Fury has no ability to continue to serve as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. job!"

  This statement, even President Okankai, cannot refute it, because it is the truth.

  He really wanted to say that he would give Nick Fury and the Avengers another chance to make up for their mistakes, but when Ao Guanhai saw the outraged expressions of the military and several senators, he swallowed it abruptly.

  In the end, under the proposal of Senator Hydra, Sitwell was appointed on the verge of death to act as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

   It is said to be a temporary representative, but everyone knows that if Sitwell perfectly recovers the Rubik\'s Cube and solves a series of problems caused by Loki, then this temporary representative will become an official appointment.

   And those senators who support Nick Fury can only delude themselves and hope that Sitwell will make a fool of himself.

  As long as Sitwell does not do as well as Nick Fury, they will immediately launch a counterattack and once again support Nick Fury to power.

   SHIELD, Helicarrier.

  Sitwell, holding an emergency appointment letter, came to the bridge of the Helicarrier.

   "From now on, the control of the Helicarrier is handed over to me. Nick Fury, Agent Hill, can go back to the headquarters to rest for a while."

  Looking at Sitwell and Rumlow and the others, Agent Hill was very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

  Nick Fury has been silent since the beginning. It took a long time before he turned his head, looked at Sitwell, and asked slowly: "How is Coulson now?"

   "Although the physical enhancement potion hanged his life, the penetrating injury caused by Loki\'s backstab caused serious damage to his internal organs and he lost a lot of blood. The medical department at the headquarters is doing its best to rescue him." Sitwell replied.

  Physical enhancement potions can only increase various attributes, but cannot bring the dead back to life.

  Even if it is a super soldier, if it is too seriously injured, it will die.

   Rescuing Coulson was also instructed by Rorschach.

   This trick is purely to buy people\'s hearts and build a good reputation.

   After all, Nick Fury has been in power for many years and has many loyal agents under him. If Sitwell is airborne like this, it will definitely cause resistance from many agents.

   Therefore, Rorschach arranged for Sitwell to treat Coulson in order to let him win the hearts of the people, secure the position of director, and reduce unnecessary troubles.

After listening to Sitwell\'s words, Nick Fury took a deep breath and waved to Hill and others: "Give over the authority of the Helicarrier to Director Sitwell, I\'m going to see Coulson."

  Nick Fury spoke, Agent Hill and others could only obey obediently.

   Under Sitwell\'s signal, Rumlow and the Hydra took over the S.H.I.E.L.D.\'s Helicarrier.

  Sitwell watched the people under him gradually replace the core members of Nick Fury, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   "Sitwell, if you need my help, you can always find me." Nick Fury promised Sitwell before leaving.

   Perhaps it was because Sitwell rescued Coulson in time, and Nick Fury didn\'t want to owe the other party favors. Coupled with the recent successive blows, Nick Fury felt a little shaken in his heart.

   Could it be that I am really not suitable to be a leader?

  Nick Fury left the Helicarrier, but he did not take several members of the Avengers.

  Black Widow is in the medical room, helping Hawkeye Barton out of Loki\'s control.

Iron Man Tony Stark, depending on the situation, is ready to sneak away. Originally, he was recruited by Nick Fury playing the paternal relationship card as a temporary consultant, but now that Nick Fury has fallen, Tony- Stark has completely lost confidence in the Avengers.

  As for Captain America and Agent Carter, they are not in a hurry to leave.

  Captain America walked to the bridge of the Helicarrier, first nodded to Crossbones Rumlow, then faced Sitwell, and said: "Director Sitwell, about those energy weapons..."

Sitwell interrupted Captain America, and he said: "Captain, I originally wanted to find you, and now I just want to talk about this matter. Regarding the Hydra energy weapons researched by Nick Fury, I would like to ask you And Chief Carter, destroy them all."

   "Destroy all?"

   Captain America was a little surprised. He originally reminded Sitwell about energy weapons.

  He believes that the energy weapons developed by using the Rubik\'s Cube are too powerful. Perhaps these energy weapons can be used to deal with the upcoming Chitauri army, but their safety is still open to question.

   "Yes, destroy them all, Captain, you don\'t think we will use Hydra weapons?" Sitwell asked back.

   These words can\'t directly punish Captain America.

   Without waiting for Captain America to answer, Sitwell continued: "Captain, please rest assured that even if we regain the Rubik\'s Cube in the future, we will not use it to develop any lethal weapons. The Rubik\'s Cube is beyond our control."

   This is what Sitwell said in his heart. Mortals cannot control the power of the Rubik\'s Cube, only gods can!

   And the only **** in his eyes is Rorschach!

  Dedicated the Rubik\'s Cube to the gods, how can they use it to study lethal weapons?

   There is nothing wrong with that!

  Sitwell\'s words were so decisive and forceful that Captain America suddenly felt that the little bald man in front of him was particularly pleasing to the eye.

  (end of this chapter)