The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 48: 48, announced

Chapter 48, 48, announced

  One thirty in the morning.

  Osborne Group officially released a message.

   Announced that the Osborne Group Arctic expedition team found the war hero 70 years ago, Captain America Steve Rogers, in the glacier.

   And attached photos and high-definition videos of Steve Rogers receiving treatment in the medical room marked with the Osborne Group logo.

  As soon as this news came out, it instantly detonated the entire US federal network.

   "As we all know, videos cannot be P, so they are special effects. The Osborne Group must have added special effects to the video!"

   "Is there a possibility, I mean is it possible that that person is actually an actor who looks more like Captain America."

   "To be reasonable, I have reason to suspect that such a large pectoral muscle is silicone, unless you let me touch it!"


   Just when all the netizens were forced to stay up late to eat melons, the Osborne Group announced that it would hold a press conference at nine in the morning, and invited some media friends to enter the Osborne Group to watch Captain America\'s treatment process.

  But all personnel must abide by the rules and must not disturb the sleeping captain.


   Nick Fury just fell asleep after a busy day.

  Because Rorschach created the relationship of new elements in advance, when Tony was dying of palladium poisoning, Nick Fury was not able to stage the scene of sending charcoal in the snow.

  Because of this, Tony Stark replied directly to SHIELD\'s solicitation: "You can\'t afford me."

   Then, there is no more.

  This can make the black stewed eggs worry about it.

  He didn\'t expect that forming the Avengers Alliance would be so difficult. Except for Hawkeye and Black Widow, none of the other people on the list could be recruited.

   Tony is the third person on the list.

  The fourth candidate is Spider-Man, a friendly neighbor who has recently been active in Queens, New York. S.H.I.E.L.D. identified the other party very early.

  After Tony rejected Nick Fury\'s recruitment, he took another opportunity to find Peter Parker himself and invited him to join the Avengers.

  Peter Parker was very excited and even asked a lot of questions.

   Just when Nick Fury thought there was something going on, Peter ruthlessly rejected Nick Fury\'s invitation again.

   "Sorry, I\'m only a high school student, so I can\'t join your Avengers."

   Continuous bumps into obstacles made Nick Fury very upset.

  In the past few days, the number of times "Mare Fake" has been said is several times higher than before.

   It’s okay to be unhappy, the members of the Avengers have to continue to recruit, otherwise Black Widow and Hawkeye alone can’t support the cards at all!

   On the list, the fifth candidate is Bruce Banner.

  Since the Hulk and the abomination fought in New York, SHIELD has been monitoring Banner\'s whereabouts, and when necessary, SHIELD will go to recruit him.

  The sixth and last candidate is Captain America Steve Rogers, who drove the Hydra plane into the Arctic ice 70 years ago.

  Due to the harsh conditions of the Arctic glaciers, there is a lack of effective detection tools.

   So finding Captain America was put last.

As for Iron Man Tony Stark, Nick Fury still didn\'t want to give up. If he couldn\'t, he would use his friendship with Howard Stark. For Tony\'s sake, this big nephew should give some face.

  After all, Nick Fury is still counting on Iron Man\'s technology to find the whereabouts of Captain America.

   At this moment, Agent Phil Coulson knocked on Nick Fury\'s door.

   "Director, Director, something is wrong!" Coulson shouted loudly outside the door.

  Nick Fury looked like he wanted to kill someone. He sat up from the bed, wearing a Hello Kitty nightcap on his head, and walked towards the door impatiently.

   "Colson, you better have something very important, otherwise the consequences will be very serious." Nick Fury opened the door and said to Coulson.

   "It must be a big event, very important, it\'s about Captain America, he was dug out of the glacier!" Coulson said the key point succinctly.

  As soon as he heard that it was Captain America, Nick Fury was not sleepy at the time.

  The originally decadent old face was instantly radiant, and both eyes were like hungry wolves seeing a beautiful woman, shining with excitement: "Captain America has been discovered, my God, where is he now, and who discovered him?"

   "It\'s the Osborn Group. Captain America is in the Osborn Group\'s medical room right now." Coulson answered truthfully.

  Nick Fury\'s smile condensed on his face.

  He was stunned for a long time, and then the corners of his mouth twitched, his complexion became darker, and he couldn\'t help but swear: "Mommy Falk... The Osborne Group, it\'s Rorschach, it must be Rorschach again..."

  Nick Fury had no choice but to discover that now whenever S.H.I.E.L.D. conducts an in-depth investigation of a special event, there must be Rorschach behind it.

   Once or twice, it can be regarded as a coincidence.

   But the strange thing is that it is him every time!

After calming down for a moment, Nick Fury looked at Coulson with sharp eyes, "Go and say hello to Fobole, let them lend us the identity of Fobole, and bring a commando, I\'m going The Osborn Group wants Captain America back."

  It is reasonable to use Fobole\'s identity to interfere in such incidents.

   But Coulson looked helpless: "Director, are you serious? Are you sure you want someone from the Osborne Group, shouldn\'t you call an army?"

  Since at the Stark Industries Technology Expo, the super soldiers of the Osborne Group fought against the unmanned steel soldiers of Hammer Industries.

  The impression of the Osborne Group in people\'s minds has changed from a biotechnology company to a superhuman training camp.

  Are you sure that a team of fully armed mortal agents can threaten a group of super soldiers who have been injected with physical enhancement potions, equipped with individual tactical backpacks, and beat steel robots like a father beat a son?

   Tease me!

  Nick Fury fell silent again.

  In fact, Nick Fury had already purchased a batch of physical enhancement potions and individual tactical backpacks for the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

  The contract was signed and the deposit was paid, but the Osborne Group just didn\'t deliver the goods.

  The reason is that there are too many orders and the production line is overloaded. The contract specifically states that the delivery time depends on the operating status of the Osborne Group\'s production line. If the buyer is not satisfied, he can unilaterally terminate the contract.

  Belongs to the typical love to buy, buy, not to buy!

  This is very annoying.

  But on second thought...

   "Yes, the army! Coulson, you are so smart!"

  Nick Fury suddenly thought that Captain America used to be a soldier, so he could call a few military leaders to negotiate this matter with the Osborne Group.

   After all, Nick Fury has been the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. for so many years, so he still has some contacts and face.

at the same time.

Tony Stark, who is still designing the new-generation Mark 7 flight cabin armor, saw the news that Captain America was unearthed popping up on the computer light screen, he just paused for a few seconds, then closed the news casually, and continued to concentrate Adjusted the blueprints of Mark 7.

  Queens, New York.

  Spider-Man Peter Parker, who has just stopped a robbery, is swaying his spider silk, shuttling through the urban area of ​​New York with many high-rise buildings.

   At this time, the mobile phone in the pocket vibrated non-stop.

  He immediately switched to swinging the spider silk with one hand, and took out the phone from the spider uniform with the other hand, and opened it.

  It is densely packed with news about Captain America.

   "Watt... The Osborne Group found Captain America on the Arctic glacier... I said that Mr. Rorschach disappeared suddenly for a month. It turned out that he went to the North Pole!"

  Little Peter was about to call it a day and go home, but when he saw the news, he immediately turned around and headed straight for the Osborne Building.

  (end of this chapter)