The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 49: 49. Kryptonian Bloodlines

Chapter 49 49, Kryptonian Bloodlines

  The Osborne Group released the news about Captain America, countless people stayed up all night to eat melons, and the media people also received overtime notices, so they must hurry up to catch up on this hot news.

   Rorschach stood on top of the Statue of Liberty, looking down.

  Although it is already four o\'clock in the morning, the sun has just risen.

  The city streets below are still full of people coming and going.

  Some people haven’t slept yet, while others have woken up from sleep, chasing their dreams on the basketball court in the face of the rising sun.

   A ray of sunlight shone, reflecting on Luo Xia\'s handsome face.

  He raised his head and looked at the sun in the sky.

   This is the sun at four o\'clock in the morning.

   "Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the third stage of the exclusive mission, \'X-ray vision\', the host\'s eyes have gained the ability to see through objects like X-rays!"

  Hearing the system\'s prompt tone, Rorschach finally obtained the ability of the seventh Kryptonian.

   And these seven abilities can be upgraded to a complete Kryptonian bloodline!

  Rorschach consciousness enters the system interface.

  Character attributes:

   Strength: SSS

  Spirit: SS

  Physical resistance: SSS+

  Magic resistance: S

  Skills: Man of Steel, Super Strength, Super Brain, Super Speed ​​Flight, Thermal Vision, Freezing Breath, X-Ray Vision (Have obtained seven Kryptonian abilities, can be upgraded to full Kryptonian blood)

  Note: The default Kryptonian bloodline template: Al family.

  Mission Points: 251632

   "Ding, the host has collected seven exclusive skills of Kryptonian blood, which can be upgraded to a complete Kryptonian blood. Do you want to upgrade?"


   Following the orders in Rorschach\'s consciousness.

  In an instant, his various senses seemed to be magnified countless times.

  Rorschach can take a panoramic view of everything in New York City with just one glance, and even see through every building, every room, and the beating of every person\'s heart.

  Countless voices rushed into Rorschach\'s mind like a torrent of information.

  As far away as the roar of planes coming and going above the sky, as close as the sound of small conversations, footsteps, and even breathing of pedestrians in the city below...

  Rorschach closed his eyes, and his super brain was used to the extreme.

  He is like writing a set of algorithms, allowing his brain to automatically identify and eliminate useless information.

  When Rorschach opened his eyes again, everything seemed to be back to the way it was before.

   "Is this the power of a complete Kryptonian bloodline?"

  Rorschach doesn\'t know his Kryptonian bloodline and his position in the Kryptonian gene pool, but the system has always been relatively reliable, and Rorschach feels that it should be at least similar to the level of the Al family.

   Sure enough, Rorschach entered the system interface again.

   His character attribute list has changed a bit.

  Character attributes:

   Lineage: Kryptonian Lineage

  Level: LV4

   Additional attributes: none

   Skills: Man of Steel, Bio-Force Field, Super Strength, Super Speed...

  Mission Points: 259632

  The original thinking attributes such as strength were cancelled, and replaced by the level of Kryptonian blood.

  According to the system\'s division of Kryptonian bloodline gene sequences.

   There are five levels in total.

   are civilians, soldiers, elite fighters, scientists, and generals.

  In addition to this, there is also the existence of \'unlimited potential\' that exceeds the limit of Krypton\'s genetic engineering level.

  Superman\'s family is at the fourth level, which is the level of scientists, and it is also the level of Rorschach today.

   Going up to the fifth general level, it has almost reached the limit that Kryptonian genetic cultivation can achieve.

   In order to break through the inherent fifth level of Kryptonian blood and enter the sixth level of unlimited potential, one needs to obtain the full sequence of Kryptonian genes, that is, to integrate the code of life just like Superman.

   It is impossible to upgrade the Kryptonian lineage just by basking in the sun. There is no previous version of Kryptonian who can evolve into a golden superman by basking in the sun for a few more years.

   This is all for later.

  Rorschach took a deep breath, and slowly raised his hands, a powerful and gentle invisible force gradually spread throughout his body.

   This force is the biological force field exclusive to Kryptonians.

  Although Rorschach was able to display a biological force field before, but because of the incomplete Kryptonian bloodline, the previous biological forcefield was relatively weak. Now that Rorschach has obtained a complete Kryptonian bloodline, he can naturally display a real biological force field.

  The so-called biological force field is a unique biological energy possessed by Kryptonians.

The main purpose is to protect the people around them from the powerful Kryptonians. The most intuitive point is that when Superman and his girlfriend Louise are making out, if there is no biological force field protection, if Superman fails to control his strength, Lu Louise would be smashed to pieces on the spot.

   With the protection of the biological force field, this situation will not happen.


   At nine o\'clock, the Osborne Group\'s press conference was held as scheduled.

  Norman Osborn, on behalf of the Osborn Group, vividly expressed a series of difficulties and dangers they encountered from exploration to discovery of Captain America.

   But the Osborne Group never gave up.

  Based on the principle that there is no difficulty, but there is difficulty to solve the difficulty, and overcome all difficulties, and finally found the superhero of World War II, Captain America Steve Rogers in the Arctic ice.

   There was thunderous applause for a moment.

   Obviously, Captain America has a very high status in the hearts of the people. Many people grew up listening to the story of Captain America. His heroic deeds have inspired generations after generations.

   In fact, this is indeed the case. Captain America can be said to be a spiritual symbol.

In the Marvel universe, the victory of World War II, in addition to Captain America’s defeat of the Red Skull’s plot, was more due to the fact that Captain America toured various places, allowing the public to see the hope of victory in the war, and directly helped the United States sell a lot of national debt.

  The so-called cannon fire, ten thousand taels of gold.

   To put it bluntly, fighting a war is playing money.

  When the economic lead was transformed into the lead in equipment, the situation of winning World War II was finally established.

   After more than seventy years, the influence of Captain America has once again been reflected.

  At the press conference, Norman\'s speech directly caused the stock of Osborne Group to soar again.

  Before the Osborne Group annexed Hammer Industries, coupled with the strong support of the military, the valuation of the Osborne Group has been on par with Stark Industries.

  After today\'s press conference, the Osborne Group surpassed Stark Industries for the first time.

   And according to this momentum, unless there is any good news from Stark Industries in the future, it will be impossible to curb the rise of the Osborne Group.


   Osborne Group, Medical District Corridor.

  Harry took advantage of the company\'s privileges to directly take Peter Parker and Mary Jane to visit Captain America\'s treatment.

   "Mr. Luo Xia, do you think Captain America will wake up suddenly? If he wakes up suddenly, how do you plan to explain to him that he has been asleep for more than 70 years?"

   This is already the hundredth question Peter has asked about Captain America.

   "Currently Captain America\'s physical functions have fully recovered, and it is estimated that he will fully wake up soon."

Luo Xia still patiently explained to him: "As for him waking up... you can rest assured, we have specially decorated an area for him in the 18th floor of the company according to the style of 70 years ago, and designed the corresponding script , let Captain America get used to it first, by the way, we are recruiting extras for this script, are you interested..."

  Retro architecture still needs to be done.

  Although there is no soft use, with the vigilance of Captain America, even if the best actor in the world is invited over, it is impossible to hide it from the other party.

  Rorschach believes that it is much better to give Captain America a buffer time before telling him the truth than to just say \'Hey, Captain, welcome to the 21st century\'.

  Hearing about the recruitment of extras for the script, the three of Peter were all interested and expressed their desire to participate.

  (end of this chapter)