The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 47: 47, the American team was unearthed

Chapter 47 47, Captain America unearthed

   "We have caught a big one!"

  The sailor turned the power of the crane to the maximum, but he failed to pull up the fishing net as he wished.

   Not only that, but the entire ship also tilted significantly because of this.

   "No, the fishing net must be cut quickly, otherwise the boat will capsize, and we will have to explain here at that time!" The first officer drew out a short knife and was about to cut the rope of the fishing net.

   Just then, a figure appeared among the sailors.

  I saw the man put one hand in his pocket, stretched out the other hand, grabbed the rope of the fishing net, and then lifted it upward lightly.

  The fishing net, which could not be hoisted by a crane, was thrown up by the young man with one hand.

  The huge fishing net seemed to have received a huge traction force, rushed out of the water, drew an arc in the sky, and landed on the fishing boat.

  The fishing boat was heavy, and the hull sank suddenly.

   Waited until everyone stood still before seeing clearly what was in the fishing net.

  It was a very huge iron lump, which seemed to be the wing of an airplane.

"what is this…"

   " did you hold it up?"

  At this time, everyone on the boat looked at Rorschach.

  Rorschach shrugged, did not answer the crew\'s questions, but continued to look towards the sea.

   There were a lot of aircraft wreckage scattered nearby. After careful inspection, Rorschach was basically sure that it was the Hydra fighter that Captain America crashed into the glacier seventy years ago.

   "Captain, the storm is coming, you go back first!" Rorschach knew very well that since the parts of the plane had been found, it meant that Captain America must be in the nearby waters.

   At this time, Rorschach subconsciously glanced at the system interface.

  Character attributes:

   Strength: SSS

  Spirit: SS

  Physical resistance: SSS+

  Magic resistance: S

  Skills: Man of Steel, Super Strength, Super Brain, Super Speed ​​Flight, Thermal Vision, Freezing Breath (After obtaining seven Kryptonian abilities, you can upgrade to Kryptonian blood, upgrade progress 6/7)

  Note: The default Kryptonian bloodline template: Al family.

  Mission Points: 251632

mission Board:

  Exclusive mission Phase 3 (Frozen Breath): To learn the Kryptonian’s frozen breath, the host must live in the North Pole for a month, feel the cold temperature, and breathe the cold air.

  Mission progress: 30/30

Exclusive mission stage 3 (X-ray vision): The Kryptonian’s eyes can see through most objects. If the host stares at an object for more than ten minutes, he will gain perspective ability for a short time. After activating the ability to see through 5,000 times, he can gain permanent vision. X-ray vision. (Note: Objects that Kryptonians cannot see through, such as lead and magic barriers, will not trigger the X-ray vision effect.)

  Mission progress: 4909/5000

   The mission of freezing breath in the third stage has been completed. After all, this mission is the simplest, and it only needs to stay in the North Pole for a month.

  The \'X-ray vision\' is a little more cumbersome, and there is still a little bit left for the task of Rorschach\'s liver day and night.

   As long as you activate the perspective ability ninety-one times, you can complete the task of \'x-ray vision\'.

   Just continue the liver for about a day.

  Until this moment, Rorschach finally felt that he was so close to complete Kryptonian blood.

  Rorschach jumped onto the fence of the ship lightly, this action startled the captain.

   "Big patron...I mean, Mr. Rorschach, what are you doing? We\'re going back, what about you?"

   "Don\'t worry about me, go back early."

  Rorschach waved at the crew, and regardless of what they thought, he jumped straight into the sea.

  In the icy sea water, Rorschach\'s eyes activated their perspective ability again.

  X-ray vision scanned the surrounding sea area, and finally saw the other half of the plane in a seabed river.

   "Finally found you, Captain America."

  Rorschach accelerated on the spot, used his flying ability to come to the front of the glacier, then closed his eyes tightly, and when he opened them again, they were all red.


  The surrounding sea water instantly boiled, and Rorschach shot two scarlet rays from his eyes, directly piercing through the glacier in front of him, completely cutting out half of the plane inside.


  Tonight, Norman Osborn was awakened from his sleep by a phone call.

  He was about to get mad, he picked up the phone and saw that the name on the caller ID was... Rorschach.

  Twenty minutes later, Norman Osborn appeared at the Osborne Group Building, and with him came the top private medical team in New York.

  In the corridor of the medical area, Norman Osborn stared at the man lying on the hospital bed in the intensive care unit with complicated eyes.

  I saw that man with a handsome face, wearing a Star-Spangled Banner combat uniform, and his well-developed muscles almost tore through the clothes. This man is not Captain America Steve Rogers, who else could it be.

   After Captain America was dug out of the glacier by Rorschach, only a layer of ice was left to protect him.

  Rorschach flew back to New York from the North Pole overnight, and then asked Norman to summon a top medical team to thaw Captain America.

Freezing resuscitation has always been a difficult problem in the medical field, and there are very few successful cases. However, Captain America has been strengthened by super soldier serum, and his physique is far superior to that of ordinary people. Even after seventy years of freezing under the glacier, after a series of thawing treatments, he His vital signs gradually recovered.

   It\'s just that he hasn\'t regained consciousness yet and needs continuous observation and treatment.

"So, Mr. Rorschach, you went to the North Pole, and then dug up Captain America?" Norman once thought about what Rorschach did when he went out, but among all the guesses, it is absolutely impossible to have \'go Dig Captain America\' for this option.

   "We can\'t let a hero sleep in the glacier forever." Rorschach said a high-sounding sentence.

  Norman was convinced of this. He looked at Captain America who was still sleeping for a while, and asked, "Mr. Rorschach, can we disclose Captain America\'s information? Or should we hide it?"

   "No need to hide, and unless you want to imprison him." Rorschach replied.

"I have an idea, Mr. Rorschach, in today\'s era, the symbolic meaning represented by Captain America is higher than the actual value. If we can make him the spokesperson of the Osborne Group, it will undoubtedly open up a wider market for us. "Norman said with a tone of expectation.

  Think about the time when the U.S. Federation relied on Captain America’s performances to sell national bonds. Although there are certain particularities of the times, the influence of Captain America is still very far-reaching today.

  Now, with the assistance of Rorschach, the Osborne Group has successfully developed the perfect physical enhancement medicine.

  It is already possible to mass produce super soldiers.

   Therefore, the strategic significance of Captain America is greatly reduced, and even a non-commissioned officer-level Terminator robot has surpassed Captain America in terms of combat power on paper.

  Norman is a businessman after all, and he values ​​the commercial value that Captain America can bring to the company, or to Rorschach.

  Rorschach was noncommittal about this: "I have no objection to letting Captain America become our spokesperson, but he is willing in advance."

   "You saved him, Mr. Rorschach, and we will give him top-notch medical conditions and the best psychological medical team. I will try my best to integrate him into this world." Norman said confidently.

   "Norman, you can make up your own mind."

   Rorschach handed Captain America over to Norman Osborn to take care of him, and he went back to continue liver \'X-ray vision\'.

   It is only a few hours away from collecting the exclusive skills of the seven Kryptonian bloodlines. When the seventh ability is obtained, Rorschach will be able to integrate the complete Kryptonian bloodline.

  The complete Kryptonian bloodline is finally available!

  (end of this chapter)