The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 43: 43, the third stage

Chapter 43 Chapter 43, Stage Three

  For the \'Terminator Project\' and \'Tianluo Project\'.

  These two plans may be completed by Rorschach with the help of the current financial resources of the Osborne Group, and the third plan requires the cooperation of the entire United States federal state machine and even multiple powerful countries.

   That is to build a powerful space fleet.

  Of course, with the current technological level of the earth, it is far from reaching the level of building a space fleet.

  Rorschach is not in a hurry now, anyway, the Chitauri will send a batch of biological battleship technology over in the near future, and in a few years, the dark elves will also send their mythical side technology battleships.

   These are good people!

   Like the Sovereigns and Crees in the universe, they also have space battleship technology far surpassing the earth\'s technology, and they are all objects of friendly communication.

   Let them hand over their technology and help the earth, which can save the earth\'s technology from detours for hundreds of years.


   While Rorschach and Norman were inspecting the Iron Soldiers production line.

   SHIELD Headquarters.

  Facing the work report of the Black Widow, Nick Fury asked: "So, what is your final evaluation of recruiting Tony Stark into the Avengers?"

   "I agree with Iron Man joining us, but I reject Tony Stark\'s joining." Black Widow said an answer that surprised Nick Fury.

   "I think I understand what you mean, Natasha, let alone Tony, as far as this incident is concerned, what kind of role do you think the Osborne Group is playing?"

  Nick Fury is already eyeing the Osborne Group and Rorschach.

  Before sending Sharon Carter undercover to Stark Industries, he became Rorschach\'s personal assistant.

  Most people would not refuse such a beautiful personal assistant, but Rorschach didn\'t seem to take Sharon seriously at all.

   Later, Sharon Carter and Phil Coulson were transferred to New Mexico to investigate the astronomical energy anomaly and what Rorschach did there, but there is still no clue.

  Even the agents of Nick Furian in the city\'s high school of science and technology and the Osborne Group returned without success.

   "Director Fury, you should be very clear that there is a shadow of a person in all the incidents, and that is Rorschach..."

When the Black Widow talked about Rorschach, there was a strong interest in her eyes, "If one or two times can be called a coincidence, but if all the coincidences come together, it is not a coincidence, but a kind of necessity. Let me just say the conclusion. Rorschach must have some secrets that we don\'t know about."

   "Yes, we need to know more about this person, Natasha, if you are allowed to approach him, can you find out his secrets?" Nick Fury asked seriously.

  Black Widow did not answer directly, but was silent for a moment before slowly speaking:

   "He already knows me. After all, we have had contact in Stark Industries. Director, if Tony Stark successfully joins us, maybe you can ask Tony to talk to him." Black Widow suggested.

  Nick Fury touched his chin and replied: "Try not to let too many people know about our existence, but I will seriously consider your suggestion."


  Osborne Group, the production base of the first-generation private-level \'Terminator\'.

  Private-level Terminator production base mainly transformed the original steel soldier production line of Hammer Industries.

  Rorschach optimized the design drawings of the Iron Soldier. Without increasing the cost, he improved the power unit of the Iron Soldier and optimized the selection of materials.

   This makes the soldier-level terminator much better than Hammer Industries\' steel soldiers in terms of combat attributes such as mobility and defense.

   After more than a month, Rorschach was working at the Terminator production base, adjusting various parameters of the private-level Terminator by the way.

   This is called excellence.

   A flash of sparks flashed, and Rorschach put down the welding torch in his hand.

   Another private Terminator arm was welded.

  Rorschach rubbed his sore eyes. After such a long time of 007 high-intensity welding work, even the Man of Steel will inevitably experience mental fatigue.

   At this moment, a familiar electronic sound suddenly came from Luo Xia\'s mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the second stage of the exclusive mission, \'thermal vision\', the host can use both eyes to shoot out a red high-temperature beam converted from the solar energy stored in the body, and the power and range can be adjusted. This skill grows with the host\'s own strength , the temperature of thermal vision can even exceed the core temperature of the sun."

  This mission is finally completed? !

  Hearing the system\'s notification tone, Rorschach was extremely excited.

  Finally no need to touch the welding torch!

  In order to do this task, Rorschach welded a total of 10,000 items!

   Fortunately, the system can judge a single item in a wide range. As long as Rorschach welds a complete weld, it will be regarded as an item.

  System interface, character attributes:

   Strength: SSS

  Spirit: SS

  Physical resistance: SSS+

  Magic resistance: S

  Skills: Man of Steel, Super Strength, Super Brain, Super Speed ​​Flight, Thermal Vision (After obtaining seven Kryptonian abilities, you can upgrade to Kryptonian blood, upgrade progress 5/7)

  Note: The default Kryptonian bloodline template: Al family.

  Mission Points: 202217

  Originally, there were only more than 190,000 points. After solving Sangbian, Rorschach\'s total points reached 210,000 at the highest point.

  But later Rorschach exchanged some super artificial intelligence related materials and books.

  These books are things that do not exist on Earth. For Earth, they are in the category of black technology. Therefore, it costs Rorschach more than 10,000 points just to exchange similar books and materials.

  But thinking about it is still very cost-effective. After all, if you directly exchange for super artificial intelligence, you need about one million.

   Anyway, Rorschach has a super brain, so he can do it himself.

  Look at the system taskbar.

  The task bar has been refreshed with the third-stage task, but the two tasks still appear together.

   Now that Rorschach has unlocked five Kryptonian skills, as long as he completes the third phase of the mission, he can merge into a complete Kryptonian bloodline!

mission Board:

  Exclusive mission Phase 3 (Frozen Breath): To learn the Kryptonian’s frozen breath, the host must live in the North Pole for a month, feel the cold temperature, and breathe the cold air.

  Mission progress: 0/30

Exclusive mission stage 3 (X-ray vision): The Kryptonian’s eyes can see through most objects. If the host stares at an object for more than ten minutes, he will gain perspective ability for a short time. After activating the ability to see through 5,000 times, he can gain permanent vision. X-ray vision. (Note: Objects that Kryptonians cannot see through, such as lead and magic barriers, will not trigger the X-ray vision effect.)

  Mission progress: 0/5000

"What do these two missions mean...the North Pole and the X-ray vision. This is implying me... No, this is already explicit. The system wants me to go to the North Pole to dig out Captain America. You just send Isn\'t it a mission?"

  Rorschach was a little speechless.

  However, it doesn’t matter if there is no separate mission. According to the normal timeline, it is estimated that Captain America will still be unearthed within a year.

   Now I go to the North Pole to dig him out, and I will be rewarded with some daily points.

  Rorschach immediately decided to arrange the affairs at hand first, and then go to the North Pole to complete the third phase of the task, and dig out Captain America by the way.

  After the decision, Rorschach plans to experience the task of \'X-ray vision\' in advance.

   As long as you stare at an object for more than ten minutes, you can gain perspective for a short time...

  Rorschach subconsciously looked towards the front desk of the production base.

  The front desk has just replaced two young and beautiful girls with very good figures.


  (end of this chapter)