The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 42: 42. Rorschach's plan

Chapter 42 42, Rorschach\'s plan

   "Norman Osborn, I am your uncle!!"

  Tony was affected by the explosion, and he was extremely upset. He didn\'t know that Rorschach was the real power of the Osborne Group, so he subconsciously began to greet Norman Osborne, the president of the Osborne Group.

  The explosion below has not yet dissipated, and the super soldiers of the Osborne Group have formed a battle formation.

   "I found that the mission target is whipped, and the target has been locked, launch an attack!"

  The soldiers in the front row set up superalloy shields and charged towards the mourning whip.

   Followed by a group of super fighters carrying Gatling, a series of bullets like a rain of red fire poured towards the mourning whip, suppressing firepower.

  The last five super soldiers, each carrying a heavy anti-tank rifle.

   Aim at the extremities of the wounded whip for precise sniping.

  Although the individual tactical backpack does not have the function of carrying heavy weapons, it only needs to be equipped with an accompanying heavy weapon supply point, and then use the mobility of the individual tactical backpack to complete various missions.

  This battle can be regarded as Rorschach\'s training.

   And it\'s the kind where others pay for Rorschach to train soldiers.

  Inexplicably, there is a player with a full-level Liushen outfit who forms a team to refresh the sense of sight of the boss of the hand village.

  The entire battle took thirty seconds.

  The steel battle suit that was impregnable with the whip turned into a pile of scrap metal in just thirty seconds.

   Tony Stark on the side witnessed all this, he struggled to get up from the ground, and swallowed heavily. for? !

   "The third team has captured Ivan Vanke alive, please instruct."

  The team leader led by Ivan Vanke, who was in a state of confusion, was pulled out of the tattered steel suit. After making sure that the man was still alive, he immediately took out the walkie-talkie and asked for instructions.

  Rorschach\'s order to them is mainly to capture. If the situation is critical, they can be killed directly.

  The mourning whip was wiped out by the rocket launcher at the beginning, and the subsequent fire suppression directly gave up resistance, and it was because of this that the dog\'s life was saved.

   "Kill it directly." Rorschach ordered on the other end of the walkie-talkie.

   Originally, when Rorschach said he wanted to capture Sangbian alive, he was interested in the unmanned steel soldier he designed and the counterfeit version of the Ark reactor.

   In fact, Sangbian also destroyed the design drawings of the two when it was manufactured, but he has his own thoughts, and Hammer also has Hammer\'s small thoughts.

  Hammer actually wanted to kick Ivan away a long time ago, so he asked the technicians to back up a set of design drawings in advance.

  The two sets of blueprints are now in the hands of Rorschach, and this Ivan Vanke, who has been overwhelmed by revenge, is useless.


   After receiving Rorschach\'s order, the team leader immediately drew his pistol and pulled the trigger on Ivan Vanke\'s head.


  A small bullet ended Ivan Vanke\'s dramatic life.

  The mourning whip Ivan\'s eyes were full of unwillingness, and he didn\'t figure out what happened until his death!

  Things did not end completely because of Sang Whip\'s death.

  Each unmanned steel soldier is equipped with a self-detonation device. Once the revenge plan of the whip fails, they will all detonate.

   But Rorschach has already made arrangements for this.

   Those who can dismantle the self-explosive device will be dismantled, and those who cannot complete the dismantling operation will be gathered in an uninhabited area, and a safety cordon will be drawn to avoid harming innocent people.


  The next day, the Hanmer Industries knockoff steel robot ran amok and injured people, making headlines.

  The stock market plummeted like a flood in an instant.

  Even Stark Industries is innocent.

  Because in just one month, two vicious attacks occurred, which directly caused the stock of Stark Industries to drop sharply.

   Only the Osborne Group became the biggest winner.

  Not to mention the overall surge in stocks, orders for individual tactical backpacks and physical enhancement potions also came like snowflakes.

   Many military leaders, especially General Ross.

  After seeing the Iron Soldiers exhibition of Hanmer Industries, I went back and made a double order.

  Former Hanmer Industrial Building.

   Rorschach and Norman Osborn walk on the production line of Iron Soldiers.

  At this time, the Osborne Group has successfully acquired Hanmer Industries, so everything here, including all Hanmer Industries\' technical equipment and production lines of weapons and equipment, is also under the name of the Osborne Group.

   "I have seen the design drawings of the unmanned steel soldier. To be honest, this design is quite rough, and it is completely made for the sake of rush..."

  Rorschach picked up a steel soldier\'s arm and squeezed it lightly. The steel arm was kneaded into a ball like it was made of paper.

   "I have several improvement plans. Of course, they are just general directions. The specific implementation still needs professional talents to do it."

   "Mr. Rorschach, please tell me." Norman took out a small notebook from his pocket, with a look of listening attentively.

Rorschach continued to walk forward, and said at the same time: "Ordinary steel soldiers can still be kept. The follow-up enhancement plan mainly focuses on defense, battery life, firepower, and more tactical functions. I will sort out the specific plans and send them out." Your email address..."

   "In addition, we divide the steel soldiers of different combat power echelons into five grades, private, soldier, lieutenant, school, general, and the combat power is higher. There is no need to make steel soldiers..."

"I call the research and development plan for Iron Soldiers the \'Terminator Project\', and the steel soldiers produced are collectively called the \'Terminator\'. Norman, Hammer Industries still has too few production lines. I want you to In two years, five times the expansion, can this be done?"

   "Five times expansion in two years..."

Norman pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "It can be done, but Mr. Rorschach, I always thought that you were fooling those military generals before. You really planned to use steel soldiers, I mean Terminator, to deal with foreign soldiers. Invasion of star civilization?"

   "Of course, in my ideal country, not only soldiers are robots, but even law enforcement officers must be replaced with robots."

Rorschach showed a smile: "Humans have weaknesses. Human law enforcement cannot be all selfless. There are also people in the police who bend the law for personal gain. Judges are also corrupted by money, but robots don\'t. Robots can only execute orders. Of course, robots may also attack humans, but this is not something you are worried about."

  In fact, in Rorschach\'s plan, the formation of the "Terminator Legion" is only the first link of the plan.

  The second link is to write a set of super artificial intelligence.

  Just like Iron Man’s Jarvis, but the super artificial intelligence that Rorschach intends to write has a higher level of intelligence than Jarvis, at least reaching the level of the life computer created by the Cree-‘supreme intelligence’.

   Although Rorschach has learned the most advanced artificial intelligence technology on earth.

   But it is still too far away from creating an artificial intelligence of the level of "supreme intelligence". Rorschach can use system points to exchange for similar data and research papers to learn by himself, and it only costs about 10,000 to 20,000 points.

  It will cost nearly a million points to directly exchange super artificial intelligence like "Supreme Intelligence".

  So Rorschach plans to learn and create super artificial intelligence by himself after completing the mission of Kryptonian blood.

  Rorschach named the super artificial intelligence \'Tianluo\'.

   At the beginning, it was intended to be called \'Skynet\', but when the name was taken out, it was somewhat worried that it would turn into a rebellion against human beings in the future, thus deviating the progress of this universe to another universe.

  So Rorschach renamed it \'Tianluo\' artificial intelligence.

   After the advent of Tianluo artificial intelligence, all the "Terminator" steel soldiers will be equipped with this system.

  No matter where the Iron Soldiers are sold, the ultimate control will be firmly in the hands of Rorschach.

  (end of this chapter)