The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 44: 44. Deterrence

Chapter 44 44, Deterrence

  Rorschach tried activating \'X-ray Vision\', but the effect was really nothing.

  It\'s a pity that the color of X-ray vision imaging is relatively monotonous, not as rich as in reality, which is pleasing to the eye.

  After several hours of experimenting with ‘X-ray vision’, it was getting late, the lady at the front desk had already left work, and there were not many beautiful ladies on the street.

   Today Luo Xia intends to take a vacation for himself, go home and rest for a few days, and then continue the task of the third stage of the liver.

  Driving his big Benz, Rorschach returned to his villa in Queens, New York.

  During this time, Rorschach has been staying at the Osborne Group, and has not been back for a long time. Fortunately, Norman has equipped Rorschach with a professional nanny. Even if he does not stay for a long time, the nanny will clean up every day.

   Park the car, take out the key and open the gate.

  The moment he entered the door, Rorschach\'s senses were magnified to the extreme.

   Someone broke into my house!

   And there are many people!

  Although Rorschach has not yet unlocked all the skills of Kryptonian blood, his senses are still beyond ordinary people.

  The faint smell in the air, the vague gaze in the dark, and the faint killing intent from the lurker, all were magnified countless times, stimulating Rorschach\'s nerves.

   "It seems that the big fish has bitten the hook."

  Rorschach\'s expression remained unchanged. He met two Hydra members in the Osborne Group before, and deliberately did not kill them, just to attract the attention of Hydra\'s senior management.

  According to Hydra\'s behavior style, anyone who poses a threat will definitely be eliminated.

  Rorschach waited for them to come to the door.

  His expression remained unchanged, he still walked with relaxed steps, humming a little song, walked across the courtyard, and walked towards the room step by step.

  The moment Rorschach walked into the room, a metallic fist drove an invisible air current and slammed from Rorschach\'s right.

   Seeing that the fist was about to hit Rorschach\'s head.

  At that moment, Rorschach moved.

  He raised his palm lightly, as if catching a ping pong ball thrown by a friend from the opposite side, and firmly blocked the metal fist in midair.


  The metal fist slammed fiercely on Rorschach\'s palm, but it was like a punch hitting a thick steel plate, and it couldn\'t shake it at all.

  The person who waved the metal fist was obviously taken aback, and even the others who were hiding in the dark were also taken aback.

how can that be?

   Until then, Rorschach slowly turned his eyes to look at the figure on the right, his eyes full of mockery.

   "Metal arms, disheveled hair, wearing a black mask...I know your identity."

  The Winter Soldier, referred to as the Winter Soldier.

  He is a good friend of Captain America, Bucky Barnes.

  Rorschach looked up and down at his attacker, and at the same time he shook his palm, and the metal arm twisted uncontrollably.

  Feeling the terrifying power from the metal arm, the man resisted with all his strength, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn\'t shake it at all.

   "Stop, don\'t move!"

  A team of heavily armed commandos appeared in Rorschach\'s house, everyone raised their rifles, and aimed at Rorschach with the black wound.

  At this moment, several figures walked slowly towards Rorschach.

   "Rorschach, 24 years old, from Huaxia, graduated from MIT, and then worked in Chengzhong Science and Technology High School... We have investigated all your information from birth to the present, Mr. Rorschach."

   Leading the way was a white-haired old man with gray hair, who walked up to Rorschach step by step with his hands behind his back.

   When Rorschach saw the person coming, he immediately recognized him.

  This is Alexander Pierce, former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and now secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

   Standing beside Minister Pierce were Agent Sitwell and Crossbones Rumlow, whom Rorschach had met in the Osborne Group before.

   It seems that Hydra has a large number of people. Minister Pierce glanced at Rorschach coldly with a condescending attitude. He even took a bottle of whiskey from Rorschach\'s wine cabinet, poured himself a glass, and continued:

   "You are not one of us, I am curious, how did you know our identity, many people have been investigating you recently, I want to know who is behind you?"

   Obviously, Minister Pierce and the others believe that Rorschach was ordered by someone, perhaps for some purpose, which may be blackmail or blackmail.

   But regardless of the purpose of Rorschach or the people behind Rorschach, Hydra is by no means a good man or woman. Once it detects any threat, it will kill it without hesitation.

  So, Minister Pierce brought a well-equipped commando this time, and even played a trump card, that is, the Winter Soldier.

  The Winter Soldier has been enhanced with a super-soldier serum and brainwashed by Hydra.

  Each one is a ruthless, fearless killing machine.

  "There is no existence behind me. I have been executing everything according to my will. As for how I know your identities, because... I am a **** on earth, and I know everything!"

  Rorschach crushed the Winter Soldier\'s metal arm.

The palm was gently pushed out and touched the Winter Soldier\'s chest. At the moment of contact, there was a muffled sound from the Winter Soldier\'s chest. His body flew out uncontrollably, smashed through the wall, and rolled all the way to the back of the villa. In the courtyard.

   Fortunately, the Winter Soldier had also been injected with strengthening potion, otherwise, even a slight push by Rorschach would be enough to crush an ordinary person to pieces.

  Although the Winter Soldier was seriously injured, his life was not in danger for a while.

   "Shoot, kill him!"

  Pearce felt Rorschach\'s sense of oppression. According to his previous estimation, Rorschach was at most a super soldier injected with physical enhancement potions, and was at the same level of combat power as the Winter Soldier.

  But the opponent easily pinched the Winter Soldier\'s metal arm and knocked it into the air with a single palm. This made Pierce realize that he had miscalculated Rorschach\'s strength.

  Crossbones Rumlow immediately protected Pierce and Agent Sitwell behind him, and the rest of the team pulled the trigger one after another, and countless bullets poured down on Rorschach.


  Since Rorschach\'s villa is in the urban area, in order not to attract the attention of the surroundings, everyone\'s rifles are equipped with silencers.

  Countless bullets rained down on Rorschach, not only did not cause any blood, even the suit Rorschach was wearing was not broken.

  Rorschach did not dodge or dodge, and let them shoot. Although he did not unlock the complete Kryptonian blood, the Man of Steel has a weak biological stance.

  This biological force field is currently not enough to withstand the attacks of extraordinary forces, but if it is to defend against a few bullets, it is still more than enough.

   "I said, I am a god, how can a **** be killed by a mortal..."

   While Rorschach was speaking, his figure slowly floated into the air, and his eyes suddenly turned scarlet.

   Under the terrified gazes of everyone, two fiery rays shot out from Rorschach\'s eyes and passed in front of him.

  The moment these two blazing rays touched the members of the assault team, they were cut in half, including people and guns.

  Those people didn\'t even scream, and were completely melted by the two destructive beams in an instant.

  Where you can see, everything is wiped out.

  Rorschach stood in the void, his eyes still red, and he just looked down at Pierce, Sitwell, and Crossbones who had already collapsed.

   Except for the Winter Soldier who passed out in the courtyard, the entire assault team, these three survived.

   After a sudden ups and downs, Pierce and Sitwell looked into Rorschach\'s eyes, their feet trembling uncontrollably.

  Crossbones pretended to be calm, but the trembling hands holding the gun betrayed his inner fear.

   "Kneel down!" Rorschach said coldly, staring at the three of Hydra.

  (end of this chapter)