The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 41: 41. Bazooka Scrubbing

Chapter 41 Chapter 41, Bazooka Scrubbing

  The steel soldiers at the fair were defeated one by one.

  Rorschach took the two super soldiers and found Pepper Potts, who was still in shock, and said, "Ms. Potts, this place is very unsafe, please follow me out of here."

  Pepper Potts recognized Rorschach, especially when he saw the two super soldiers holding shields, it was like grabbing a life-saving straw.

   "Thank God, Mr. Rorschach, you came so timely, I almost thought I wouldn\'t see the sun tomorrow."

  The black widow on the side is still pretending to be a little assistant, Rorschach feels strange, his assistant seems to be missing.

  Sharon Carter, it seems that I haven\'t seen you for a long time!

   Didn\'t bother with this issue, Rorschach wished that the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. would stay as far away from him as possible, even if he evacuated with Pepper Potts and Black Widow pretending to be a small assistant.

On the way, the black widow looked at Luo Xia up and down, and finally couldn\'t help but ask: "Mr. Luo Xia, you seem to have anticipated this attack, because your people rushed over as soon as those copycat robots made a move. .”

   Having said that, Pepper Potts also reacted, and looked at Rorschach suspiciously.

In this regard, Rorschach had already thought up the rhetoric to deal with it. He pointed to the military leaders who were still in the audience area, and said: "Actually, these super soldiers are mainly protecting these generals. When these generals from the military attended this expo, I investigated Hammer Industries, and guess what I found?"

  The two replied at the same time: "What did you find?"

"Some time ago, a man named Ivan Vanke attacked Tony with a technological weapon from the Ark Reactor, and this man is now a technical consultant for Hammer Industries, so I immediately dispatched people to come over. Something really happened," Rorschach said.

   This is actually for the Black Widow.

   Knowing that Ivan Vanke was the instigator of all these incidents, after sending Pepper Potts out of the venue, Black Widow immediately went to Hammer Industries alone, intending to capture Ivan Vanke alive.

  Backstage of the expo, Justin Hammer was urging the staff to regain control of the Iron Soldiers. However, the core program of this system was designed by Ivan Vanke, so he easily blocked the authority of Hammer and others.

   "Damn it, call the guard!" Hanmer was furious and impotent.

  I thought that tonight would usher in the pinnacle of my life, but unexpectedly, this turned out to be the beginning of a nightmare.

   "Justin Hammer, you are under arrest now, you have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will be evidence in court!"

  Norman Osborn led the New York police, stepped forward to press Hammer and several employees to the ground, and handcuffed them all.

  Hammer roared frantically, "You can\'t touch me, I want to see my lawyer, Norman, **** it, is this all your conspiracy?!"

   "Hammer, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can\'t talk indiscriminately. When you cooperated with Ivan Vanke, didn\'t you consider what happened today?"

  Norman put his hands behind his back, imitating Rorschach\'s tone, and pronounced the sentence to Hammer: "Justin Hammer, you have failed this city!"

  Amidst Hammer\'s cursing, the police handcuffed Hammer and the others into a police car.

Norman quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Rorschach: "Mr. Rorschach, Hammer has been arrested... Yes, I have made arrangements, I understand, the company\'s investment department is ready to contact other members of Hammer Industry Shareholders, if something like this happened today, one can imagine how the stock of Hanmer Industries will fall tomorrow, and our acquisition has no difficulty..."

   Hanging up the phone, Norman Osborn was still immersed in joy. As an upstart in the arms industry, Hammer Industries was almost about to occupy the large blank market share left after Stark Industries launched the arms market.

  However, all this is just to make a wedding dress for the Osborne Group!

  Annexed Hammer Industries, the Osborne Group faintly surpassed Stark Industries and became a leading technology and arms company in the US Federation and even the entire world.

   It was the young man named Rorschach who made all of this happen.

  Every time Norman thinks of this, he will be extremely thankful that he has made a correct decision!


   New York sky.

  Countless steel soldiers chased and intercepted Tony Stark.

  Under the intensive firepower attack, the paint on the Mark 6 steel suit was only scratched.

   And Tony controlled the energy pulse in his palm, which could explode the steel soldier\'s armored shell with one blow.

   After all, Mark 6 is a model specially improved by Tony, and these steel soldiers are nothing more than rush-made knockoffs.

   It is clear at a glance who is better and who is worse.

  However, since the Mark 6 is still in the debugging stage, Tony has not yet had time to load it with many weapon systems. To deal with the steel soldiers rushing like locusts, Tony mainly uses the palm pulse gun and close-to-hand combat to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers.

  For a while, the steel soldiers had the upper hand in numbers, forcing Tony to constantly move the scene, using his own mobility and a large number of steel soldiers to start guerrilla warfare.

  The so-called gods fight, and mortals suffer.

  Although Tony has tried his best to avoid the crowd, the battle between the two sides will inevitably affect the people of New York.

  Tony led all the steel soldiers to a park.

The crowd here has been evacuated long ago. When all the steel soldiers swarmed up, Tony controlled the Mark 6, and the energy was raised to the limit. Red cutting rays were shot from both wrists at the same time. With the rotation of both arms, all the steel soldiers chasing him The soldiers were all cut in half down the middle.

   "It\'s a pity that this trick is a one-off."

  Tony has pinched his big move until now, just to solve all opponents at once.

  However, it hasn\'t been long before he is happy.

  Another armor of steel descended from the sky.

   "Nice to meet you, Tony!"

   Mourning Whip Ivan Vanke was wearing a silver steel armor, and he slammed two thick long whips out of his hands.

  These two whips are powered by the ark reactor on his chest, and can cut ordinary steel at will.

  The moment Tony saw the whip, he closed his mask again and fired six small shoulder armor missiles.

  The steel armor that can be whipped is obviously different from those fake steel soldiers.

  The six small shoulder armor missiles didn\'t even blow out a single dent.

   "It\'s my turn."

  Sang Whip waved his arms, and the two energy whips entangled Tony tightly like a python with its mouth wide open.

  The defensive power of the iron suits on both sides is extremely strong, and they fought back and forth for more than a dozen rounds, but they couldn\'t tell the winner.

   Dozens of sparks lit up the dark sky again.

  Tony was startled when he saw it, thinking that dozens of steel soldiers were flying over again.

   I didn\'t realize until I got closer that they were super soldiers of the Osborne Group carrying individual tactical backpacks.

   "Bazooka ready, launch!"

  Before the super soldiers arrived, they all rushed to the ground below for a bazooka scrub.


  A burst of violent explosions resounded through the night sky. In the violent explosions, Tony felt like a solitary boat in a stormy sea, and could only drift with the current.

  (end of this chapter)