The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 40: 40, super soldiers dispatched

Chapter 40 40, super soldiers dispatched

New York.

   The Stark Industries Expo has been open for more than a month.

  The enthusiasm that was originally hot has gradually cooled down as the mainstream technology has ended.

  However, today Hanmer Industries launched a blockbuster.

   That is the unmanned steel soldier who claims to replace Iron Man and maintain peace.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it\'s unfair that our country puts brave soldiers to death and then Iron Man came along and we thought no one would ever die again and he wouldn\'t share the technology. ..."

   "Until we, Hanmer Industries, successfully developed unmanned steel soldiers, they will replace our heroic soldiers and go to the battlefield to fight the enemy, and our soldiers only need to go far beyond the control of these robots."

  In the middle of the expo stage, Justin Hammer was talking on the podium.

  Accompanied by Hammer\'s exaggerated body language, rows of iron soldiers equipped with Ark reactors and equipped with various weapons gradually appeared in the public eye.

  As Hanmer led all the steel soldiers to salute the audience, the atmosphere of the whole venue was pushed to its climax!

  Justin Hammer noticed that there were many military generals and colonels sitting in the front of the stage, and Hammer made his speech harder and harder.

   Not only blacked out Tony Stark obliquely, avenging his previous humiliation at the hearing, but also showed the superiority of his unmanned steel soldier.

  That is to reduce the casualties of soldiers!

   This is a good selling point, if you can lower the cost of a steel soldier to less than training a qualified human soldier.

   That will be the moment when your own steel soldiers completely replace human soldiers!

  However, Hammer will not consider such a long-term matter. Right now, he just wants to quickly occupy the market vacancy that appeared after Stark Industries withdrew from the arms market.

  Under the stage, three military generals were whispering to each other.

  To be honest, they were a little disappointed with these steel soldiers from Hammer Industries.

  They are not as blind as the masses.

   Just saluting, maybe a doll can be made out of wood. They need to get all the test data, or watch the battlefield combat capabilities of the Iron Soldiers with their own eyes before they can make a comprehensive judgment on this.

   Just when Justin Hammer felt that the company\'s stock price was bound to skyrocket, and he was about to have the **** life of a young club model.

  In the distant sky, a figure appeared, and came to the top of the stage of the expo from far to near.

   This person is Tony Stark wearing the Mark 6 steel suit.

  Genuine Iron Man appeared, and there were explosive cheers at the scene. Tony controlled the Mark 6 steel suit, landed on the podium, waved to the crowd below, and asked Hammer at the same time:

   "Where is he? I know you have cooperation with Ivan Vanke, where is he now?"

  Hammer was thinking about the fact that he was cooperating with Sangbian Ivan Vanke, but an unexpected scene happened on the scene.

  All the iron soldiers on the scene entered into a combat state at the same time, raised their weapons in unison, and pointed the black barrels at Tony Stark.

   "Stop them!" Tony shouted at Hammer beside him.

  But Justin Hammer is more scared than Tony, "I didn\'t control them, **** Ivan!"

   At this point, Hammer didn\'t know that he was tricked by Ivan Vanke.

  Seeing that the situation was not good, Tony immediately controlled the Mark 6 steel suit and flew straight towards the sky in order not to hurt the civilians.

  At this moment, the iron soldiers activated their weapons at the same time.

Da da da…

  Dozens of steel soldiers shot at the sky, countless bullets poured out, the glass ceiling of the exhibition hall shattered, and fell like raindrops towards the crowd below.

   "General, be careful!"

  Colonel Rhodes unfolded the individual tactical backpack that he carried with him at the first moment when those steel soldiers launched an attack, and a super alloy shield appeared in his left hand, blocking the falling glass for several generals present.

  The scene suddenly became a mess.

   You know, the last fair in Flushing was just blown up by the Green Goblin, and the venue hasn’t been repaired yet.

  How long has it been?

   Come again?

  Rorschach was also on the scene. The moment the Iron Soldiers launched an attack, he immediately instructed Norman Osborn to dispatch a hundred reinforced soldiers.

  On the podium, as Iron Man left, a large number of Iron Soldiers activated the flight mode and flew into the sky to chase after him.

  However, many steel soldiers remained in the venue.

  Through the cameras of these steel soldiers, Ivan Vanke, who is far away in the headquarters of Hammer Industry, changes the target lock on the main control computer. He controls this part of the steel soldiers and attacks civilians indiscriminately.

  The barrel of the black hole is facing the crowd below.

  Everyone looked at this scene in despair.

   Many people even swear in their hearts that if there is an afterlife, they must stay away from Stark Industries, and they cannot participate in any activities organized by Stark Industries.

Da da da…

   Dense gunshots rang out, but they were not fired by those steel soldiers, but by a team of hundreds of soldiers that appeared in the sky.

  Those people wore uniform standard bulletproof jackets, with a large Osborne Group logo printed on the back.

  At the same time, everyone held rifles in their hands, and the backpacks on their backs sprayed out clusters of flames, making these people fly fast like small fighter jets, shooting at the steel soldiers, and approaching the venue at the fastest speed.

  Like a divine soldier descending from heaven.

   "The first team, cover the retreat of the civilians, the second team, protect the military friends, the third team, kill all the steel soldiers!"

   Rorschach was among the crowd, giving orders through the walkie-talkie.

  Soon, the 100-man squad was divided into three groups. The first squad deployed its anti-explosion shields to cover the evacuation of civilians, while the second squad used one-handed shields and light machine guns, surrounded by several generals.

  The third team has the largest number of people, and everyone forms an offensive formation and charges towards the Iron Soldiers in coordination with each other.

  Because everyone has been injected with physical enhancement drugs, even with bare hands, they can fight these steel soldiers twice. Now that they are equipped with sophisticated weapons, dealing with these steel soldiers who are still in the stage of weak artificial intelligence is completely dimension-reducing blow.

   "General, it\'s time to go."

  Colonel Rhodes is now also injected with physical enhancement potions, but he didn\'t go up to help, because his duty is to protect the generals on the scene.

  However, the military generals headed by General Ross rejected Colonel Rhodes\' proposal.

   "No, we\'re not going anywhere. The stage play is at its peak. Isn\'t it a pity to go now?" General Ross said with a smile.

   There are more than a dozen well-armed super soldiers protecting the surroundings.

  General Ross and the others were not worried about their own safety at all, but watched the super soldiers fighting the steel soldiers with great interest.

   At the same time, this big drama was also broadcast live on the Internet to the entire United States and even the entire world in real time.

  (end of this chapter)