The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 34: 34, open the sky with one punch

Chapter 34 34, open the sky with a punch

  Looking at Thor\'s vigorous appearance, Rorschach couldn\'t help shaking his head helplessly.

   Is it because I didn’t strike hard enough just now?

   Or are you drifting away?

  Rorschach didn\'t speak, but clenched his fists tightly, staring fixedly at the Thor\'s Hammer that was coming towards him, and then exploded with strength, facing the flying Thor\'s Hammer, he punched out again.


  When the front of Rorschach\'s fist collided with Thor\'s Hammer, thunder and lightning erupted instantly on the contact surface.

  The unstoppable Thor\'s Hammer flew back upside down, and was picked up by Thor again.

  Thor was slightly taken aback, and Odin was also taken aback.


  He actually knocked Thor\'s Hammer away with one punch!

   You know, Thor\'s Hammer is built with the core of death\'s perseverance, and its weight is no less than a small planet.

   How the **** can you knock out a planet with one punch?

Of course, that’s not the case. In Thor 3, the goddess of death, Hela, crushed Thor’s Hammer with her bare hands. It doesn’t mean that Hela has the power to crush the entire planet with her bare hands, but there is no doubt that Rorschach’s The power has reached the level no less than that of the heavenly father.

   The corner of Odin\'s mouth twitched, he was sure that Rorschach had no godhead.

   Otherwise, he would not have regarded Rorschach as a mortal, but such a mortal without a godhead possessed the power of a heavenly father.

   Other people who watched the battle were also dumbfounded.

  Especially Peter and the others, as if they met Rorschach for the first time, their eyes were full of strangeness and shock.

Thor, who regained Thor\'s Hammer, had a look of reluctance flashing in his eyes. He unexpectedly exploded the power of thunder in his body again, pouring all of it on Thor\'s Hammer, and stepped on the ground with his right foot. jump up.

  At the same time, Thor held up Thor\'s Hammer, with the long tail of Thunder trailing behind him, and with the force of a thunderbolt, he slammed down on Rorschach with the hammer.

  Seeing this scene, everyone\'s heart jumped into their throats.

  Rorschach stood on the spot, staring indifferently at Thor who held Thor\'s Hammer high. He suddenly smiled, his legs slightly bent, and his right fist was slowly pulled behind him.

  Suddenly, the ground began to tremble slightly.

  The fine stones around Luo Xia were slowly suspended as if they were not affected by gravity.

  Lorxia shouted angrily, his legs slammed into force, and his figure flew into the sky like a cannonball. At the same time, his power exploded, and his right fist smashed out with a roaring sound, like a thunderclap.

  Boom! !

  Rorschach\'s fist hadn\'t landed yet, but a fear of death enveloped Thor\'s heart.

   At this moment, he even forgot to run and continued to wave Thor\'s Hammer in his hand.

  Because Thor\'s world seemed to be plunged into darkness for an instant, and there was only one huge fist left in the whole world, gradually devouring everything in his vision.


Sense of fear…

  Countless thoughts gathered in Thor\'s mind, forming a weak consciousness.

   "Am I dying?"

  However, the fist that covered the sky and the sun stopped at the moment it devoured the entire world.

   It took a while for Thor to recover from the fear of death.

  I saw Rorschach\'s fist hovering in front of his eyes at some point, less than one centimeter away from Thor\'s head.

   A little further ahead, Thor\'s head can be blown off.

  As for the power of thousands of thunders on Thor\'s Hammer, like a candle blown out by a strong wind, it lost all momentum.

  Everyone stared blankly at the sky.

Thor looked back subconsciously, and saw that starting from him, the clouds in the entire sky were divided into two halves by some force, going straight forward, straight forward, until the end of the sky, until Thor could see limit!

   Open the sky with one punch!

  Thor swallowed subconsciously, and squeezed out a few words with difficulty: "Ror...Rorschach, is this your power?"

  Rorschach still had a smile on his face, he withdrew his fist, patted Thor\'s shoulder lightly, and encouraged: "Thor, as long as you work hard, you can do it too!"

  Can I too?

Is it really possible? ? ?

   Thor glanced at the sky again, what a ghost!

  In addition to Odin and other people in Asgard, Peter and Harry also dropped their jaws in shock.

Oh, God! Jesus!

  The teacher in our school can give the earth a middle score with one punch!

  Harry couldn\'t help but grabbed little Peter\'s arm, and asked, "Peter, you are the one who knows Mr. Rorschach the most among us. How did he do it?"

  The fact that Peter is Spider-Man is unimaginable enough. As a result, the high school teacher in his school can not only fly into the sky and escape from the ground, but also beat Thor with no power to fight back. He even punched the earth in the middle.

   There is no way to intuitively compare things like combing the center of the earth, after all, mortals have limited imagination.

   Ke Rorschach\'s victory over Thor is not bragging.

  After all, this is no longer an idiot who has been deprived of his divine power, but the genuine Thor!

   Everyone in Asgard raised their ears to Harry\'s question, wanting to know the answer to this question.

  Peter shook his head in embarrassment: "To be honest, I really don\'t know. I only know that Teacher Luo Xia is from China. He is very rich and handsome. He is a great scientist and that\'s all."

  Everyone in Asgard was disappointed by this answer.

  But Norman said at this time: "Perhaps, I know more than you. The only one who can defeat a **** can only be another god. Mr. Rorschach is the **** of the world!"

   "The **** of the world... You mean, Mr. Rorschach is the patron saint of Midgard?" Sif had an expression of enlightenment.

  Norman United thought of the \'Emperor Organization\' formed by Rorschach.

  Rorschach told him that the goal of the "Emperor Organization" is to protect the world, so Norman nodded with certainty, and replied: "That\'s right, Mr. Rorschach is the patron saint of the earth!"

  But Odin was a little displeased with this kind of rhetoric.

  After all, Odin can clearly feel that Rorschach has no godhead. Without godhead, he cannot be called a god.

  However, Odin did not refute Norman\'s words.

  After all, if it is said that Rorschach defeated Thor with the identity of the native **** of Midgard, then they will feel much better. At least they will not say that Thor was defeated by a mortal, even if this mortal is very strong.

   With the body of a mortal, crushing the gods, let\'s be considered a **** in the world!

   Odin thought of this in his heart, and instantly felt much better.

   This is Odin, the last stubborn.

  Odin\'s silence seemed to confirm the identity of the Rorschach god, and nothing shocked Peter and Harry the most.

  The handsome teacher who usually teaches me is actually a god. The key is that this **** teacher is also a scientist.

  Did the gods start to study science these days?

  Is the world of gods so introverted?

  (end of this chapter)