The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 35: 35. Guardian of the Earth

Chapter 35 35, Guardians of the Earth

  Rorschach punched the sky, and scored the earth in the middle. Thor didn\'t have the belief to continue fighting.

   It\'s not that I don\'t live up to expectations, it\'s that the opponent is too strong!

   Thor sighed, raised his hand, and touched Thor\'s Hammer in his hand, feeling a little reluctant to part.

  He really likes this hammer.

"How about this, Thor, you should just lend Thor\'s Hammer to Jane Foster for ten or twenty years. For you, ten or twenty years is not a snap of your fingers. Rorschach gave a compromise suggestion.

  Anyway, he just wants to complete system tasks, and he doesn\'t really want to win people\'s love.

Hearing this, Thor shook his head: "Since I have made an agreement, as long as you beat me, Mjolnir will be handed over to that lady. I will not break my promise, and you are right , I am still not strong enough, just take this opportunity to give me the motivation to push myself to become stronger."

   As he spoke, Thor carefully handed Thor\'s Hammer to Jane Foster, like an old father sending his daughter off to marry.

  Odin watched all this with cold eyes, intending to stop it, but finally fell silent.

   "Ding, trigger the side mission \'Female Thor\', let Jane Foster get Thor\'s Hammer, making her a veritable female Thor, rewarding 50,000 mission points!"

  As Thor\'s Hammer really belongs to Jane Foster, the name of the female Thor has also been recognized by Asgard.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the daily task, \'Change the course of the world\', because of the intervention of the host, the fate of Jane Foster, Thor Odinson, Odin Bolson and others has been changed, and the reward task points are 40,000 .”

  The side mission points of "Female Thor" arrived in the account, plus the points for modifying the plot line came, Luo Xia earned 90,000 points in an instant.

  System interface, character attributes:

   Strength: SSS

  Spirit: SS

  Physical resistance: SSS+

  Magic resistance: S

  Skills: Man of Steel, Super Strength, Super Brain, Super Speed ​​Flight (After obtaining seven Kryptonian abilities, you can upgrade to Kryptonian blood, upgrade progress 4/7)

  Note: The default Kryptonian bloodline template: Al family.

  Mission Points: 198237

mission Board:

  Exclusive mission stage 2 (thermal vision): Learn advanced welder skills, weld 10,000 items by yourself, and get Krypton\'s exclusive skill heat vision.

  Task progress: 0/10000, advanced welder skills (already learned)

   Mission points have accumulated to nearly 200,000!

  The current points already meet the requirements for exchanging for controlled nuclear fusion, but Rorschach does not want to exchange them directly.

  If the new element of cold nuclear fusion is the energy technology that revolutionized the world, then controllable nuclear fusion has ushered in a new era.

  In the original words of Dr. Octopus, controllable nuclear fusion is the power for human beings to control the sun.

   However, Rorschach has a new idea for obtaining controllable nuclear fusion.

  He can be like the new element ark reactor, just need to exchange some technical materials, and then learn the relevant technology by himself, and then further improve and complete it on the basis of Dr. Octopus Otto-Octavis.

   After all, in the main storyline, Doctor Octopus Otto Octavius ​​has worked hard for many years and is almost on the verge of success.

   But it seems that there is a problem with some algorithms, which eventually leads to nuclear fusion energy out of control.

  In the plot of Spider-Man 2, Peter Parker even pointed out this problem, but the pompous Doctor Octopus didn\'t listen at all.

   This is not surprising, after all, Peter Parker was just an unknown college student at the time, and Dr. Octopus was a well-known nuclear fusion scientist.

  Dr. Octopus didn\'t take Peter Parker\'s question seriously at all.

But in this world, not to mention that Rorschach has become a well-known scientist after creating new elements, and Rorschach is the real power holder of the Osborne Osborn Group. The project of Dr. Octopus is invested by the Osborne Group , Rorschach, as an investor of Dr. Octopus, also has enough right to speak.

   In this way, if improvements can be made on the basis of Dr. Octopus\'s research, a lot of points may be saved.

  Good steel should be used on the blade.

Moreover, Rorschach is still not in a hurry for this matter. On the one hand, he has not unlocked the complete Kryptonian bloodline, and on the other hand, Dr. Octopus\'s research on controllable nuclear fusion has not yet entered the final stage, and there are still many Fundamental issues are not resolved.


  After that, Odin left Thor and the four Asgard warriors after leaving Thor\'s Hammer as agreed.

   Rorschach fell back to the ground, and everyone in Jane Foster looked at him with indescribable eyes.

  The broken-mouthed Daisy was the first to break the silence: "Investor...I mean the great Rorschach god, should I kneel down and pray to you?"

   "What do you want to pray to me?" Rorschach had long been familiar with Daisy\'s cheerful personality, so he followed her words and asked back.

   "I want to pray that I can find a boyfriend who is as handsome as you." Daisy said sincerely.

  Rorschach shrugged in embarrassment, and replied: "I\'m sorry, I can\'t help you with this. I suggest that you lower your standards for choosing a mate, otherwise, prepare to be a bachelor for the rest of your life."

  Jane Foster waved Thor\'s Hammer in his hand, "What about this hammer? Thor and the others just left, don\'t want this hammer?"

   "Yes, now this Thor\'s Hammer belongs to you, Dr. Foster, from today onwards, you are the Thor on Earth." Rorschach said with a smile.

  Jane Foster was flattered and said: "Mr. Rorschach... No, my lord, I don\'t know how to thank you."

  Daisy interjected at the right time: "Then make a promise, Jane, you are now the God of Thor on Earth, and Mr. Rorschach is the **** of the world. It is really unreasonable for you two not to marry in place!"

   "Daisy, if you talk nonsense again, be careful I\'ll tear your mouth!" Jane Foster was so ashamed and indignant that she reached out and pulled Daisy\'s mouth to cover up her inner embarrassment.

  Amid the two women\'s uproar, the atmosphere of the crowd became active again.

  Now it was getting late, Rorschach suggested to go back to Old Bridge Town first. Along the way, Little Peter and Harry talked about what happened today, and everyone talked more about Rorschach\'s identity and ability.

   "I was just an ordinary person..."

Facing everyone\'s doubts, Luo Xia had no choice but to tell the source of his ability: "But I insist on doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10 kilometers of running every day. After persisting for a year... quite suddenly... I found that I became stronger and became what you see now."

  Jane Foster: "…"

  Everyone: "..."


  New York, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

  An agent discovered the energy anomaly in New Mexico, and immediately reported it.

  Two hours later, the director\'s office.

  The current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, called Agent 13 Sharon Carter.

  As soon as Agent Sharon entered, Nick Fury threw a stack of documents in front of Agent Sharon.

   "Please take a look at this document."


  Agent Sharon immediately picked it up and flipped through it: "Director, the astronomical and meteorological anomalies in New Mexico, a gas explosion occurred in a motel...Why do you want me to watch this?"

   Nick Fury tapped his index finger on the table, and asked back: "You are responsible for approaching Rorschach, have you discovered anything recently?"

Agent Sharon shook his head subconsciously: "No, recently Rorschach is either attending classes at school or staying at home...I mean doing research, oh, yes, it seems that Rorschach went to New Mexico with his students yesterday... "

   When talking about New Mexico, Agent Sharon\'s eyes froze.

  She stared wide-eyed and looked at Nick Fury, who nodded slightly and continued: "Guess who lived where the motel Nevas exploded?"



   "So you want to say what\'s the problem here?" Agent Sharon asked puzzled.

Nick Fury was a little tired: "What\'s the problem here, shouldn\'t it be up to you to figure it out? Maybe it\'s just a simple coincidence, but our job is to not let go of any possibility. I want you to go immediately New Mexico, go and investigate. You can take Coulson with you, Tony has already solved the problem of palladium poisoning, just let Natasha stay with Tony, you and Coulson will go to New Mexico immediately!"

   "Understood!" Agent Sharon immediately accepted the order.

   After Agent Sharon left, Nick Fury picked up Rorschach\'s file again.

   "Although Rorschach has become a shareholder of Stark Industries, it seems that he doesn\'t care about Stark Industries. Maybe he should send someone to the school where he teaches to investigate, as well as the Osborne Group."

   After thinking for a while, Nick Fury picked up the phone again and dialed out.

   Thanks to Amstel for the 5,000 starting point coin reward, thank you!



  (end of this chapter)