The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 33: 33, Thor: I have become stronger

Chapter 33 33, Thor I became stronger

  Jane Foster was the person involved, she glanced at Rorschach with some guilt, she leaned into Rorschach\'s ear, and said softly: "Mr. Rorschach, why don\'t you return Thor\'s Hammer to Thor."

   Return Thor\'s Hammer?

  Rorschach was a little unwilling.

  All you lost was a Thor\'s Hammer, but what I lost was a total of 50,000 points!

  Do you know how difficult it is for me to save a few points these days?

Rorschach\'s eyes fell on Thor, and he suggested: "I have a suggestion, why don\'t you fight me, Thor, if you can beat me, it means that you have become a qualified god, and you don\'t need it anymore. Use Thor\'s Hammer to release your power, and only in this way, Thor\'s Hammer will exert its due power in your hands."


  Thor looked at Rorschach excitedly, a trace of fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

  Odin has regained Thor\'s divine power, and Thor can clearly feel that his divine power has improved a lot.

   I didn’t expect that in just a few days on earth, under the guidance of Rorschach, I would actually grow a lot. Thor’s confidence has greatly increased now, and I am no longer the old me.

  I... became stronger!

   Even so, Thor still did not dare to underestimate Rorschach.

  The scene where Rorschach blasted the Destroyer armor with his bare hands is still vivid in his memory. Thor clenched his fists tightly, and there was a faint arc flickering between the fists.

"Father, please let me fight Rorschach. If I win, Mjolnir will be taken away by me. If I lose, Mjolnir will stay on Earth as the driving force to continue to spur my growth. " Thor said to Odin with high spirits.

   Odin looked at Rorschach again.

  Odin always thought that the Destroyer Armor was defeated by Jane Foster who lifted Thor\'s Hammer. However, from the conversation between Rorschach and Thor, Odin inexplicably felt that Rorschach seemed far from being as simple as it seemed!

   Could it be that this man named Rorschach blew up the Destroyer Armor? !

   This thought arose in Odin\'s mind, and he suddenly had a bad feeling!

But when it comes to this point, Odin can only trust his son, he nodded, and said to Thor: "Thor, you have grown up, and this matter is up to you to decide! "

  With Odin\'s acquiescence, Thor stepped towards Rorschach.

  Rorschach looked at the unarmed Thor, and couldn\'t help but joked: "Are you sure you don\'t use Thor\'s Hammer?"

  Thor grinned and said, "I am Thor, not Hammer God. This is what you taught me."

Before the words fell, Thor stepped forward, his figure was extremely fast, and a whirlwind was set off on the spot, crossing a distance of tens of meters in an instant, and suddenly appeared in front of Rorschach, waving his fist, and aimed at Rorschach punch out.

  Thor\'s punch carried the power of thunder, and his momentum was like a rainbow.

  But it was such a powerful punch, Rorschach just casually raised his hand to block it.


   There was a burst of explosions, and Jane Foster and others were shocked. The eyes of Odin and other people in Asgard really brightened, because they obviously felt that Thor was stronger than before!

   Unexpectedly, in just a few days on the earth, after Thor regained his divine power, his strength would have improved a lot.

   Seeing this, Odin showed a gratified smile, as if there was no suspense about the next thing.

  Compared to the expectations of Odin and other people in Asgard, Thor and Rorschach were a little unhappy after they fought, because Thor obviously felt that Rorschach didn\'t use his full strength.

   "Rorschach, is this the only strength you have? Let me see your true strength!"

  Rorschach originally wanted to paddle the water, and when he couldn\'t beat it, he would beat Thor a little bit.

   This way Thor won\'t lose too badly. After all, his old father is watching from the sidelines, and Rorschach still can\'t do things like beating a child violently in front of his parents.

  However, Thor was not happy.

   Well, in the eyes of these fighters, the greatest respect for an opponent is to go all out.

  Rorschach\'s behavior of releasing water is a great insult to Thor, who admires the glory of warriors.

  Since so...

  Rorschach showed a harmless smile to Thor: "It was just a warm-up just now. Now that the warm-up is over, you are ready to feel it. What is pain?"

   Haven\'t waited for the voice to finish.

  Rorschach suddenly clenched his fist and punched Thor in the abdomen.

   This punch was extremely fast, even with Thor\'s reaction ability, it was too late to respond.


  Rorschach punched Thor\'s chest. Thor only felt that he was hit by a small meteorite, and a terrifying force that was overwhelming and overwhelming hit his chest.

  As a circle of white shock waves spread out, Thor\'s figure flew out uncontrollably.

  Odin\'s smile froze on his face.

   I... what did I see?

   Immediately afterwards, before Odin came back to his senses, Rorschach took a step forward and quickly flew behind Thor, as if drawing a bow and setting an arrow, raised his fist again, and punched Thor again.

  This time, Thor\'s face changed drastically, his whole body was covered with a layer of thunder, his figure was twisted at an incredible angle, his hands folded in front of him, trying to block Rorschach\'s punch with all his strength.


  When the punch really fell, Thor\'s figure suddenly fell short, and there was a sharp numbness in his hands, and the power of thunder covering his arms collapsed in an instant.

  This terrifying force, as if this is not a fist, but a mountain pressing down.

   In desperation, Thor staggered back a few steps, he subconsciously extended his hand in the direction of Jane Foster, wanting to summon Thor\'s Hammer.

   However, Thor\'s Hammer is in the hands of Jane Foster.

not moving at all.


  Seeing Rorschach\'s fist raised again, Odin\'s one-eyed stared at Thor\'s Hammer, silently chanting the lifting spell.

  As Rorschach guessed, Thor\'s Hammer originally had the spell of "only qualified people can lift it". Later, when Odin stripped Thor\'s divine power, he chanted words to Thor\'s Hammer.

On the surface, it is repeating the previous spell of "only qualified people can lift it", but in fact it is to impose a condition on this spell, that is, "When Thor learns to be humble, get rid of arrogance, and is willing to dedicate his life to others, he will unblock Thor again." Power\'.

  Just now Odin restored Thor\'s divine power, but forgot to remove the additional spell.

  Although Thor has learned to be humble and get rid of arrogance, the most important thing is that he is willing to dedicate his life to others. Therefore, this spell has not yet reached the triggering conditions.

  So, Odin had to manually remove this additional spell for Thor.

  Thor summoned Thor\'s Hammer, but did not get the feedback from Thor\'s Hammer, which made his mood fall to the bottom, and even had serious self-doubt.

   Fortunately, in the next second, Thor\'s Hammer responded to Thor\'s call, left Jane Foster in an instant, and flew towards Thor.

   "I\'m still eligible, hahaha, I\'m still eligible!"

   Thor, who re-summoned Thor\'s Hammer, immediately lifted his spirits, as if he had regained his former demeanor of fighting the Nine Realms.

  Thor turned around and looked at Rorschach, his right hand had already caught the coming Thor\'s Hammer, he laughed and threw it towards Rorschach.

   "Rorschach, let you see the true power of Thor\'s Hammer!"

  (end of this chapter)