The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 30: 30 This **** sense of security

Chapter 30 30 This **** sense of security

  Rorschach didn\'t know how shocking his behavior had caused the visitors of Asgard Palace.

  Because he possesses the Kryptonian\'super power\', and this power is too powerful, so Rorschach has been carefully controlling and restraining this power.

  However, facing the Destroyer Armor, known as the strongest weapon in Asgard, Rorschach was very excited.

  Finally found a chance to unleash your \'super power\'!

   "First release 20% of the power and see the effect."

  Thinking of this, Rorschach\'s palm shrank suddenly, and his five fingers held the fist of the Destroyer armor, and slowly closed it.


  The indestructible metal began to dent and deform under Rorschach\'s one-handed grip...

  The Destroyer Armor didn\'t feel pain. It pulled its arm vigorously, but it still couldn\'t get rid of Rorschach\'s palm. It could only swing the other hand and smash it towards Rorschach.

   "It\'s too\'s not fun!"

  The strength in Rorschach\'s hand suddenly increased, and his own strength was released to 30%. Then he raised his other hand, and swung a fist against the fist of the Destroyer armor.


There was a violent explosion in the air, and the metal fist of the Destroyer armor that Luo Xia punched directly collapsed. His huge body fell backwards uncontrollably as if hit by a heavy truck driving at high speed. fly out.

   "Mr. Rorschach...My God!"

   "Peter, is there nothing you want to tell us about this?"

  Mary Jane and Harry watched as Rorschach punched down the extremely powerful alien weapon in their eyes, and they all looked at Peter Parker with a deceived look.

  I thought that knowing that Peter Parker is Spider-Man should be the biggest secret between each other.

   As a result, there is an even more explosive \'surprise\' hidden behind it!

  The normally gentle, bookish science teacher actually punched the alien\'s steel humanoid weapon flying in front of them!

  Is this reasonable?

Peter shrugged helplessly: "You may not believe me, but I am as surprised as you are. Although I know that Mr. Rorschach is also a superhero, he has too few shots, and I don\'t know Mr. Rorschach\'s specific strength. .”

   Thor and Sif felt their scalps go numb.

  None of the Midgardians I met these days are normal.

  First, a woman picked up Thor\'s Hammer, then a child was stronger than Asgard warriors, and finally a handsome boy appeared who blasted the Destroyer\'s armor with his bare hands.

   Wasn\'t the way we came to Midgard?

  The earth is so dangerous, I want to go back to Asgard!

  The Destroyer armor hit the ground heavily, making a loud muffled sound.

  Although both arms were seriously injured by Rorschach, the Destroyer armor was restored to its original state in just a few breaths.

  Looking at this scene, instead of being depressed, Rorschach showed a happy smile.

   "Although your strength is very weak, you don\'t seem to be easily beaten, so I will release your strength to... 50%!"

   After finishing speaking, Rorschach was able to step on the ground, and his figure rushed out like a cannonball. At the same time, he clenched his fist and punched the broad chest of the Destroyer armor.


   Bang bang!

   Bang bang bang!

  Rorschach\'s powerful and heavy fists fell on the Destroyer Armor again and again, making this steel weapon seem to become a puppet on a string, which was trampled by Rorschach at will, without the power to resist.

  The four warriors of Asgard have begun to doubt life.

  In their view, the Asgardians are the most powerful race in the world, while the Midgardians...that is, the Earthlings, are a group of weak mortals who need their protection.

  But what happened today has seriously shattered their three views.

  Under Rorschach\'s indiscriminate bombardment, the speed at which the Destroyer\'s armor was restored was far slower than the speed at which Rorschach destroyed it.

  Just a few minutes later, the weapon of Immortal Palace, which was originally invincible, knelt on the ground like a dead dog at this moment, trying to struggle to get up several times, but couldn\'t do it.

Everyone looked intently, and saw that no part of the Destroyer\'s armor was intact, the chest was pitted, the left arm was torn off abruptly, and both legs were bent irregularly, as if being repeatedly crushed by a tank A hundred times!

   "Asgard\'s strongest weapon is nothing more than that."

  Rorschach looked at the Destroyer armor struggling on the ground, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

  He has only exploded at 50% of his strength, and he hasn\'t enjoyed it yet!

   Is this not enough?

That\'s it?

   As he spoke, Rorschach lifted the mask of the Destroyer armor with one hand, dragging the Destroyer armor towards Jane Foster like a dead dog.

  Rorschach raised his hand and threw the tattered Destroyer armor in front of Jane Foster, still with a faint smile on his face, he said, "Dr. Foster, the current Destroyer armor is just right for you to practice."

  Jane Foster was a little dumbfounded: "This iron lump, can you still stand up?"

   "Probably, just wait a little longer, and you should be able to recover a bit. Then you can take action with confidence. If there is an emergency, I will solve it for you." Luo Xia said.

  Jane Foster blushed slightly and nodded gently.

  This **** sense of security!



   Loki\'s face was ashen on the Sun Throne.

  In order to get rid of his brother Thor and win the trust of God King Odin, Loki did not hesitate to lure the Frost Giants into Asgard, and then staged a scene of a dutiful son guarding his sleeping father.

  True-Father is kind and son is filial!

  So far everything has been going very smoothly, except that there is a big mistake on the earth side.

   "Damn it, why is that bug so powerful, even the Destroyer Armor is no match for him..."

  Loki can control the Destroyer Armor, and because of this, he knows Rorschach\'s power better than others.

   "It is impossible for Midgard to have such a powerful existence!"

   At this moment, Loki thought a lot, but no matter what, Rorschach seemed to be on his brother\'s side.

   "I absolutely don\'t allow anything that threatens me to become the king of Asgard. Thor can\'t, and neither can these little bugs!"

Thinking of this, Loki held Odin\'s Eternal Spear in his hand, and walked towards the entrance of the main hall with violent killing intent in his eyes: "Come on! Call the army immediately, the Midgardians have taken my brother hostage and captured him After defeating our warriors, immediately follow me into Midgard!"

  Loki casually charged Rorschach and the others with a crime, and planned to gather an army to invade the earth.

  The army of Asgard descended, first killed Rorschach and the others, and then took advantage of the chaos to kill Thor and blamed Midgard.

  As long as Thor dies, Loki will be the king of Asgard!

   Following Loki\'s order, Asgard\'s army quickly assembled. In order to ensure that they could kill Rorschach, Loki even dispatched Asgard\'s fairy boat battleship.

   Just when Loki felt that he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life.

   Suddenly an old voice came from behind him.

   "Loki, what do you want to do with the Asgardian army?"

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  (end of this chapter)