The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 29: 29 Destroyer Armor

Chapter 29 29 Destroyer Armor

  This spider thread was of course launched by Little Peter. He pulled the spider thread quickly, and finally pulled Sif from the neck of the Destroyer armor just before the destruction ray was fired.

   "Peter!" Harry stared blankly at his good friend.

  At this time, he still can\'t see that his best friend is the vigilante who is often reported in the news recently, the friendly neighbor Spider-Man.

   And Mary Jane\'s eyes were also full of surprise: "I knew it!"

  She has already discovered the clues, but she has never had the opportunity to prove her conjecture. Now that she sees Peter launching the spider web, she has confirmed Peter\'s identity as Spider-Man.

   "Sorry, Harry, MJ, I didn\'t tell you the truth..."

   "Why do you only apologize to us, and why is Mr. Rorschach not surprised at all? Could it be that Mr. Rorschach already knew you were Spider-Man?" asked Mary Jane.

   Talking about his boyfriend being Spider-Man, but he didn’t tell his girlfriend. Instead, he confessed his identity to a handsome male teacher first, should his girlfriend be jealous?

   "MJ, now is really not the time to worry about this!" Peter pulled Sif by the spider\'s thread, away from the Destroyer armor.

  The other three Asgard warriors rescued him and looked at the Destroyer armor vigilantly.

  All eyes fell on the Destroyer Armor.

  I saw that the wounds caused by the four warriors of Asgard with all their strength on the Destroyer armor quickly healed in just a few breaths.

  The Destroyer Armor is a cold machine without emotion, coldly executing Loki\'s orders to it.

   Kill Thor!

  Seeing the Destroyer armor walking towards everyone step by step with heavy steps, the four warriors of Asgard had no choice but to bite the bullet and charge again in order to protect Thor.

   This time, Peter Parker also joined the battle.

However, even with the addition of the little spider, it still can\'t turn the tide of the battle. The spider silk can\'t effectively trap the Destroyer armor. A magic weapon in the hands of a warrior.

  Rorschach had known for a long time that the Destroyer Armor would come, so he deliberately took Thor to the wilderness to avoid staying in the town and affecting innocent people.

  However, the open wilderness greatly restricted the mobility of the little spider, preventing it from displaying its due strength.

  The battle between the two sides soon became fierce.

  Although the Asgard Warriors are brave and good at fighting, their strength is far from that of the Destroyer Armor. Even with the assistance of Spider-Man, they are still defeated by the Destroyer Armor.

  The little spider surpassed all the Asgard warriors in power, but the power of the Destroyer armor is also extremely terrifying. With the destructive energy ray, Spiderman Peter Parker also has to avoid the edge temporarily.

  Thor saw his friends fighting hard for him, and their lives were in danger at any time.

  Thor felt that he was doomed today. He didn\'t want to involve more people, so he wanted to dissuade Rorschach and others from leaving, saying:

   "Rorschach, I\'m sorry to involve you in such a thing. Loki\'s target is me. As long as you leave here, your lives will not be in danger."

  Mary Jane didn\'t even think about it, she didn\'t want to leave: "I won\'t leave, Peter is still there, I won\'t leave Peter alone and run away."

  Jane Foster silently raised her hand, and Thor\'s Hammer flew into her hand again, transforming into a female Thor in an instant.

   Then he said firmly: "Little girl, you should go with Mr. Luo Xia, and I will deal with that big iron lump."

   Saying that, Jane Foster was about to rush towards the Destroyer.

Rorschach suddenly stretched out his hand, pressed Jane Foster\'s shoulder, and said, "Wait a minute, Dr. Foster, you are still a little bit reluctant to deal with the Destroyer Armor...I\'ll help you weaken it a bit, and give it to you again." You practice."

  Jane Foster still doesn\'t understand what Rorschach means.

  At this time, the Destroyer Armor has passed the four warriors of Asgard and Peter, and appeared in front of everyone.

  The dark face of the Destroyer armor was aimed at Rorschach, and that fiery terrifying aura rose again.

  The next second, the destruction ray burst out.

   "No, Mr. Rorschach!" Peter struggled to get up from the ground, ignoring his own injuries, raised his hands and shot two spider threads at Rorschach and Jane Foster.

  However, before the spider silk stuck to the two of them, the terrifying ray of destruction had already fallen.

   With a wave of his hand, Rorschach pushed Jane Foster out ahead of time, while he was submerged in the hot rays like magma.

   "Rorschach..." Jane Foster\'s eyes were red, her heart was extremely sad, and bursts of lightning arcs erupted all over her body because of anger.

"Do not…"

  Daisy also covered her mouth in fright. At this moment, all she could think of was Rorschach\'s handsome face, but unfortunately... she will never see it again.

  Thor blamed himself extremely: "It\'s all my fault, I killed Rorschach."

  Among the crowd, perhaps only Norman Osborn firmly believes that Rorschach will be fine. After all, he has seen the scene where Rorschach jumped from the top floor of the Osset Group building and was still unscathed.

   That one is the **** on earth!

   It is absolutely impossible to die so easily.

  The blazing rays of the Destroyer armor gradually dissipated, and a ragged figure appeared in front of everyone.

  Everyone was taken aback.

   I saw that Rorschach, who should have been bombarded by the destruction ray, had no bones left, but stood there intact.

   Only an expensive suit was burnt and was riddled with holes and dilapidated.

  Rorschach raised his hand and pulled gently, the ragged cloth strips on his upper body were torn off, revealing his chest muscles, eight-pack abs, mermaid lines...

   "Wow..." Daisy almost shed tears when she saw it.

  When Rorschach was wearing a suit, everyone didn\'t feel how strong he was, but when he took off his clothes, he showed the muscle lines like a knife, and the perfect abdominal muscles, which made people want to touch them.

  The Destroyer Armor seemed to sense that its energy rays hadn\'t wiped out Rorschach, so it immediately raised its huge steel fist and slammed it down on Rorschach.

  Responding to this, Rorschach only gently raised his palm.


  With a muffled sound, the huge metal fist of the Destroyer\'s armor fell firmly into Rorschach\'s palm, unable to move any further.

   It seemed that this punch was not aimed at Rorschach\'s hand, but at an impregnable city wall.

   " is this possible?" Thor, Sif and other visitors from Asgard Palace had dull eyes.

   Daisy and the others didn\'t have an intuitive concept of the power of the Destroyer Armor, so when Rorschach blocked a punch from the Destroyer Armor with one hand, they simply marveled that Rorschach had such powerful power.

  But Thor and the others know how powerful the Destroyer Armor is!

   Thor asked himself, even if he recovered to his prime, if he did not rely on Thor\'s Hammer, he would never be able to rely on brute force to resist the attack of the Destroyer armor.

   But Rorschach did it.

   Does this mean that the power of this Midgardian named Rorschach has surpassed himself as Thor?

   Is this really the power that the people of Midgard should have?


PS: The Destroyer Armor is an artifact used by Odin to deal with the Celestial Group. It is weakened in the movie. The setting of the Destroyer Armor in this book refers to the attributes of Odin against the Celestial Group in the comics. It can be regarded as the Enhanced version of .

  (end of this chapter)