The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 31: 31 The Arrival of Odin

Chapter 31 31 The Arrival of Odin

  After hearing this old voice, Loki\'s heart trembled violently.

  His face turned extremely ugly in an instant, his neck was stiff and he turned his head away inch by inch.

   "Father...Father King..."

   Standing behind Loki is the God King Odin who fell into Odin\'s sleep before.

   "Father, why did you wake up so quickly?" Loki felt as if he had overturned a five-flavored bottle at this moment, with all kinds of flavors in his heart.

  Odin stared at Loki with one muddy eye, his eyes full of disappointment: "If I don\'t wake up again, are you going to start a war against Midgard like your brother?"

   "No, no, Father, the Midgardians took my brother hostage, and I\'m going to rescue him!" Loki quibbled.

   "What about the Destroyer armor?" Odin continued to ask.

   Loki rolled his eyes and thought of an excuse again, but this time before he could speak, Odin yelled coldly: "Enough, Loki, you let me down too much."

   After finishing speaking, Odin stretched out his hand towards Loki, and the Eternal Spear in Loki\'s hand disappeared out of thin air and appeared in Odin\'s hand.

   "Come here, take Loki back, let him reflect on himself, and never let him out without my order."

  Odin gave an order to the surrounding soldiers, and then stopped looking at Loki, but strode towards the Rainbow Bridge.

   Loki was held up by two soldiers, but he didn\'t resist.

  As smart as he is, how can he not see that all this is Odin acting.

  In the past, it was possible for Odin to sleep for decades or hundreds of years, but this time he didn\'t wake up early or late, and he woke up when Loki was about to invade Asgard.

   This is obviously pretending to be asleep!

  As for why Odin pretended to be asleep, even a fool can see it now.

   It is nothing more than to sharpen his son Thor\'s mind.

   Luo basically thought that he had calculated everything, but in the end it was just a **** in the old fox\'s hands.

"You never regarded me as your son, right? I\'m just a pet you raised, right? No matter what I do, you won\'t let a frost giant take the throne of Asgard, right..." Luo Ji thought incomparably bleakly in his heart.


  Earth, New Mexico.

  Female Thor Jane Foster took a lot of effort, and finally smashed the **** Destroyer armor into a pile of scrapped iron.

   "Ding, complete the sub-quest "Female Thor". The host has helped the female Thor Jane Foster to initially master the power of Thor\'s Hammer and become a qualified fighter. 20,000 task points will be rewarded!"

  Rorschach didn\'t expect this side mission to be completed so easily.

But I have to say that Jane Foster\'s talent is still very good, and after transforming into a female Thor, she will also acquire the most basic fighting instinct, so with a little help from Rorschach, Jane Foster reached the system level. Judgment standard.

  Seeing Jane blowing up the Destroyer armor, Daisy excitedly stepped forward to give her high fives in celebration.

   "Wuhu, Jane, you are amazing!"

  Rorschach and the others were also very happy, the biggest enemy was finally resolved.

  However, as happy as Rorschach and the others are, Thor is as sad as they are.

  Asgardians have always been known for their bravery. They are never afraid of death, they only worry that death is not vigorous enough. However, what happened today made them feel ashamed.

   Rorschach put on a suit again.

   During this trip, Norman took on the duties of an assistant very responsibly, and took care of all the problems in life in an orderly manner.

  Rorschach had no time to appease the emotions of these Asgard visitors, but called Peter and the others, pointed at the Destroyers scattered all over the place, and ordered:

   "Hurry up and clean up these debris. These metals are from outer space and may carry unknown viruses. They must be taken back for processing!"

  The Destroyer armor is composed of Uru metal, and of course there can\'t be any unknown virus. Rorschach said this just to cover up his behavior of picking up \'garbage\'.

  At any rate, he is also the **** of the world, the founder of the emperor organization.

   Picking up scraps of Asgardians is somewhat detrimental to one\'s identity.

  Kuru metal is rare, and the weapons made from it are extremely powerful.

The most intuitive point is that in the plot of Avengers 4, the double-edged sword in Thanos\' hands is made of Uru metal. When Thanos faced a siege of Avengers, he forcibly chopped the United States with that sword. The Captain\'s Vibranium Shield.

   This shows how powerful Ulu Metal is.

  Norman heard Rorschach\'s order, immediately understood, and took the initiative to call on everyone to pick up the remaining fragments of the Destroyer.

   After another busy day, a vortex suddenly appeared in the clouds in the sky. In the vortex, a colorful rainbow light suddenly shot out, falling in front of everyone like a meteor.

   Rorschach and the others are no longer surprised.

  In just one afternoon, how many rainbow lights have fallen?

   When the rainbow light dissipated, a one-eyed old man riding an eight-legged horse and holding a golden spear appeared in front of everyone.

  This old man exudes brilliant divine power all over his body, as if... no, that is a king who defies the world.

  When the four warriors of Asgard saw the old man, they all knelt down on one knee, put their right fists on their hearts, and paid the most sincere respect to the old man.

  Even Thor had tears in his eyes, couldn\'t help but stepped forward and knelt down, and yelled "Father" in a mournful voice!

  Rorschach\'s eyes also fell on the one-eyed old man, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

  Of course he recognized this person, who else could this person be besides Odin, the god-king of Asgard.

  In the main plot of Thor, the God King Odin seems to have never descended to Earth!

  According to Rorschach\'s thinking, if Sif and the others take Thor away now, they will definitely be able to keep Thor\'s Hammer on Earth.

  After all, Thor didn\'t care about sacrificing himself to be beaten half to death by the Destroyer armor, so naturally he hasn\'t regained the qualification to lift Thor\'s Hammer, so it\'s impossible for Thor to take Thor\'s Hammer away even if he wants to.

   Even under Rorschach\'s thoughtful \'teaching\', Thor has already given up the idea of ​​​​giving up relying on Thor\'s Hammer.

  Odin\'s sudden arrival is undoubtedly the biggest variable.

   Thinking up to this point, Rorschach subconsciously looked at Jane Foster, who still maintained the costume of the female Thor.

  Rorschach guessed that there is a high probability that Odin came for Thor\'s Hammer!

  Don\'t look at what Odin said, "Whoever lifts this hammer, anyone who is qualified will give him the power of Thor", but Odin is small-minded!

  In the comic plot, Jane Foster raised Thor\'s Hammer and became a female Thor.

But instead of recognizing Jane Foster, Odin made things difficult for her. In the end, it was Jane Foster who saved Asgard many times, and with the help of the queen Frigg, Odin reluctantly accepted Jane Foster. ster.

  In the final ending of the manga, Jane returned Thor\'s Hammer to Thor, and became the new Valkyrie herself.

   From this point of view, Rorschach is almost certain that Odin came here to find a place for his son and to return Thor\'s Hammer.

   Sure enough, Odin looked around with his one-eyed eye, and several Asgardians knelt down to worship him, but everyone on Rorschach\'s side didn\'t kneel down, and no one even saluted him.

   How could Odin, who has always wanted to save face, bear it? He snorted coldly and raised the eternal gun to hit the ground.

  In an instant, a storm spread out, and the divine power enveloped the four directions, turning into an invisible force, which made everyone short.

   "People of Midgard, why don\'t you kneel down when you see me?"

   This is God King Odin\'s warning to everyone in Rorschach.

  Rorschach reached out to support the oldest Dr. Savage. After two days of running around, Dr. Savage was tortured enough. Facing Odin\'s pressure, Dr. Savage almost knelt down.

  Rorschach stood at the front of the crowd, looked straight at Odin, and said with a smile, "Sorry, I have a problem with my knees, and I can\'t bend."

  Odin heard Rorschach\'s answer, and a nameless fire suddenly arose in his heart.

  Imagine, an emperor is patrolling his territory, and when he meets a subject, instead of showing respect to the emperor, he violates the emperor\'s will.

   This is clearly a provocation!

  (end of this chapter)