The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 28: 28 Asgard Guest

Chapter 28 28 Visitors from Asgard Palace

  In the battle with the female Thor Jane Foster, Thor showed extremely strong willpower.

  Even if he was electrocuted to death, he could stand up again with a strong posture and continue to ask Jane Foster to electrocute him.

   How could Jane Foster, who is a master at playing, refuse such a request.

  Then, with another wave of the small hammer, several bolts of lightning crashed down.

   "Mr. Rorschach, won\'t Thor die like this?" Little Peter couldn\'t stand it anymore, he was really worried that Jane Foster would accidentally kill Thor.

   You know, they just beat Loki half to death not long ago. If they miss Thor again now, Odin’s bed board will definitely not be able to hold down, and then they will gather all the troops of Asgard and attack the earth directly.

   "Don\'t worry, Thor may not be able to withstand a strong physical shock, but if Dr. Foster electrified him with the power of Thor, it might stimulate the power in Thor instead!"

  Rorschach is very sure of this, at least using the electric shock package on Thor will definitely have an effect.

  At noon, Norman and Harry came back, and Daisy and the others also made lunch. At this time, Rorschach called Jane Foster and Thor to have lunch together during the intermission.

  Jane Foster puts down Thor\'s Hammer, and the female Thor\'s status is automatically released, and she returns to the dress of a female scientist on Earth.

  And Thor twitched all over his body, walking like a patient with Parkinson\'s, trembling.

   "Don\'t laugh at me, Midgardian, do you know what is flowing in my veins at this moment?" Thor noticed that Daisy and the others were holding back their laughter, as if they were in pain, and his self-esteem was greatly hit.

"Is beer flowing in your veins? I think you like to drink that stuff. You drank three cases of it last night! Only we investors have money, otherwise what kind of family can afford you to drink like this!" Daisy turned back without losing face.

   "It\'s thunder, what runs in my blood right now is thunder!"

Thor gnawed on a piece of steak cursingly, saying something like \'I am the prince of Asgard\', \'My father is Odin\', \'My family has an Odin treasure house full of treasures\' and so on. Words, joy in the air.

  After lunch, Thor strongly requested to continue sparring, because he seemed to feel that the dormant power in his body was awakening.

  Jane Foster has just obtained the power of the female Thor, and is in a period of exuberant curiosity. Naturally, she will not refuse such a request.

  So, Thor was abused again in the afternoon.

   One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Both of them have a good time.

  However, the happy time is always short-lived. Before the afternoon duel practice lasted long, a colorful rainbow light in the sky suddenly fell in front of them.

  At this moment, everyone is no stranger to this rainbow-like light.

   That\'s the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard!

  The people of Asgard came again.

   Everyone looked vigilantly at the direction where the rainbow light fell, expecting to see Loki and the Asgardian army again, but this time, only four people appeared.

   They are the Valkyrie Sif, Hogan with an oriental face, Fandral the gentleman, and finally there is Vostagg, a Viking warrior with a big beard.

  The four of them are Thor\'s most trusted comrades-in-arms and friends.

  Heimdall deliberately left his post to create an opportunity for them to land on Earth, so the landing site was chosen directly around Rorschach\'s camp in the wilderness.

  As soon as they landed, Sif and the others saw a woman wearing Thor\'s suit and holding Thor\'s hammer, attacking Thor with lightning.

  Before Sif and the others came to Earth, Heimdall didn\'t tell them about Thor\'s situation on Earth.

  Therefore, when Sif and the others saw this scene, they felt for a moment that they might have fallen into Loki\'s illusion.

   "God, what did I see, Thor being beaten by a Thor in women\'s clothing?"

   "It\'s not Thor in women\'s clothing, it\'s a **** woman, stop it!"

   Sif had an affair with Thor after all.

  Although this relationship is over, she still has Thor in her heart, so seeing Thor being shocked by a woman whose appearance is not inferior to her, Sif immediately drew out her sword and rushed forward.

  The Viking warrior Vostagg followed closely behind, raised two hatchets, shouted "for the glory of the gods of the north" and began to charge.

   Rorschach\'s side.

  Little Peter immediately put on a fighting posture. He quickly protected Mary-Jane and Harry behind him, and looked warily at the four Sifs who were charging.

   At this time, Thor quickly stopped the battle, waved at Sif and the others, and shouted: "Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding..."

  After some explanations, the four of Sif believed that Rorschach and the others were not enemies, and Thor was also training for awakening power because he lost his divine power.

   Thor awakens power and needs to be shocked by electricity.

   That makes sense!

  The four of Sif looked at Thor with weird eyes.

  It turns out that Thor has this hobby.

   Before Thor and Sif exchanged a few words, a storm vortex appeared in the distant sky again, and then, another rainbow light fell on the ground.

  The light dissipated, and a tall silver-white steel giant appeared in front of everyone.

  That is Asgard\'s strongest weapon, the Destroyer Armor.

  The Destroyer armor is made of Uru metal. With the blessing of divine power, it can be almost indestructible. It is said that the Destroyer armor is the ultimate weapon created by Odin to resist the invasion of the Celestial Group.

   "Damn it, Loki actually released the Destroyer Armor, Rorschach, please evacuate immediately, you can\'t deal with that thing."

  Thor immediately warned everyone in Rorschach, because he knew the power of the Destroyer armor.

  If Thor was in his heyday, he would definitely be able to easily deal with the Destroyer, but now that he has lost all his powers, it is impossible to be an opponent of the Destroyer armor.

   If there is anyone present who can defeat the Destroyer Armor, in Thor\'s view, only Jane Foster, the transformed female Thor.

  However, the current Jane Foster has not yet fully grasped the power of Thor. Letting her go up now is like giving a little girl a submachine gun and letting her go into battle to kill the enemy. This is undoubtedly letting her die.

  While speaking, the four warriors of Asgard rushed forward fearlessly, and immediately handed over the Destroyer armor.

  For a moment, the mask of the Destroyer armor opened, shooting out a terrifying blazing ray, strafing across the wilderness.

  The four warriors of Asgard cooperated with each other tacitly, and they have already fought against the Destroyer Armor for several rounds.

  The Valkyrie Sif jumped up under the cover of her teammates, jumped onto the shoulder of the Destroyer armor, swung the sharp sword in her hand, and stabbed towards the neck of the Destroyer armor.

  The neck of the Destroyer armor was severely injured, but instead of falling down, its entire head turned 180 degrees strangely, aiming its black face at Sif behind him, and a hot temperature suddenly rose.

   "Sif, get out of the way!" Thor shouted.

   Just when the destruction ray was about to burst out, a spider thread spanned a distance of 100 meters and stuck to Sif\'s back.

  (end of this chapter)