The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 22: 22 a hammer

Chapter 22 22 A Hammer

   "It was my father who deprived me of my divine power. It seems that I need to go to Mjolnir to regain my divine power."

   Explained a sentence, Thor, Rorschach and others said goodbye, and then Sa Yazi ran towards the direction where the \'meteor\' fell.

   Daisy and the others looked at each other, and the scene was still extremely awkward.

   After a while, Thor turned back after running for a certain distance, and he asked Rorschach a little embarrassedly: "Your Excellency, can you lend me a horse?"

   "Sorry, the United States has no horses. You can go in our car, Norman, and drive over here." Rorschach instructed Norman Osborn.

  Although Norman didn\'t understand Rorschach\'s behavior and was greatly shocked, he still drove the car over as he did.

   "Peter, you and MJ go to Dr. Foster\'s car, let\'s go and see together, what kind of thing fell from the sky." Rorschach said.

Although Jane Foster wanted to stay and continue to study the magical runes on the ground, but the investor spoke, and everyone was curious about the things that fell from the sky, so they hurriedly took a few photos and then got into the car together, heading forward drive away.

   Along the way, Thor was complaining to Rorschach, because he was exiled to Midgard by God King Odin, lost his divine power, and felt that he had a stomach full of grievances that no one understood.

  It just so happened that Rorschach was the only one in Midgard who was willing to communicate with him, so Thor suddenly started talking, and began to complain that his father was too pedantic and weak, bragging about how heroic he was.

   In Jane Foster\'s car, now Daisy is driving.

   Daisy held the steering wheel with one hand, looked at Peter Parker in the back seat from time to time, and asked, "Did Mr. Rorschach have this symptom recently, or has it always been like this?"

   Obviously, she thought Rorschach might be a lunatic.

  Little Peter and Mary Jane were a little angry, "You are not allowed to say that about Mr. Rorschach, there must be a reason for him to do this, but we still don\'t understand it."

   "I don\'t understand what, you don\'t really believe that that stupid guy is Thor, do you?" Daisy responded unceremoniously.

Jane Foster was still thinking about the place where Thor appeared, the mysterious rune on the earth: "No matter who this person is, there must be something unusual about the aurora tonight, maybe when we get to the fall of the \'meteor\' where new discoveries may be made.”

  Daisy smiled nonchalantly: "Please, is that just a small meteor, okay, what do you expect to find, Clark Kent\'s spaceship?"

  Two cars, one behind the other, pass through layers of night.

  The place where Thor\'s Hammer fell was not too far away. After several hours of searching, everyone came to a huge crater.

   "Am I not mistaken, is that a... hammer?"

  Everyone got out of the car one after another. Daisy stared wide-eyed and looked into the crater ahead, as if she couldn\'t believe her eyes.

  Others also held their breath. From their point of view, what fell from the sky was nothing more than small meteorites and the like. Even if a spaceship fell off, it was within the understandable range.

  But dropped a hammer...

  All eyes turned to Thor.

  At this moment, Thor saw Thor\'s Hammer, and hope was rekindled in his heart.

  He tried reaching out again to summon Mjolnir.

   Unfortunately, Thor\'s Hammer remained motionless.

   "Everything is under my control, don\'t worry, I\'ll go down now and bring Mjolnir up."

  Thor perfectly demonstrated what it means to be a "dead duck with a hard mouth". He squeezed a smile on his face, slid down the edge of the big pit, and staggered towards Thor\'s Hammer.

   "Mr. Rorschach, what does this hippie want to do?"

   "He wants to pick up that hammer."

   "I still can\'t understand why a hammer fell from the sky, or is it that we are actually on the scene of a reality show, and there are several cameras facing us in a certain corner?"

   "Peter, it\'s very good that you are skeptical. I agree with you to find the camera in the corner."

   Just as Rorschach was talking to Peter, Thor had already arrived in front of Thor\'s Hammer.

  He showed a smile reunited with his first love after a long absence, and then slowly stretched out his hand, gently holding the handle of Thor\'s Hammer.

  A familiar feeling came to my heart.

  Thor has fought with Thor\'s Hammer for hundreds of years. For Thor, Thor\'s Hammer is his closest and most trusted comrade-in-arms, partner, and even relative.

  He clenched the handle of the hammer and lifted it lightly, thinking that Thor\'s Hammer would be easily lifted by him as usual.

  However, this time Thor\'s Hammer did not move at all.


  A look of disbelief flashed across Thor\'s face, he didn\'t give up, he stretched out his hands to hold Thor\'s Hammer, trying to lift it up with all his strength.

  But Thor\'s Hammer remained motionless.

   "The hippie seems to be in trouble. Hey, do you need help?" Little Peter stood outside the pit and shouted to Thor in the center of the pit: "If you want to take out that hammer, I can help you."

  Little Peter is still very confident in his own strength.

  Although he is only fourteen or fifteen years old, after becoming Spider-Man, little Peter\'s normal strength can reach several tons, and as his body and age grow, his strength will continue to grow stronger.

   Thor in the big pit did not answer.

  He even used his breastfeeding strength, but no matter what, he couldn\'t move Thor\'s Hammer.

   Thor remembered his father Odin\'s spell on Thor\'s Hammer.

  Whoever lifts this hammer, anyone who is qualified will be given the power of Thor...

   "Why, why can\'t I lift Mjolnir... Am I not qualified?" Thor raised his head and yelled, as if he wanted to vent all his grievances.

  Little Peter on the side couldn\'t sit still anymore. He watched Thor holding the hammer in front of him for a long time, and his heart was already itchy.

  "Teacher Rorschach, can I help him, this hippie looks pitiful!" Little Peter asked Rorschach\'s opinion again.

  Not only Little Peter, but even Ms. Daisy, who always thought Thor was Shenjingbing, was also moved by Thor\'s interpretation of Hamlet\'s tragedy.

   "Well, this person must be a drama actor, this emotion, this line kills a lot of fresh meat now, why don\'t we help him?"

  Well, yes, Ms. Daisy also offered to help.

  Rorschach couldn\'t help but find it funny. I have to say that Thor\'s Hammer should be the most unique weapon in the Marvel Universe.

  Throughout the main line of Marvel, Thor, the **** of thunder, has always been proud of "only I can lift this hammer", as if he is the chosen one.

   But in fact, there are quite a lot of people who can lift Thor\'s Hammer.

  For example, Captain America, who pretended not to be able to lift Thor\'s Hammer in front of others, secretly practiced even the shield and hammer.

   Another example is the first owner of Thor\'s Hammer, the goddess of death Hela.

   And visions, elevators (literally)…

  Even Black Widow Natasha Romanoff has raised Thor\'s Hammer in the comics.

   In addition, there is Jane Foster, the famous female Thor.

  (end of this chapter)