The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 21: 21 Thor

Chapter 21 21 Thor

  Tonight, the night sky in New Mexico is dark.

  In the outskirts far away from the town, somewhere in the sky, there was a group of bright lights like an aurora.

   "Jane, look at the sky, this is not the North Pole, why is there an aurora?" Daisy shouted, pointing at the sky.

  Jane Foster is driving, and Dr. Savage in the back seat is swinging the device, "The source of the weird magnetic field is in the direction of the aurora, Jane, we may have a big discovery tonight!"

   "Then sit still, I\'m going to speed up!"

  Jane Foster slammed on the accelerator, and her car accelerated suddenly, heading straight in the direction of Aurora.

   In the rear, an off-road vehicle followed.

  Norman Osborn, the driver, and Rorschach, Peter Jr. and others are all in the car.

  Norman saw a strong sandstorm in front of him from a distance, but instead of slowing down, Jane Foster\'s car accelerated into the sandstorm.

  He looked at Rorschach: "Mr. Rorschach, there may be danger ahead, should we continue to follow?"

   "Don\'t worry, as long as you follow Dr. Foster\'s car, you won\'t be in any danger." Rorschach said calmly.

Harry in the back seat hugged little Peter, and he said helplessly: "Love always makes people blind, even Mr. Rorschach, Peter, MJ, don\'t worry, if there is any danger , I will protect you."

  Little Peter thanked him very happily.

  Rorschach glanced at the rich second generation through the rearview mirror.

  Harry, this kid has been very floating recently!

   Just like that, the two cars rushed into the sandstorm one after the other, and a white light suddenly flashed in the sky, illuminating the entire night sky like daytime.

   Immediately afterwards, the two cars drove for a few hundred meters, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of Jane Foster, just like that, in front of the car. She immediately slammed on the brakes, but still inevitably bumped into it.


   With a muffled sound, the figure that appeared out of thin air was knocked into the air, and Jane Foster froze in place in fright.

   Daisy in the passenger seat poked her head out and took a look. After confirming that they had hit someone, she said to Jane: "From a legal point of view, Jane, this is your responsibility!"

  Jane gave Daisy a hard look. At this time, this stinky woman still has the heart to say sarcastic words: "Hurry up and get the first aid kit!"

   After speaking, Jane got out of the car immediately to check on the situation of the person who was hit.

   Behind, Norman saw Jane Foster\'s car stop, and stepped on the brakes.

   "Mr. Rorschach, I seem to have hit someone in front."

   "Go, go down and have a look."

  Rorschach was overjoyed, finally looking forward to Thor.

  Everyone got out of the car one after another.

  Jane and Daisy have gathered around that one.

   "I feel that this person may need artificial respiration. I have learned artificial respiration. Let me do it for him!"

Daisy saw that the man who was bumped into was very handsome, although he was much worse than Rorschach, but Daisy thought that Rorschach fell in love with Jane Foster, and she probably had no chance, and the man in front of her Just in time to start.

  Jane doesn\'t want to talk to Daisy at all at the moment.

   Haven\'t you seen this man still panting? You just give artificial respiration. Sure enough, Daisy, a stinky woman, can\'t hold it when she sees a handsome guy.

   "Sir, are you okay?" Jane Foster wanted to reach out to help the man.

  But this strong man with blond hair, bearded face, and eyes like blue gemstones threw away Jane\'s hand.

  He staggered to his feet and looked around.

   "Where am I? Hammer...Where is my hammer...Where is my hammer?"

  Daisy got closer and tried to communicate with this person: "Hammer? I can see that you are dizzy from the hammer, but if you need artificial respiration, I can help you!"

   While Daisy was communicating with the strong man, Jane discovered the strange round runes on the ground.

   "Eric, look at the ground!"

   At this time, Luo Xia and others also rushed over.

   "Wow, where did this hippie come from?" Little Peter subconsciously complained.

  Mary Jane was a little worried, "This person\'s mental state doesn\'t look very good, should we take him to the hospital?"

  Harry has a different view on this, "But he is in good condition, you can see that he can perform stage plays!"

It\'s no wonder Harry said that, because this strange strong man has been facing the sky, shouting something like \'Father\', \'Heimdall, I know you can hear\', \'Take me back to Asgard\', etc. Class words.


Norman said that he is well-informed and knows what the strong man is talking about: "I mean, this man should be performing Thor\'s stage play, Asgard, Heimdall, it\'s Norse mythology what\'s inside."

"you know me?"

  Thor, the **** of thunder, immediately beamed with joy when he heard Norman mention his name: "Dear elder, do you know me? May I ask what star field this is, Yalfheim, or Nornheim?"

Norman didn\'t expect that this person would actually act with him, he opened his mouth, and didn\'t know how to answer for a while, so he could only look at Dr. Savig and others, and suggested, "Why don\'t we put Take him to the hospital!"

  Rorschach knew that this person was the real Thor, the God of Thunder. He stopped Daisy who was about to pull out his stun gun, and walked up to Thor, "This is Midgard, New Mexico, Your Highness Thor."

   "I finally met someone with whom I can communicate, what\'s your name?"

   Thor was very excited and stepped forward to give Rorschach a big hug.

   This is the Asgardian way of greeting.

   "You can call me Rorschach."

"Nice to meet you, Rorschach, did you see my hammer? It\'s about this big, square, with a leather lanyard at the end of the handle. I can swing it out like this, and it will take me Fly…"

   Thor described the appearance of Thor\'s Hammer to Rorschach in detail, and the surrounding people were silent.

  What happened to these two people!

   "Perhaps we should take them both to the hospital," Daisy suggested.

  Rorschach ignored everyone\'s gazes, because a series of events that would subvert their three views would happen soon, and the explanation now could not convince them.

  He interrupted Thor and pointed to the dark night sky. Suddenly, a meteor-like ray of light flashed away and fell heavily on the ground, making a loud noise that penetrated the sky and the earth.

   "Your Highness Thor, is that the hammer you\'re talking about?" Rorschach asked, pointing at the direction where the \'meteor\' fell.

   Thor looked in the direction Rorschach pointed.

   Sure enough, something fell from the sky.

   "Yes, that is my hammer, thank you very much, Your Excellency Rorschach."

  Thor was as happy as a child over two hundred pounds at the moment, and then subconsciously stretched out his hand in that direction.

   Nothing happened.

   Thor laughed a little awkwardly, and he changed his posture a few more times, but there was no movement of Thor\'s Hammer about to fly over.

   "What is he doing?" Daisy asked in a low voice.

   "I don\'t know, maybe it\'s some kind of dance!" Jane Foster put forward her conjecture.

  The scene was once very embarrassing.

  Even Rorschach couldn\'t hold back his face, wishing he could use his toes on the ground to get out of a four-bedroom and three-living room.

  (end of this chapter)