The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 23: 23 qualifications

Chapter 23 23 Qualifications

  Thinking of this, Rorschach involuntarily looked at Jane Foster beside him. If Jane were to lift Thor\'s Hammer right now, I don\'t know what the result would be.

  According to the main plot, even if Rorschach does not appear, Thor will finally be able to lift Thor\'s Hammer again, defeat the Destroyer Armor, and defeat Loki\'s conspiracy.

   Obviously, if Rorschach wants to drastically change the plot and earn a lot of mission points, he can only start with Jane Foster.

Let Jane Foster replace Thor as the female Thor. Anyway, Thor\'s hammer will not be used for a few years in Thor\'s hands, and it will be crushed by the goddess of death Hela, and then replaced with a more powerful storm battle ax .

   Rather than letting Thor\'s Hammer be destroyed in vain, it is better to stay on Earth.

   "Okay, you go and help this poor man!" Rorschach agreed to Little Peter\'s wishes.

   Immediately, Peter Parker, Mary Jane, Harry, and even Daisy Louise all rushed into the pit, intending to help the poor man who couldn\'t lift the hammer.

  Rorschach looked at Jane Foster who was still standing outside the pit, fiddling with some instruments, and asked with a smile:

   "Dr. Foster, why don\'t you try it?"

   "Try what, you mean the hammer?"


   "It\'s just a hammer, what\'s there to try, and there are so many of them to help, they don\'t need me at all." Jane Foster didn\'t take the hammer too seriously.

  In the big pit, Little Peter and the others also came to Thor\'s Hammer one after another.

   "Hey hippie, cheer up, what is this hammer made of, you look so strong that you can\'t lift this hammer?"

  Peter helped up Thor who was kneeling on the ground, and Harry and Daisy couldn\'t wait to pull Thor\'s hammer out of the pit.

   I have to say that Thor\'s Hammer seems to have a special magical power, which makes people who see it can\'t help but want to lift it up.

  During the main storyline, it even triggered a hammer-lifting event in Jiuqiao Town. All men, women and children in Jiuqiao Town came to try it and posted it on the Internet, which attracted the attention of some departments.

  The attempts of Harry and Daisy naturally came to nothing.

  The two of them tried their best together, but they couldn\'t move Thor\'s Hammer.

   "It\'s useless. Only those who are qualified can lift Thor\'s Hammer. Now even I have lost my qualifications. It is impossible for you to lift it."

   Thor is a little annoyed when someone touches his hammer.

  Even if he has lost his qualifications now, Thor still believes that one day he will be able to regain the qualifications of Thor, and he will regain the trust of his father and become the greatest king of Asgard.

  Harry and Daisy worked hard for a long time, but finally gave up.

   Then Mary Jane also went up to try, but there was still no movement.

   "Peter, this hammer is heavy, maybe we need a car to pull it." Mary Jane thought of an idea.

   But Little Peter didn\'t consider this option at all.

  The power of the car is as strong as mine?


   Immediately, Little Peter jumped around Thor\'s Hammer, stepped on the ground, held Thor\'s Hammer with both hands, and pulled it out forcefully.


  The ground suddenly collapsed with two footprints, Peter\'s feet sank into the ground, but Thor\'s Hammer was still not lifted.

   "Oh my god, it\'s impossible to lift this hammer. I\'ve never seen such a heavy thing!" Little Peter tried a few more times, but all failed.

  Others were shocked by the strength Peter Parker showed.

   "In the myths and legends, Thor\'s Hammer can only be lifted when it meets someone worthy of entrustment. Mr. Rorschach, this hammer must be the Thor\'s Hammer in the myths and legends!" Norman suddenly thought of this possibility.

  If you think about it along this line of thought, Norman figured out everything in an instant.

  Perhaps from the very beginning, Rorschach came here for Thor\'s Hammer, including the previous investment in Jane Foster\'s project, his personal trip to Old Bridge Town, New Mexico, and his previous conversation with that strong man, all of which can confirm this point.

  Rorschach looked at Norman with an expression that I had figured everything out. He nodded: "That\'s right, this is Thor\'s Hammer, and the big stupid guy in front is Thor."

   "Unbelievable." Norman smiled and shook his head.

  Although the truth of the facts is unimaginable, Rorschach\'s words still make him have to believe.

Seeing that everyone was unable to lift Thor\'s Hammer, Thor actually felt better, because he felt that "someone worthy of entrustment" is all bullshit. Is there anyone else in this world besides himself? Is Neil worthy of entrustment?


   Absolutely impossible!

  Rorschach asked Norman, "Do you want to go up and try?"

  Norman directly refused: "No need, I know I definitely don\'t have the qualifications, so I won\'t humiliate myself, Mr. Rorschach, why don\'t you try it?"

  In Norman\'s view, Rorschach ran all the way here, probably because he wanted to lift Thor\'s Hammer.

   But Rorschach also shook his head: "I don\'t have the qualifications either."

  There does not seem to be a unified conclusion on the \'qualification\' for lifting Thor\'s Hammer.

  The official statement is that you need to have a good character and the firmest beliefs, but the two are not rare qualities. At least in Rorschach\'s view, Little Peter definitely possesses these two qualities.

  But neither in the comics nor in the movies, there is no plot where Spider-Man Peter Parker raised Thor\'s Hammer.

  This is a bit unreasonable.

   Therefore, in Rorschach\'s view, the so-called "qualification" of Thor\'s Hammer, in addition to having these two qualities, also needs a little bit of illusory "destiny" factor.

  Perhaps it is the lack of this "destined" factor that makes Little Peter, who has "qualifications", unable to lift Thor\'s Hammer.

   "Dr. Foster, I think you should give it a try, maybe you are the one who is qualified." Rorschach extended an invitation to Jane Foster again.

  Jane Foster heard Rorschach\'s talk about Thor\'s Hammer, and she still didn\'t accept this setting in a short time.

   After all, Jane Foster is an unwavering materialist scientist.

  Tell her so suddenly that there are gods in this world, it will indeed be unacceptable for a while.

   "No, I\'m definitely not qualified." Jane Foster refused again.

   However, Daisy obviously didn\'t think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. Several of them were unable to lift Thor\'s Hammer, which aroused Daisy\'s inexplicable desire to win.

  Must see this hammer lifted today, or there\'s no end to it!

   So Daisy also urged: "Please, Jane, it\'s just about lifting a hammer, let\'s try it."

  Dr. Savage on the side also chimed in: "Jane, don\'t you often say that science is to never let go of any possibility? It\'s not a bad thing to lift that hammer, just take part in a group activity."

   "Okay, then I will try it, and you are not allowed to laugh at me." Jane Foster was finally persuaded by everyone.

  Seeing the thin Jane Foster staggering into the big pit, Rorschach stepped forward to help, but Thor was dissatisfied with everyone raising his hammer one by one, muttering:

   "Don\'t bother, no one in this world can lift it but me!"

  Daisy imitated Thor\'s tone of voice, and replied very bluntly: "Then you should lift him up, Your Highness Thor."

   Thor was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to refute.

   With the support of Rorschach, Jane Foster walked to the side of Thor\'s Hammer, slowly stretched out her hand, and put it on the handle of Thor\'s Hammer.

  Everyone held their breath.

   "I\'m sure I can\'t lift it." Jane Foster wanted to retreat again.

Thor laughed: "You are very self-aware, ma\'am, you are too thin, our little girl just born in Asgard is much stronger than you, you are not a qualified fighter at all, including all of you None of them have the qualifications!"

  He almost said that I am not targeting anyone, everyone here is rubbish.

  Jane Foster was a little annoyed by Thor\'s words, she gritted her teeth, and lifted Thor\'s hammer vigorously.


  The sky suddenly exploded with thunderbolts, and a terrifying storm gathered above everyone\'s heads at this moment.

   However, everyone did not pay attention to the thunder in the sky.

   Their eyes all converged on Jane Foster.


   She lifted this hammer up!

   Ask for a recommendation ticket, please collect it!



  (end of this chapter)