The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 20: 20 cooperation reached

Chapter 20 20 cooperation reached

   "30 million dollars, I heard it wrong!" Daisy felt like she was floating in the air.

  Their research team really lacked funds, otherwise the whole team would not have only the three of them, and the equipment was poor, with all their belongings in an off-road truck.

  If she can get an investment of 30 million US dollars, the first thing Daisy will do is to change to a larger truck that is more spacious.

   Then buy more vegetables and fresh beef to improve the food!

  Jane Foster frowned, and she asked uncertainly: "Then what do we need to pay? Are there any restrictions?"

Norman smiled and continued: "The specific terms and conditions are written in great detail in the contract. In short, it won\'t let you suffer. In addition, the Osborne Group hopes to hire you as our scientific consultants and join our special consultants. The team of experts usually does not limit your research, only when we encounter unsolvable technical problems, we will turn to you for help."

   As he spoke, Norman took out a stack of contracts from his purse, which were about investing in the research project of Jane Foster\'s team and the consulting contract for hiring the three of them.

  Jane Foster took the contract from Norman with both hands, and gave a copy to Dr. Savig and Daisy respectively, and the three began to read it carefully.

  The three checked the terms of the contract repeatedly. There were indeed restrictions, but they were all within a reasonable range. Everything was as Norman said, and this investment contract would not make them suffer.

  After reading the contract, Daisy turned her head and asked Harry in a low voice, "Hey, rich second generation, is your Osborne Group engaged in charity?"

  In this era of capital exploitation, general capital injections will be shattered, and it is not surprising that various restrictions on transfers and interference are commonplace. Encountering such conscientious cooperation terms, it is simply unbelievable like a pie in the sky.

  Harry shrugged, indicating that he didn\'t know about it.

  Jane Foster and Dr. Shavig looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other\'s eyes.

After reviewing the contracts repeatedly, Jane Foster did not see any traps or problems in these contracts. She looked at Norman Osborn with some puzzlement and asked, "Mr. Norman, I still don\'t understand , Is there anything in my project worthy of your generous investment."

  Norman subconsciously glanced at Rorschach, and he showed a mysterious smile: "In fact, your project is nominally invested by the Osborne Group, but the real investor is Mr. Rorschach."

   "Mr. Rorschach?!"

  The three of Jane Foster looked at Rorschach in surprise.

Daisy-Louise, who has always been free-spirited, immediately made up a hundred thousand words in her brain. The **** plot of the domineering president falling in love with civilian scientists, she quickly grabbed her best friend and said excitedly: "Jane, I bet this is Luo Xia definitely has his eyes on you!"

   "Don\'t say that, Daisy, you\'re being rude!"

  Jane Foster gave Daisy an angry look, and then sneaked a glance at Rorschach.

  If someone else did this, Jane Foster would definitely not want to continue, but seeing Rorschach\'s handsome face...

   Alas, such a talented Mr. Rorschach could have such bad intentions!

   It must be Daisy, the bastard, who is thinking wildly.

  At the dining table, Rorschach was concentrating on eating his steak while thinking about how to earn points from Thor.

  Suddenly, Norman broke the news, and couldn\'t help but twitch his mouth.

   Regarding this, Little Peter and the others looked at Rorschach with a look of "we all understand".

   "No wonder Luo Xia usually doesn\'t like to talk to female teachers in school. It turns out that Teacher Luo Xia likes this type!"

   "Of course, Teacher Rorschach is so talented, he must like a beauty who is also a scientist. I think Dr. Jane Foster is pretty, if she can dress up more."

   "You don\'t understand this. If Dr. Jane Foster dresses up more, it will be different from other vulgar fans. Maybe Mr. Rorschach will like this one!"

  Little Peter and Harry also began to gossip, and Rorschach had already begun to regret bringing these three along.

  He wanted to make an excuse, but there were some things that got more and more vague the more he explained.

  Made, in the eyes of labor and management, there are only tasks, no women!

  As for Norman, not only did he not realize that he had mistaken Rorschach\'s thoughts, but he felt that his revelations were beautiful and would definitely increase a lot of trust points in Rorschach\'s heart!

  In the end, under Norman\'s strong lobbying and Daisy\'s assistance, Jane Foster, who lacked research funding, finally signed a project cooperation agreement and a consultant agreement.

   "Long live, when the investment money arrives, how about we go to the bar first?" Daisy was very excited.

  Jane Foster pinched Daisy severely, "The investors are here, what nonsense are you talking about!"

  Daisy had an indifferent expression, "Jane, for our research project, you should sacrifice a little more. Besides, if it\'s Mr. Rorschach, you won\'t suffer!"

   "You\'re too much, Daisy!" Jane Foster goes into rampage mode.

  Because Rorschach planned to wait for the arrival of Thor, the **** of thunder, he proposed to follow the team to investigate this research project, so Dr. Shavig took Rorschach and others to the hotel in the town and arranged to stay.


  That night, in an area near the border in New Mexico, the sky suddenly lit up like an aurora.

  Old Bridge Town Motel.

  Jane Foster\'s astronomy instrument suddenly fluctuated violently, as if receiving an extremely strong magnetic field signal.

  She immediately notified Dr. Savage and Daisy, ready to follow the instrument to trace the source of the mysterious magnetic field.

   At the same time, Peter Parker, who was looking at the stars on the roof with Mary Jane, also seemed to feel something, and the hairs all over his body stood on end for a moment.

   "Teacher Luo Xia, I can feel something coming."

  Little Peter brought Mary Jane down from the roof, and Rorschach, Norman, and Harry also heard the movement and walked out of the room.

  Jane Foster and Daisy struggled to carry the equipment into the car, Rorschach stepped forward quickly, and put the bulky equipment into the car with one hand.

   "Thank you, Mr. Rorschach." Jane Foster stroked her hair with her hand, lowered her head and thanked Rorschach.

  Daisy covered her mouth, bumped Jane Foster with her shoulder, and said with a snicker, "Mr. Rorschach is very strong. We just need a coolie to help move the equipment."

   "I\'m your investor, Ms. Daisy!" Rorschach looked at Daisy dissatisfied.

Jane Foster was not in the mood to mess around with Daisy, she asked a little awkwardly in front of Rorschach: "Mr. Rorschach, there may be a major discovery tonight, do you want to come together? After all, you are our investor .”

  (end of this chapter)