The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 19: 19 Rorschach's investment

Chapter 19 19 Rorschach\'s investment

  New Mexico, in a restaurant in Old Bridge Township.

  Dr. Jane Foster and her two colleagues and friends, Eric Shavig and Daisy Louise, were waiting at the table together.

   "This is ridiculous. How could the Osborne Group suddenly want to invest in our project? I remember they are doing research on biological hospitals. Daisy, I think you may have been tricked!"

  The three of them waited for a long time, but none of the rumored head of the Osborne Group came. The older Dr. Shavig began to doubt the authenticity of the investment.

  Instead of wasting time here, spend time on research.

  Jane Foster on the side also nodded in agreement, and asked, "Daisy, are you sure it was someone from the Osborne Group who contacted you?"

"It\'s true, you have to believe me, the chairman of the Osborne Group, Norman Osborne contacted me personally, he said he was optimistic about our project, because I couldn\'t get in touch with you two, so let me find you , I want to talk about investment!" Daisy-Louis said firmly.

   "Norman Osborn contacted you personally?" Jane Foster repeated uncertainly, looking at Dr. Savig with a questioning look.

Dr. Savage sighed, stood up, patted Daisy-Louis on the shoulder, and said, "Daisy, I\'m sure you\'ve been cheated 100%, how about Norman Osborn?" He may take the initiative to contact you, and it is impossible for a rich man like him to ask us to meet in this kind of place!"

  Before Dr. Savig’s voice fell, a deep male voice sounded again in the restaurant.

   "Why can\'t I ask you to meet in a place like this?"

  The three of Jane Foster looked in the direction of the voice, and saw five people entering the restaurant one after another.

  One of them walked to the table of Jane Foster and the others, took off his hat and stood up with a smile, and Dr. Shavig held out his hand: "Nice to meet you, Dr. Eric Shavig!"

  Dr. Savig was stunned for a while before he was sure that the person in front of him was indeed Norman Osborn himself!

  He naturally knew Norman Osborn. After all, the Osborne Group is famous, and Norman Osborn also often attends some scientific seminars and other occasions, and has had contact with Dr. Shavig.

  After confirming that the person in front of him was Norman himself, Dr. Shavig quickly stretched out his hand and explained:

   "Mr. Norman, please allow me to apologize for what I said just now. I didn\'t expect you to come here...I mean, this place is too remote, it\'s not like a place where someone with status like you would come."

   "Dr. Savig, we really couldn\'t get in touch with you and Dr. Foster, so we sent the message through Miss Daisy."

Norman said with a smile, and then he gave up a position: "Dr. Savig, Dr. Foster, Ms. Louise, please let me introduce you, this is the special consultant of the Osborne Group, Luo Mr. Xia, Mr. Luo Xia will be fully responsible for this project investment..."

   "I buy Karma..."

  Seeing the handsome young Chinese man behind Norman, Daisy-Louis couldn\'t help but exclaimed: "Rorschach, are really Rorschach himself!"

   Seeing her friend so excited, Jane Foster couldn\'t help but look at Rorschach a few more times.

   Very handsome!

  Just looking at it made her feel better. She asked Daisy in a low voice: "Daisy, who is this Mr. Rorschach? Is he a star?"

  If it\'s a celebrity, then it makes sense, Daisy, a nympho, likes chasing celebrities.

However, Daisy shook her head and looked at her best friend with incredible eyes: "My God, Jane, don\'t you usually watch the news? This is Rorschach, the Rorschach who created new elements, Shi The second largest shareholder of Tucker Industries, a super rich man who is young and wealthy and still single!"

  Both Jane Foster and Dr. Savage only listened to the first half of the sentence. It turns out that this is the scientist who created the new element!

   "I remember, you are the Dr. Rorschach who created the new element. I have read your paper." Jane Foster took the initiative to reach out and hold Rorschach.

Seeing this scene, Norman\'s eyes suddenly brightened, and he continued to introduce Rorschach: "Not only that, Dr. Foster, Mr. Rorschach has also published two papers related to biological science in the journal Nature. Mr. Rorschach\'s talent Let me bow down."

   "Really, then I must learn."

  Although Jane Foster is an astrophysicist, she will continue to pay attention to the most cutting-edge science and technology today.

   Just like that, Rorschach, Norman, Jane Foster, and Dr. Savig began to talk about the new elements.

   Daisy wanted to find an opportunity to intervene, but she knew nothing about the new element except that it was a pure and efficient new energy source, so she couldn\'t get involved in the conversation of these scientific and technological leaders.

  After several unsuccessful attempts, Daisy could only cast her gaze on the three young men behind Rorschach with resentment.

   "Are you and Mr. Rorschach together?"

  The three people behind Rorschach are naturally Peter Parker, Mary Jane and Harry Osborn.

   Originally Rorschach didn\'t plan to bring them here, but after Harry learned that his father and Rorschach were going to New Mexico to discuss a project, he was worried about how to pass the boring weekend, so he wanted to come with him.

   Treat it like a vacation.

  Harry couldn\'t come here alone, so he just dragged the young couple Peter Parker and Mary Jane along.

  Perhaps this weekend will be the most comfortable weekend for criminals in Queens, New York, in the past few months.

"In fact, Mr. Rorschach is our high school science teacher, and this Mr. Norman is my father. These two are my best friends Peter Parker and Mary Jane." Harry is very gentleman introduced to Daisy-Louis.

After greeting each other, they got to know each other, and Daisy pointed to the front desk of the restaurant very familiarly: "Do you need something to drink? Since your elders are here, I won\'t take you to drink. If you want to drink , tonight we can sneak to the cowboy bar in the town to experience the customs here."

   "Good idea!" Harry was the first to raise his hands in approval.

   It was already noon at this time, and everyone had lunch together in this restaurant.

During the lunch, Dr. Savage was the first to speak, "Mr. Norman, how do you plan to invest in our project? Perhaps you may not know much about the subject we are currently studying. We are currently studying a strange astronomical phenomenon. , it may not be possible to bring you benefits for a long time?"

  Norman subconsciously looked at Rorschach.

   After all, here, Rorschach is the one who makes the final decision.

   Moreover, Norman had already asked the investment consultants in the Osborne Group to evaluate the current research done by Jane Foster and Dr. Shavig, but it was difficult to obtain any commercial benefits.

   This also made Norman more sure that Rorschach didn\'t mean to be drunk.

"It\'s like this. The initial plan of the Osborne Group is to invest 30 million US dollars first. If there are breakthroughs in the future, we will consider additional investment..." Norman told Jane Foster and Dr. Savig Said.

  (end of this chapter)