The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 14: 14 Technology Expo

Chapter 14 14 Technology Fair

  Little Peter and Mary Jane were watched by Rorschach. They were a little embarrassed, and immediately let go of their hands.

The rich second-generation Harry Osborn grabbed little Peter\'s neck and said with a smile, "Mr. Rorschach, you don\'t know that Peter got a Mercedes-Benz from somewhere, and brought MJ and It was for a drive and to watch a movie for dinner, so Uncle Ben’s calls went to my house last night."

   "Mr. Rorschach lent me that car." Peter said without hesitation.

   "So what the **** did you do last night? I lied to Uncle Ben for you, saying that you were studying at my house!" Harry insisted.

   "I went to see the sunrise with MJ last night..."

"and then?"

   "There is no more!"

   "I believe you ghost!"

  Looking at the teenagers in front of him fighting each other, Luo Xia couldn\'t help sighing, "It\'s nice to be young."

   Agent Sharon standing beside him almost couldn\'t help laughing, "Mr. Rorschach, you are not that old."

  Although Rorschach is only in his twenties in this world, his mentality has long been different from that of ordinary people.

Several people went to the biomedical exhibition area of ​​the Osborne Group. Peter Parker was more interested in biological sciences. He knew more about the things exhibited by the Osborne Group than Harry Osborne, the young master of the Osborne Group. more.

   "Harry, where\'s your father? He doesn\'t seem to come to take you to school recently."

  Rorschach looked at the stage. A dark-skinned middle-aged woman was introducing the biomedical products of the Osborn Group, such as spider silk with toughness comparable to steel bars, limb regeneration technology, and so on.

   Around the stage, there are many gentlemen in suits and leather shoes, full of fat, who look like high-level executives of the Osborne Group.

   However, after looking around, they did not see the chairman of the Osborne Group, Norman Osborne.

   Logically speaking, Norman Osborn should not be absent on such an important occasion.

  Harry Osborn shrugged, "My father hasn\'t come home from the company for a long time, and I don\'t know what he\'s busy with. It seems to be a project in cooperation with the military."

  Hearing this, Rorschach had a bad feeling.

  Sharon Carter suddenly interjected at this moment and said, "Perhaps, I may know why Mr. Norman didn\'t show up."

   Everyone looked at Sharon Carter.

She explained: "Stark Industries seems to have decided to acquire the Osborne Group, and is still negotiating the specific price. Mr. Rorschach, this matter has been decided before you become a shareholder, so you don\'t know and don\'t know." It\'s normal."

   "What, the Osborne Group is going to be acquired by Stark Industries, father never told me!" Harry Osborn was very shocked when he heard the news.

  This is a kind of carefree rich second generation, suddenly hearing the sense of sight of the family\'s decline.

  Peter and Mary-Jane didn\'t know how to comfort Harry, they could only give him a warm hug.

   And Rorschach didn\'t care about sympathizing with Harry at all, because he knew that in the original plot, there was also a plot similar to Norman Osborn being kicked out by the board of directors and then selling the Osborne Group.

  According to the subsequent plot, it is time for Norman Osborn to become the green goblin massacre board next.

   Sure enough, before Harry recovered from the huge shock, a burst of ferocious laughter came from the sky.

   Everyone looked up, and saw a man wearing a green armor, stepping on a single-soldier aircraft, and wearing a green demon mask, appearing above everyone\'s heads.

"what is that?"

   "Is it Iron Man\'s latest armor?"

   "How is it possible, how could Iron Man have such an ugly armor, this is clearly a clown flying in the sky!"


  In the exposition, people looked up at the green figure in the sky and talked endlessly.

  Agent Sharon maintained the vigilance that an elite agent should have, and asked Rorschach and Peter to back off a little.

   "I heard someone say that I am Iron Man, no, I am stronger than Iron Man..."

  The Green Goblin swooped down towards the crowd, and suddenly several green metal **** appeared in his hands, and he threw them at the shareholders of the Osborne Group on the stage.


   "Mr. Rorschach, please back off!"

  The moment the green ball fell, Little Peter and Sharon sounded the alarm at the same time. The next second, the green ball exploded suddenly, and the stage instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

   Fortunately, Rorschach and the others were relatively far away from the center of the explosion, and they just felt a strong air current sweeping towards them.

  Little Peter\'s spider sense was brought to the extreme, he almost instinctively pulled Mary Jane and Harry to protect them behind him.

  He didn\'t take care of Rorschach, not because Rorschach was not important enough in Peter\'s heart, but because Rorschach was surrounded by several burly men at the moment.

   I have to say that the bodyguards arranged by Stark Industries are still very competent.

  Although this level of explosion, not even a hair of Rorschach can be damaged.

  Agent Sharon subconsciously reached for the gun at her waist, but it was no surprise that she found nothing. After all, her current identity is a charming personal assistant.

  She raised her head and saw that Rorschach was staring at her right now.


   "I was looking for my lipstick, and my lipstick seems to have fallen off." After all, Sharon is a professionally trained agent, and she can deal with various emergencies according to circumstances.

  Of course Rorschach would not believe this nonsense, but he did not expose her. Instead, he said to the bodyguards: "You guys, quickly take Miss Sharon and leave with Harry and the others. This place is very dangerous!"

   "Yes, Mr. Rorschach!"

  The scene of the expo at this moment was very chaotic, and the crowd fled in all directions, howling.

  The stage where the shareholders of the Osborne Group were located was shattered by the bombing. Those capitalists who dreamed of selling the Osborne Group to make a fortune, are now bombed to the point that not even their bones are left.

  If Rorschach is willing, he is capable of saving these capitalists.

  However, Rorschach is not a saint, and in his opinion, these capitalists who only put their interests first are worthy of death.

   Just like that, Agent Sharon was dragged outside by a bodyguard. For Sharon Carter, putting this burly man was just a matter of two tricks, but she couldn\'t do that now.

  Because Sharon is now a cute little assistant.

   "Harry, Mary Jane, are you two okay?" Rorschach purposely left behind the bodyguards, and went to check on Harry and the others.

  Both of them said they were fine, just a little scared.

   There was another grin in the sky, the Green Goblin drew an arc in the sky, went back and forth, and several green metal **** appeared in his hands again, like a predator staring at the prey, looking at the fleeing crowd below.

  Rorschach and Peter glanced at each other, and then they nodded in tacit understanding.

  Although there was no verbal communication between the two, Rorschach understood Peter\'s meaning. Peter asked Rorschach to take care of Mary-Jane and Harry, and he was going to save the world.

   "That monster is here again, take us out of here quickly."

  Rorschach quickly pushed Mary-Jane and Harry to his bodyguards, and they rushed towards the exit together with the crowd.

  While Peter watched Rorschach take Mary-Jane away, he took out the Spider-Man headgear from his schoolbag and put it on his head. At the same time, he tore off his coat, revealing the spider suit inside.

  The green bomb in the hands of the Green Goblin threw it towards the crowd.

   But this time, before the green bomb fell, it was changed by several spider webs, collided with each other, and was detonated in the air.


  Fires enveloped the entire venue, but fortunately these green bombs exploded in the air and did not hurt anyone.

  Among the flames, a red figure soared into the sky, kicking the Green Goblin head-on.

  (end of this chapter)