The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 13: 13 personal assistants

Chapter 13 13 Personal Assistant

   Osborne Group.

  Norman Osborn is eager to prove himself in the military, and has proposed to the board of directors for the third time a plan to expand the scale of human trials of physical enhancement drugs.

   But it was still rejected by the board of directors.

  Compared to Osborne trying his best to save the Osborne Group, other shareholders don\'t want to continue investing a penny in this project at all, and they have even begun to find a way out for themselves.

"The Osborne Group will be acquired by Stark Industries at a good price. Norman, I hope you can sign the equity purchase agreement, so that everyone can get a lot of money, otherwise, you We will be kicked out together.”

  At today\'s board meeting, all shareholders unanimously united to force Norman Osborn to abandon the project of individual aircraft and physical enhancement potions.

   And want to take advantage of the technological dividends brought by Iron Man, when the stocks of all technology companies in the US stock market have risen sharply, sell the company to Stark Industries at a relatively high price.

  Especially the biomedical sector of the Osborne Group, which is the main direction of Stark Industries\' acquisitions.

   "You can\'t do this. I founded the Osborne Group alone. Do you know how much I have devoted to the company?" Norman Osborn roared frantically at the shareholders meeting.

   "This is a unanimous resolution of the shareholders\' meeting. Although you are the largest shareholder, the combined shareholding ratio of all of us exceeds yours. That is to say, Norman, your objection is invalid."

A gray-haired old man continued to say to Norman: "Give yourself some dignity, Norman, you can still get a lot of money if you sell the company to Stark Industries, if you continue to mess around like this, You may not get a penny."

Another dark-skinned female shareholder added: "Tomorrow Stark Expo will give us a booth, let us showcase our biomedical technology, and we will publicly announce the merger with Stark Industries, Norman, If you insist on objecting, you don’t have to attend tomorrow’s occasion.”

"I understand."

  Norman Osborn stood up and scanned all the directors present with his cold eyes.

  He had a cruel smile on his face.

  The military is going to divest, and the board of directors has also abandoned his two projects, all because of the clown in a steel costume, because they think the steel suit is more practical than individual flying machines and physical enhancement potions.

   So they all have to give up their projects.

  Norman Osborn stopped talking, got up and left the conference room directly. He had already secretly conducted a human experiment on physical strength enhancement drugs with himself, and the results were perfect.

   At least in his own view is very perfect.

  It\'s just that the military and these stupid shareholders don\'t believe him. It\'s time for the whole world to see the results of their research.

  Military, shareholder meeting, Iron Man, you all deserve to die!


  Flushing, New York, Stark Expo.

  Before going to the fair, because Rorschach had lent Little Peter his big Ben to marry Mary Jane, so Rorschach specially called Happy and asked him to send a car to pick him up.

   In this regard, Happy said that the company recruited an assistant for Rorschach internally.

  From now on, this assistant will be responsible for assisting Rorschach and handling some affairs within Stark Industries.

  Rorschach is now the second largest shareholder of Stark Industries. Although he does not have any substantive positions, he has the right to intervene in some matters of the company, and even has the right to vote on certain major issues.

   "Mr. Rorschach, hello, my name is Sharon Emily, and I am your personal assistant."

  A Stark Industries Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle parked in front of Rorschach\'s villa, and a few burly men got out of the car, as well as a blonde in an OL uniform.

  The first time Luo Xia saw this blonde girl, she felt that this girl\'s face seemed a bit square...

   It seems to be somewhat similar to an important character with a square face in the Marvel Universe.

   After hearing the other party\'s self-introduction, Rorschach suddenly reacted.

  Sharon…Emily? ?

   No, this should be Sharon Carter!

  S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent 13, Sharon Carter!

  When Rorschach was looking at Sharon Carter, Sharon was also looking at Rorschach.

  ‘He is more handsome in real life than in the photo! \'

  Sharon couldn\'t help sighing a little in her heart. When she first received the hidden mission, Sharon refused in her heart. She was more willing to replace Natasha and approach Tony Stark.

   I heard that Tony\'s father and her aunt Peggy Carter used to be comrades-in-arms.

  But after seeing Rorschach\'s photo, Sharron suddenly felt that this latent mission belonged to her!

  SHIELD locked one of the two vigilantes who recently appeared in Queens, New York, on several identities, including Rorschach.

But just a vigilante is not enough for S.H.I.E.L.D. to dispatch an elite agent to approach him. What makes S.H.I.E.L.D. pay attention to Rorschach is nothing more than the new elements created by Rorschach and the sudden acquisition of 10 billion US dollars. Knives and a stake in Stark Industries.

  All of this is directly related to the object of their focus, Iron Man Tony Stark.

   Therefore, for the sake of being conservative, the top management of S.H.I.E.L.D. sent an agent, Sharon Carter, to approach and investigate Rorschach when they sent the Black Widow to lurk beside Tony Stark.

   "Hello, my name is Rorschach." Rorschach raised his hand calmly and shook hands with Sharon Carter.

  In the original plot, SHIELD arranged for Natasha Romanov, the black widow, to go to Stark Industries to apply for Tony\'s personal assistant.

   When Rorschach first heard Happy say that he had arranged a personal assistant for him, he still wondered if it might be the Black Widow!

  After all, the old saying goes well, the iron-clad black widow, the flowing water...

   From this point of view, the Black Widow should still be performing tasks lurking beside Tony Stark, and SHIELD should have noticed her side, so she sent another agent to approach her.

   Rorschach subconsciously glanced at the system integral.

   It seems to have increased by several hundred points, but there is no special prompt from the system.

  It seems that Sharon Carter became his assistant, and he can also settle the task points for intervening in the plot, but it is relatively small.

  This is also normal. Generally, people directly intervene in the main plot, and the main characters get more points. For non-central characters like Sharon Carter, the rewards are less.

  Rorschach didn\'t think much about it. He followed Sharon Carter on the business bus and headed for the expo venue.

   Come to the venue of the expo.

  Surrounded by several burly men, Luo Xia directly entered the venue. Two figures in the crowd tried their best to squeeze through the crowd and walked towards Luo Xia.

   "Teacher Luo Xia, this way..."

  Little spider Peter Parker saw Rorschach protected by bodyguards and beautiful assistants from the crowd at a glance.

  Rorschach followed the prestige and saw that little Peter was holding a girl\'s hand. That girl was none other than Peter\'s dream lover, Mary Jane, and the two seemed very close.

  Beside Peter and Mary Jane, there was a tall boy standing. He was the eldest son of the Osborne Group, Harry Osborne.

   "Hi, Peter, Mary, what\'s going on with you two?"

Under the **** of the bodyguards, Rorschach squeezed through the crowd and came to Little Peter. He saw Little Peter and Mary Jane holding hands with a very intimate expression, and suddenly a lot of gossip ignited in his heart. heart of.

  (end of this chapter)