The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 15: 15 Green Goblin

Chapter 15 15 Green Goblin

  Green Goblin Norman Osborn attacked the Stark Expo this time, mainly for two purposes.

  One is to get rid of all the shareholders who want to sell the Osborne Group, and the other is to draw Iron Man, and then kill Iron Man Tony Stark in front of everyone.

  But the Green Goblin didn\'t wait for Iron Man, but instead waited for a strange guy in a spider tights.


  The little spider Peter Parker used the spider silk to catapult and kicked the Green Goblin in the face, almost kicking the Green Goblin off the individual aircraft.

  The Green Goblin flew upside down for a long distance before regaining its balance.

  He squinted his eyes and looked at the vigilante in spider tights in front of him, with a murderous look in his eyes: "You are not Iron Man, who are you?"

   "I\'m your friendly neighbor Spider-Man, sir, throwing objects from high altitudes is uncivilized, especially if you\'re throwing a bomb."

   As Spider-Man speaks, he fires a stream of spider silk at the Goblin\'s face.

  The Green Goblin uses individual aircraft to gain air supremacy, uses the advantage of flying to avoid Spider-Man\'s spider webs, and counterattacks.

   However, Spider-Man is not a vegetarian.

  There are a lot of buildings in the expo venue, and Spider-Man uses spider silk to move around in the venue, and his mobility exceeds that of the Green Goblin who has a single-soldier aircraft.

  In terms of the strength of both parties, Spider-Man surpasses the Green Goblin in every aspect, but Spider-Man has to be distracted to protect the crowd below, to prevent his battle with the Green Goblin from hurting innocent people, but the Green Goblin has no scruples.

   Even after discovering that Spider-Man was protecting civilians, the Green Goblin directly gave up confronting Spider-Man.

   Instead, they frantically attacked civilians and created chaos, trying to make Spider-Man care about one thing and lose another.

   This strategy does have some effect.

  Spider-Man\'s figure kept moving around, his hands quickly shot out spider threads, and he was tired of saving people everywhere.

  The scene was instantly taken over by the Green Goblin.

   "You lost, little spider."

  Green Goblin grabbed the gap between Spider-Man\'s protection of civilians, quickly moved behind Spider-Man, a sharp blade popped out of his wrist, and stabbed towards Spider-Man\'s back.

  Spider-Man fires a web that entangles a green bomb thrown at the crowd.

  For the green goblin\'s sneak attack, even if Spider-Man didn\'t look behind him, his spider sense had already detected the green goblin\'s movement, so he shot a spider silk towards the steel frame above in advance.

  Behind him, the green goblin\'s wrist blade stabbed towards Spider-Man\'s back.

Seeing that the sharp blade is about to stab Spider-Man, Spider-Man pulls the spider\'s silk hard, and with the help of the elasticity of the spider\'s silk, his figure suddenly accelerates, and he completes a 360-degree turn in the air, narrowly avoiding the attack. Green Goblin\'s Blade.

  Another spider thread wrapped with a green bomb was also pulled over.

   "I told you just now, don\'t litter, and now I give it back to you, Mr. Green."


  The green bomb exploded, and both the Green Goblin and Spiderman fell from the sky.

  Spider-Man fired spider silk again in mid-air, easily defusing the impact of the explosion.

   The Green Goblin was not so lucky.

  Although the Green Goblin has a metal coat to offset most of the impact of the explosion, the explosion at such a close distance still made him choked by the impact of the bomb.

  Even the power unit on the right side of his individual aircraft was blown up, and the flight function was greatly affected.

   At this time, the people had already evacuated in sevens and eighties, and the security personnel of Stark Industries surrounded them with live ammunition.

  The Green Goblin\'s face was extremely ugly. He wanted to defeat Iron Man this time, but before Iron Man saw it, he fell into the hands of a guy wearing a spider tights.

   "Spider-Man, I remember you."

   Seeing that the situation was not good, the Green Goblin threw out the last few green bombs, and hurriedly controlled the individual aircraft with only half of the power unit left, and fled from here.

  In the distance, Rorschach watched the Green Goblin flying crookedly in the sky on the half-blown individual aircraft.

  Rorschach originally wanted to make a move, but finally got rid of the bodyguards, but met Agent Sharon again, and was thinking about how to get rid of Agent Sharon, and then...the battle was over.

   SHIELD is really annoying!

   As the saying goes, you can do whatever you want, and mess up the first place.

   If you erase S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Marvel universe, you can reduce the trouble by at least 30%!

   Even Rorschach felt that it would be better to find a Hydra to be the director of SHIELD than a black marinated egg.


  Osborne Group, Office of the President.

  Norman Osborn returned to his office.

  Taking off the Green Goblin suit, he walked to the wine cabinet, poured himself a large glass of whiskey, and drank it in one gulp.


   Recalling the scene at the Stark Expo, Norman Osborne smashed the wine glass in his hand angrily.

Although the Green Goblin personality helped him successfully kill other shareholders of the Osborne Group this time, there are still a lot of troubles in the follow-up. Norman must first hide the Green Goblin suit, preferably in the dark layer of the house go.

   If you continue to put it in the company, the police and Fobole will find it soon.

   Therefore, he had to dispose of all the weapons and equipment and various data about the Green Goblin in the office as soon as possible.

   A moment later, there was a knock on Norman\'s office door.

Hearing the knock on the door, Norman immediately became alert. He picked up a sharp knife, hid it behind him, and asked, "Who? I don\'t have any appointments this afternoon. How did you come up? I\'m busy now, don\'t disturb me."

   "I\'m Rorschach, please allow me to disturb you for a few minutes, Mr. Norman."

  Rorschach\'s voice came from outside the door.

  After dispatching Agent Sharon and sending Peter Parker and the others back, Rorschach immediately came to the Osborne Group.

  He wants to meet Norman Osborn.

  In the plot of Spider-Man 3 No Return, the three generations of Spider-Man worked together to develop a potion for treating the Green Goblin personality, which can fuse the Norman personality and the Green Goblin personality to become a complete individual again.

  Rorschach looked and found this potion from the Points Mall, and the price is 5,000 points per bottle.

  The formula costs 8,000 points.

In the main plot, the Green Goblin will accidentally die under the blade of his individual glider in the battle with Spider-Man. If before that, Rorschach uses the personality fusion potion on the Green Goblin Norman Osborn, Surely, he could earn a sum of mission points.

   In addition, Rorschach can also do the task of [Super Speed ​​Flight] by the way.

   If you want to gain the flying ability of Kryptonians, you have to jump off ten famous buildings such as Stark Industries Building, Osborne Group Building, Statue of Liberty and so on.

   This mission is not so weird, it is simply outrageous.

  So, after sending Harry Osborn home, Rorschach found that Norman Osborn was not at home. He went to the Osborn Group and appeared at the door of Norman Osborn\'s office.

   "Teacher Luo Xia... why are you here, sorry, can you come over another day, no, let\'s change the time, I can visit you."

   Knowing that it was Rorschach who knocked on the door, Norman\'s cold eyes softened a little.

  He is very optimistic about Rorschach. He has invited Rorschach to join the Osborne Group several times before, and promised to pay whatever he wants.

  However, Rorschach outside the door seemed determined to come in, and said, "I have something very important to talk to you about, it\'s very important, and it won\'t take too much of your time, Mr. Norman."

   Seeing Rorschach insisting, Norman Osborn walked to the door, his eyes became pity.

  He originally didn\'t want to kill Rorschach, but if he continued to drive away, he was worried that Rorschach would become suspicious, so, just to be on the safe side, let\'s kill him!

  Thinking of this, Norman Osborn opened the door of the office.

  (end of this chapter)