The Guide of How to Be an Interstellar Tycoon

Chatper 259

Chapter 259: Suspension

"Hurry up and get out." Jun Yu was looking at his son now, and the more he looked, the more impatient he became, especially with the well-behaved Gu Bai in front of him for comparison.

Why isn\'t his son like Gu Bai? How well-behaved and sensible.

In fact, at the beginning, Jun Yu wanted a well-behaved daughter, but he gave birth to a son, and he was still cold and paralyzed. Seeing everyone was indifferent, he was not at all caring.

At this time, Jun Yu was afraid to forget who Jun Morin had inherited such a character.

Even after having Jun Molin, Jun Yu still did not forget his caring and lovely daughter, and has been working hard with his wife, but it is difficult for interstellar people to get pregnant, and some couples may only have one child in their lifetime.

After so many years of hard work, Jun Yu has basically given up. Let it take its course. Since you can\'t have a well-behaved and caring daughter, then it\'s better to find a well-behaved daughter-in-law.

Although Gu Bai was not the daughter-in-law he imagined, he had to say that this daughter-in-law was far better and better than he expected.

Probably in the matter of finding a daughter-in-law, Jun Morin inherited his fine genes.

"Brother, I heard that you graduated early at Imperial University?"

Sitting in the flying car, Gu Bai asked Jun Morin.

This is what he saw when he was looking for information about Lord Grim on the Star Online. He was still impressed by this one, mainly because he also thought about graduating early.

Planet M95 is now developing rapidly with the support of the empire, and it is also an excellent period for the development of the Blue Star Group. He wants to put more energy on the development group, but his studies cannot be left behind. Taking care of both, Gu Bai It\'s a bit exhausting indeed.

"Well, it\'s a year early, but I don\'t recommend you graduate early." Lord Grim said truthfully.

Gu Bai was surprised, "Why?"

Jun Molin: "The study at Imperial University is heavier and more difficult than the study in general universities, and it is difficult to earn credits. If you plan to graduate in advance with enough credits, you must go to different classes every day, and the time will vary. It is greatly reduced, which is not suitable for your current situation. If you want to focus more energy on the Blue Star Group, you can apply for a leave of absence first, and then resume school after the group stabilizes."

It was rare for Lord Grim to say so much in one breath. If the target wasn\'t Gu Bai, he would be lazy at all.

"Suspension?" Gu Bai almost forgot there was such a thing.

But he didn\'t say anything yet, Jun Morin had already guessed his purpose of graduating early and gave better advice.

If he wasn\'t flying in the sky at the moment, Gu Bai would definitely go up to hug Lord Grim and give him a sweet kiss.

In fact, if he could, he didn\'t want to graduate early. He also wanted to enjoy college life well. The end of the world came just after the university in his previous life, and he couldn\'t experience the long-awaited college life. Of course, he didn\'t want to miss the opportunity to experience it.

However, the development of Blue Star Group is also a rare opportunity. If you miss this time, you may not have such a good opportunity in the future.

With a dilemma ahead, Gu Bai could only choose one.

But now Jun Molin has provided him with new ideas. He can completely take a leave of absence from school, wait for his career problems to be dealt with, and then resume school, so that he can concentrate on enjoying university life.

This method is awesome!

So, on the first day of the Imperial University, Gu Bai and Jun Molin went to the Academic Affairs Office to apply for a leave of absence.

However, Gu Bai did not leave the school immediately, but went back to the dormitory, ready to explain the suspension to his good friends in person.

"Are you going to drop out of school?" Mao Dandan looked at Gu Bai in disbelief and was very surprised.

Gu Bai nodded, "Nongjiale\'s career is on the rise. I\'m going to concentrate on my career. When my career stabilizes, I\'ll go back to school."

"Xiao Bai, you\'re amazing." Du Xiaoxing looked at Gu Bai with admiration on his face. Although he was very reluctant to leave Gu Bai, he was still very happy and admired for his achievements.

"This is indeed a good opportunity." Wen Yan followed suit, obviously supporting Gu Bai\'s decision.

After accepting Gu Bai\'s decision to suspend his studies, Mao Dandan said, "Xiao Bai, then we won\'t be able to meet for a long time, I can\'t bear you."

"We can still video chat. Besides, it\'s not like I\'m not coming back, and you can go to M95 planet to find me during the holidays, and then I\'ll take you to go shopping at the farmhouse." Gu Bai said with a smile.

These three are new friends he made at Imperial University, and they are also the best friends. In fact, he is reluctant to part with them temporarily.
"Then it\'s settled. We will go to M95 planet to find you in the summer vacation. You must remember to take us to the snack street for snacks. I saw the snacks they posted on the star website, and I was so greedy." Mao Danhao Without exaggeration, he said: "By the way, Xiaobai, when are you opening a snack street in Central Star? I really want to eat it."

"It\'s in the plan, but it will take some time before it actually opens. After all, the food stall owner has to undergo training before he can take up his job." Gu Bai had this plan for a long time, but there are too few people in this world who can make snacks, he must It takes a long time to recruit people and teach them from scratch.

Therefore, the plan for the snack street cannot be rushed.

"Xiaobai Xiaobai, what do you think of me? Otherwise, I will follow you to learn how to make snacks, and I will also go to the snack street to set up a stall in the future." Mao Dan hurriedly suggested himself.

He knew that Gu Bai was recruiting food stall owners before, and taught the food stall owners about snacks. He also saw the popularity of the M95 Planet Blue Star Food Street.

He studied catering, and his future employment is nothing more than opening a restaurant by himself or working as a chef in another restaurant.

Opening a restaurant by himself is expensive and not suitable for a fresh graduate like him. Being a chef in other restaurants is more restrictive and very limited. Mao Dan doesn’t want to, but becoming a food stall owner is different.

The cost of food stalls is low, easy to make, and has a wide audience. Although the benefits of a meal are far lower than that of restaurants, he still learns from Xiaobai the principle of large quantities and small profits but quick turnover.

And it doesn\'t need to be limited by people, it\'s just tailor-made for him.

After he graduates, he will go to the food stall to set up a stall!

"Okay, as long as you want to learn, I will teach you." Gu Bai said with a smile.

Anyway, he has to recruit people at Central Star. Mao Dan and the others have the basics of cooking, so they can learn faster, and it is not a hassle to reserve a booth for them.

"Great, then me, Xiaoxing and Ayan, the three of us will set up a stall and go to the stall together." Mao Dan also pulled Du Xiaoxing and Wen Yan along.

It was such a happy decision.

After Gu Bai said goodbye to Mao Dan and the others, he left Imperial University. Those college students who were looking forward to the beginning of the semester and were able to see Gu Bai were destined to be disappointed. When they knew that Gu Bai had temporarily suspended from school, it would be a long time later. .

Now that he is free from the constraints of his studies, Gu Bai feels that he is relaxed and can devote himself to his career, which is really cool!

After Gu Bai took a leave of absence from Imperial University, Jun Morin also resigned from his job as a teacher and moved out of the school.

Because of the preparations for the Central Star Snack Street, Gu Bai did not return to Planet M95 for the time being.

The popularity of Lanxing Snack Street on Xingwang was far beyond Gu Bai\'s imagination, so when he posted a new notice on Xingbo to recruit food street stall owners, the entire Xingbo was immediately crowded, especially the This time, the food stall owner does not limit the planetary household registration.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Xiaobai is finally going to recruit the food stall owner again? I want to sign up! I want to sign up! I want to sign up! Important things said three times! 】

【啊啊啊啊啊……小白这是准备在中央星也建一个小吃街吗,太好了,太棒了,奶奶,你终于等到你喜欢的博主在你的星球开设小吃街了, You can eat snacks every day. 】

[Look at me, Xiaobai, come to our planet to build a snack street anytime, it doesn\'t need to be too large, just fifty booths, I guarantee that there will be a lot of customers on our planet! 】

[Kangkang, the little white ball, glanced at us, we are already looking forward to seeing it. When you come to us to build, I can work for you for free. 】

[Is this the time to pay attention to where Xiaobai is creating a snack street? At this time, you should apply for a snack stall owner. As long as you learn to do it yourself, do you still worry about not being able to eat snacks? 】

[Shut up, the sister upstairs woke me up, what was I doing just now? With such a good opportunity in front of me, I didn’t even focus on it. I almost missed it. I’ll fill out the registration form. 】

[Registration fee and study fee? Gu Bai is crazy about money. Why did the group recruited before give free guidance, and now they are going to make money. Is it because the residents of Central Star have more money? 】

[That is, I originally wanted to sign up and try it out, but it turned out that there was an application fee. It would be shameless to rely on this method to make money. 】

[I think it’s you who are shameless. Why does Xiaobai teach you crafts for nothing? When others learn to cook, they not only have to teach tuition fees, but also have to work for the master every day. Xiaobai is already doing charity. Some people are dissatisfied with the thorns. The world is really big, and everything comes out. 】

[Ignore those people, those who are unwilling to pay even the registration fee, it is better to be screened out, it will save them accidentally and really teach them, it will be troublesome when there are too many things. 】

[That is, the registration fee for each person is only one star coin. How poor does it have to be to be able to afford even one star coin? 】

[Fuck, the number of applicants has reached 100,000, and it is still rising, but there are only 50 places, I...Is there any hope? 】

[Woohoo ... everyone, the poor little girl, the little girl has old and young, and urgently need this job. 】

[I am also old and young, and I have a lot of foreign debts. If I don’t pay it, I will be beaten to death. Everyone, please have pity on me. 】
