The Guide of How to Be an Interstellar Tycoon

Chatper 258

Chapter 258: Thank you for your contribution to the empire

If it was placed in the past, his appeasement effect may be relatively weak, and the effect that can be achieved at one time is not large. This volunteer may not be able to continue to participate in the next experiment, because once Master Gu Yu makes a certain error, this The mental power of a young volunteer will immediately run wild to the point of collapse, and there is no room for recovery.

But now that his power level has been raised to level six, and even Jun Morin\'s mental power has been completely cured, it is still no problem to appease the little volunteer\'s spiritual sea.

Although there is no complete cure for his mental condition, there is no problem in letting him continue to participate in the next experiment, and there is no danger of collapse.

As long as enough time is given, maybe his mental power can be completely healed.

You must know that the ten masters in front of him have a much higher power level than him. As long as they have mastered the method of treating mental power, the mental power problems of these volunteers will not be a problem now.

After Gu Bai used his supernatural ability to help the other party to soothe the other party\'s spiritual sea, the other party\'s spiritual sea really calmed down a lot. At least the turbulent waves on the surface had turned into small waves. As for the turbulent dark waves below, he was powerless for the time being.

By the way, he also helped the other party to strengthen the mental wall, so that once the next mental violence happened, the mental wall would not be shattered at least once.

"Okay, Grandpa Gu can continue to practice. His spiritual sea can withstand your practice." Gu Bai withdrew his mental power and said to Gu Yu.

Zhao Sikun\'s face was full of shock at the moment, no one could be more intuitive and accurate than his client\'s feelings.

His mental power had always been in pain before. If it wasn\'t for his good endurance, he would have been rolling on the ground in pain, but just after Gu Bai\'s mental power and supernatural powers entered, the pain in his mental power was relieved a lot, even He could clearly feel that the spiritual wall that was on the verge of being broken was much thicker.

Originally, he was already ready to die, but he didn\'t expect it to really turn around.

Zhao Sikun was so excited that he almost cried, maybe... maybe... he really didn\'t need to die.

He is only 30 years old and his life has just begun. He still has a lot of things to do, and a lot of good things that he has not enjoyed. He doesn\'t want to die at such a young age.

Although there is a glimmer of hope when signing up for this trial, that hope is actually very slim. After all, it is a volunteer participating in the trial. Since it is in the clinical trial stage, it means that it is not mature enough, and there may be danger at any time.

But Gu Bai\'s treatment just now made him full of confidence in this trial.

Zhao Sikun\'s mental state has changed completely, and everyone can clearly feel this.

"Mr. Xiaobai, thank you so much. I think my spirit is much better. I will fully cooperate with the next test." Zhao Sikun said seriously and firmly.

Although the situation of the other nine volunteers was better than that of Zhao Sikun, they were all close to the brink of mental breakdown, that is, close to the brink of death. Even if they had hope, they were all very slim.

They all know that Zhao Sikun is the most serious one among them. Now hearing him speak in such an excited tone with such a happy expression, this is definitely not the reaction of people who are on the verge of collapse of their mental power, and this They all appeared after Gu Bai treated him once.

In other words, Gu Bai\'s treatment is useful, and it is still very useful.

The eyes and expressions of other people also changed suddenly, full of expectations for life.

The ten masters were watched in this way, and their hearts were also very emotional.

"You will all be well." The masters gently soothed the volunteers\' emotions.

"Well, I believe in you, thank you!" The volunteers tried their best not to fall out with tears in their eyes.

They used to be soldiers, and they were all injured or encountered accidents while performing their tasks, which led to mental violence, and they were forced to retire at a young age.

Although they have always been taken care of by the empire, if they can get better, they still want to continue to be a soldier, a soldier who protects the family and the country and contributes to the empire.

"Go ahead, you also saw the situation of their spiritual sea just now, that is the manifestation of spiritual power, and we just need to calm down those turbulent waves and make their spiritual sea calm again, then Their spiritual power naturally healed." Gu Bai continued to explain to everyone, and patiently and carefully instructed the master step by step to explore the spiritual power and supernatural power of the volunteers near the spiritual sea of ​​the volunteers, and then instructed them how to Use powers to soothe the sea of ​​spirits.

Controlling abilities and mental power is a very troublesome thing, and ordinary wood-type abilities users need to go through a lot of practice to achieve precise control.

But these masters have been famous for a long time, and they are by no means comparable to ordinary people in the manipulation of abilities, so Gu Bai saved a lot of things.

The masters all exerted their energy and attention, carefully probed into the supernatural power, and then learned the method explained by Gu Bai to calm those monstrous waves.

At the beginning, everyone\'s appeasement effect was very weak, and sometimes they were even counterattacked by the other party\'s spiritual power.

But the masters did not give up and tried again and again, and the volunteers also worked hard to control their mental powers so that they would not hurt the masters.
Both parties work hard to achieve good results.

After a day of practice, some masters have mastered the tricks of treatment, and masters who are slow to get started also have some insights.

It is easy for people to have an epiphany when they communicate in private. In short, everything is developing in a good direction.

Jun Yu stayed in the training room for a whole day, and the more he looked at Gu Bai, the more he liked it, and it was rare that he agreed with Jun Molin as a son.

He also did a good job in Gu Bai, and he gave Gu Bai early, otherwise if such a good person was kidnapped by other families, it would be a loss to their royal family.

"Okay, let\'s go here today, the masters should not be too tired, study is very important, but your body is more important." Jun Yu gently told the masters.

These masters are precious treasures of their empire and must be treated with care.

"Don\'t worry, Your Majesty, I will live up to my expectations." Gu Yu took the lead and said with a smile. The experience of the past few days has opened the eyes of these old men and women who claim to have seen all kinds of things.

There is no end to learning, live to old age and learn to grow old, even if they have achieved achievements that are unattainable in the eyes of others, there are still heaven and earth, and there are people outside people.

"Xiaobai should also pay attention to rest. These things can\'t be rushed. Just do it slowly." When the masters and volunteers went back to rest, Jun Yu urged like a father who cared about his son.

"I will pay attention, Uncle Jun, don\'t worry." Gu Bai said with a smile.

These days, Gu Bai lives in the palace for the convenience of instructing the masters, but today he is going to move out, because tomorrow the Imperial University starts.

"The masters have mastered the method, and the rest is to practice a lot and use the method proficiently." Gu Bai and Jun Yu reported the results of the past few days.

The skills of spawning plants and healing spiritual power are what he mainly taught these days, and the two masters have mastered them very well, especially plant spawning, which he learned in half a day, saving him a lot of time and energy.

He originally thought that he would not be able to finish teaching after the school started, and he would still have time to come to the palace to guide these masters, but he did not expect that before he started school, the masters learned both skills, which was much faster than he originally thought. .

"You have worked hard these days. On behalf of the empire, I sincerely thank you for your dedication and generosity." Jun Yu took a step back, opened the distance between him and Gu Bai, and then bowed slightly to show his gratitude.

It is a great honor to have the emperor of a country bend over to thank himself, and it is a treatment that can be given to those who have made great contributions to the country.

At this moment, Jun Yu is not as the father of Gu Bai\'s boyfriend, but as the emperor of the Hua-Xia Empire to thank Gu Bai for his contribution to the empire.

Whether it is his Blue Star Group or the skills of these two wood-type abilities, they will bring great changes to the empire and benefit the whole country.

Gu Bai is worthy of Jun Yu\'s bow and thanks.

"Uncle Jun has won the award, and I just fulfilled my duty as a citizen." Gu Bai hurriedly stepped forward to support Jun Yu, and was really embarrassed to accept such a big gift for him.

When Jun Yu heard this, he was even more satisfied and fond of Gu Bai.

A person like Gu Bai who has made great contributions to the country and the people, but is not proud of his credit, is really rare, and he can afford to be the queen of a country.

Jun Yu even wanted to pass the throne to Jun Morin quickly, so that after Gu Bai became a country, his sense of belonging and responsibility to the empire would definitely be stronger, wouldn\'t he be more attentive to the empire at that time.

The more Jun Yu thought about it, the more he felt that this decision was a good decision and could be implemented.

However, the succession of the throne is not something that can be decided in a short time. There are still many processes and things to do. One of the first is to confirm the marriage between Jun Molin and Gu Bai, and to completely bind Gu Bai is the most important thing. heavy.

However, Gu Bai is not yet twenty years old, and he has not reached the legal age for marriage in the empire. This is a big problem.

Suddenly, Jun Yu felt that his son was really an old cow eating young grass.

Cheap him.

"Xiao Bai, I\'ll send someone to take you to school later. I usually come to the palace when there is no class, and come whenever I want." Jun Yu now became an elder again and said with a smile.

"Okay, I will visit you and Aunt Fang often." Gu Bai replied with a smile.

The atmosphere between the two was very harmonious until Lord Grim appeared.

"I\'ll just take him to school, I won\'t bother you." Jun Morin pulled Gu Bai to his side and said coldly to Jun Yu.
