The Guide of How to Be an Interstellar Tycoon

Chatper 260

Chapter 260: Soldiers of the Military Department

[My dad fell ill some time ago and spent all the savings in the family. Now if I can\'t make money to pay the hospital quickly, my dad will be kicked out of the hospital. 】

[My sister is still waiting for the medical bills in the intensive care unit. Can you take a look at Miss Kangkang? 】

All the comments on Xing Bo are selling miserable comments, and each one is more miserable than the other, it looks like... just want to laugh.

[I\'m going, is it more miserable to sign up now? Did your parents, brother and sister know that he was seriously ill? 】

[It’s not necessary, it’s really not necessary. One of the conditions for Xiaobai’s recruitment last time was to give priority to the poor family, but it was recruited inside the M95 planet, mainly to help the poor there, but in the central star It must be different. There are no restrictions on household registration. Of course, it is for those who can. Instead of being miserable, it is better to think about what advantages you have to allow Xiaobai to choose you. 】

[Sisters upstairs, the world is awake, Xiaobai is really an angel who came down to earth, too kind, I have a hunch that not only the M95 planet will develop better and better, our empire will also develop better and better! 】

The discussion about Snack Street on Xingbo has never been interrupted, and the topic of Gu Bai and Snack Street was quickly topped by fans and netizens, which attracted more traffic and attention.

When Gu Bai remembered to check the registration status, he was stunned by the number of applicants in the background.

He counted three times in a row, and he got the same answer three times, and then he gradually came to his senses.

"18,650,000, could it be that I\'m dazzled." Gu Bai still couldn\'t believe that it was just a snack street recruitment that attracted so many people to sign up. Even if it was a screening, he didn\'t know how to screen Go to the year of the monkey and the month of the horse, shall we?

"Brother, come and help me count this number." Gu Bai called Lord Grim and asked him to confirm it again, but the result was the same number.

"Brother, what can I do? I only want to recruit fifty people. How can I screen so many people?" Gu Baichou\'s little face was wrinkled.

"Enter the keywords and filter conditions you need, and let Guangnao perform a preliminary round of screening first." Lord Grim suggested.

Gu Bai set the keywords according to the method given to him by Jun Molin, and then asked Guangnao to screen them. Most of the registration forms were screened out at once, but the remaining number was still large, and there were still more than 100,000 people. .

Certainly not all of these can be recruited for interviews, at least... at least he has to screen until only 1,000 people are left for interviews.

In fact, Gu Bai\'s initial plan was to select 200 people for interviews, and then select 50 people to become food stall owners.

But I didn\'t expect that this time the registration will directly exceed 10 million, and there are many more qualified people. I am afraid that the number of 200 applicants is not enough, so it will rise to 1,000.

But it is not easy to select these thousand people.

"What do you want from the ultimate food stall owner?" Lord Grim asked.

"First of all, it\'s better to have good conduct. Second, it would be better if you know how to cook. It\'s okay if you don\'t. Third, it\'s better to have family difficulties." Gu Bai said truthfully.

For him, conduct and morality are the top priority, no matter what status the person has, what achievements and abilities he has, if his conduct is not up to the mark, everything will be in vain.

Character requirements have always been the primary condition for Gu Bai.

"I see, I\'ll do the rest for you, don\'t worry." Jun Morin reached out and stroked Gu Bai\'s frown, soothing.

He doesn\'t like watching Gu Bai frowning, and he will help him solve anything that makes him frown and worry.

"No need, you also have something to do, I\'ll just figure out a way myself."

For Jun Molin\'s care and love, Gu Bai is very useful, but he will not be arrogant, let alone take it for granted.

Love is mutual, which Gu Bai has always been aware of.

"It\'s okay, it just so happens that they are idle and they can also find something to do for them." Lord Grim said with a chuckle.

Gu Bai: "They?"

"My soldiers." Jun Morin explained.

Since Jun Morin temporarily left the military and came back to recuperate because of his spiritual runaway, the legion he brought has also been temporarily idle.

Of course, now is also an era of peace, and there is less time for them to go to the front line. Lord Grim is allowed to take a vacation, and those soldiers of his legion are naturally allowed to rest.

But following Jun Molin, who was used to the busy people, it was a little uncomfortable to suddenly relax. Except for the part of the people who went home to visit relatives, the rest were all staying in the military and doing nothing, and they were about to come out of their free time.

This time, I just gave them some tasks to do.

As soon as the people of the Third Legion heard that it was the mission given by the marshal, they immediately cheered up and looked at the people who had passed the news with glowing eyes.

"What is the mission? I have been in the military for a long time, and I feel like my body is going to rust. I am preparing for activities." A chicken man said roughly.

Others are also eager to try.
"It\'s not difficult, you open up your brains first, and I\'ll pass you a document." Xiao Li, a guard at Jun\'s Manor, said to the crowd.

He also served in the Third Army before retiring. He is very familiar with this place, and he is not afraid of these rough-looking soldiers.

Everyone was confused, but they obediently turned on their brains and waited for the other party to send the file.

The security guard Xiao Li fiddled with his brain a few times and said, "Okay, the documents have been passed on, they have been classified, and the requirements are clearly written. Everyone filter these documents according to the requirements on the documents, and concentrate the ones that can be used. together and send it to me."

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and you see confusion in the eyes of the other party.

"Team Li, what are you doing?"

"This is our mission?" Everyone couldn\'t believe it.

"Yes, this is your task. It must be completed before the end of today. If it can\'t be completed, I believe that you all know the temper of the marshal, and the consequences will not be what you want." Xiao Li said with a smile, but that How to laugh no matter how you look at it, it makes people feel panicked.

All the soldiers present shuddered unconsciously. Almost all of them have experienced the methods of the boss. Indeed... life is better than death, but...

"We are a bunch of rough men, it\'s okay for us to fight with weapons, but let\'s look at the documents, we can\'t understand it." The muscular man who was looking forward to the task before now looks like a forced little daughter-in-law, with facial features. They were about to crumple together.

"This document is very simple, just read it one by one according to the requirements, and leave the documents that meet the requirements." Xiao Li Rai reminded them more: "I remind you again that these But our marshal\'s wife needs it."

"Mrs. Marshal? Gu Bai, the owner of the Blue Star Hotel?"

Although the love relationship between Gu Bai and Jun Molin has not been officially announced to the public, people close to them know it, even those in the military.

In particular, the soldiers of the Third Army had been curious about Gu Bai for a long time.

Before Zhao Mingyu knew Gu Bai\'s identity for the first time, and ate the food made by Gu Bai, he showed off for a long time after he came back, saying that they had been greedy for several days.

Since then, Zhao Mingyu has completely become Gu Bai\'s little fanboy. From time to time, he has to give them popular science about how good his sister-in-law\'s cooking skills are and how successful her sister-in-law\'s career is. , can only solve the cravings through the light brain search pictures.

In the past, they were not interested in surfing the Internet. At most, they went to the second world to play mecha battles. Other than that, they seldom read other things, especially entertainment news and the like, and they didn\'t even glance at them.

But since knowing that their sister-in-law is Gu Bai and that Gu Bai is very popular on, they have gradually learned to use Xingbo, and even touched the live-streaming room of the sister-in-law, and a new door has opened up for them. The eyes are opened.

Although in reality, they have never eaten the food made by Gu Bai, but they have eaten it in the live broadcast room. The taste is rare in the world. It is no wonder that every time Zhao Mingyu talks about his sister-in-law, his expression is filled with admiration.

They also admire the sister-in-law very much. It would be better if the sister-in-law could come to the military headquarters and let them see it with their own eyes.

Without Gu Bai\'s knowledge, he has already harvested a group of little fans with special status.

As soon as these little fanboys heard that this was the document that sister-in-law needed, they all worked hard to deal with the documents they were assigned, and made sure to complete all the tasks assigned by sister-in-law.

Seeing everyone\'s seriousness, Xiao Li smiled with satisfaction.

Sure enough, with the help of the Third Legion, all the 100,000 documents were screened in one afternoon, and a thousand documents were finally left.

"I\'m exhausted. When I was admitted to the Military University, I didn\'t study so hard."

"Me too, if I had the energy and efficiency I have in my studies back then, I would definitely be able to enter a military university."

"I don\'t know if the sister-in-law is satisfied with the task we have completed?"

"I wonder when my sister-in-law can come to the military to see us?"

"It depends on the boss. If the boss doesn\'t want to bring sister-in-law over, sister-in-law can\'t come by herself."

"Hey... I\'ve been on vacation for several months now, boss. When can I come back? I think I\'m going to be free in the military, and now I really want to go out and fight star thieves."

"Do you think you\'re the only one who thinks this way? Ask everyone here, who doesn\'t want to go out and move their muscles?"

"My sister-in-law\'s cooking skills are really good. If only I could eat it once in reality."

"You\'re thinking about farting, and you\'ll be dreaming when you pass the boss\'s gate."

"The boss is so stingy, he hasn\'t brought his sister-in-law over to see us for so long. That kid Zhao Mingyu shows off in front of me all day that he has eaten the dishes made by the sister-in-law. The sister-in-law has a very good personality and is very kind to people. Jealousy is dead."

"I heard that my sister-in-law opened a small restaurant and a snack street outside, or why don\'t we go to the small restaurant for a meal? If you round it up, it means that you have eaten the dishes made by the sister-in-law."

This suggestion has been unanimously agreed by everyone, and it was decided on the spot that it would be better to hit the sun than to choose a day, and that is today.

?Author\'s gossip: ————

I\'ve been busy recently, and I don\'t have much time to code words. I\'ll start with two shifts for the time being. After a while, I\'ll resume the third shift. Remember to vote for the recommendation, darlings~