The Guide of How to Be an Interstellar Tycoon

Chatper 150

Chapter 150: Acquaintance

"Instructor Jun remembers me?" Gu Bai was a little surprised, but more happy.

Lord Grim nodded, looking at the happiness in Gu Bai\'s eyes, the corners of his mouth also rose in an arc that was not easy to spot.

To this day, the sad eyes of the young man in the second world still appear in his mind from time to time, making his heart aches and pains.

Unexpectedly, offline, Gu Bai looked a little happier.

"You did all of this?" Lord Grim asked again.

"Well, Instructor Jun, is there anything else you want to eat? I\'ll cook it for you now." Gu Bai said enthusiastically, with a smile on his face.

Fang Weixuan looked at Gu Bai and his cousin from the side. He always felt that the atmosphere between the two was a little subtle, but he couldn\'t understand why he felt this way.

And listening to their tone of voice, it seems that they know each other.

His cousin is usually at the military headquarters and at home. He rarely has other entertainment activities, and he doesn\'t know strangers casually. How did Master Xiaobai know his cousin?

Fang Weixuan\'s mind was full of this question, and he said it without knowing it.

"It turns out that Instructor Jun is your cousin, and the instructor is our combat instructor during military training." Gu Bai explained to Fang Weixuan, and at the same time he felt that the world was so small, and the instructor he liked turned out to be his apprentice\'s cousin.

This is probably fate.

This was the first time that Gu Bai felt relaxed and showed a sincere smile since Mumu disappeared.

Every time I see Instructor Jun, in addition to the other person\'s appearance that is completely on his aesthetic point, he can be happy when he looks at it, and there is also the feeling that Mumu is standing in front of him.

But Mumu and Instructor Jun look very different. They are completely different people, but they feel inexplicably similar to him, which also makes Gu Bai a little puzzled.

However, Gu Bai is not the kind of person who gets to the bottom of things. If he can\'t figure it out, just don\'t think about it for the time being, maybe he will get the answer in the future.

And Lord Grim has basically determined that Gu Bai is the boy he met in the second world.

Not only because the names of the two shops are exactly the same, but also because the food made by Gu Bai, whether in reality or in the second world, is the same taste, the same delicious, unforgettable.

"Cousin, have you gone to the military training? Your body..." Fang Weixuan only knew that his cousin had returned to the military headquarters, and he woke up not long afterward. Although his body was recovering fairly well, his mental strength was temporarily stable. He came down, but there was still a danger of running away at any time. How could my sister-in-law allow him to return to work in the military department, and was also sent to be a military training instructor.

"No problem." Jun Molin said lightly, as if he was not talking about his own body.

Seeing their appearance, Gu Bai knew there was something he didn\'t know and couldn\'t let himself know, so he said a few words to Lord Grim, and then went to the kitchen to prepare a few more dishes for him.

"You come to the manor at night, I have something to ask you." Lord Grim said.

Fang Weixuan: "Okay."

Lord Grim didn\'t stay at the Blue Star Hotel for too long. Although there are not many people who can recognize him at present, it does not mean that there are none.

However, when he was leaving, he was still carrying the fresh-keeping box with food prepared by Gu Bai.


In the evening, Jun Family Manor.

Fang Weixuan rushed to Jun\'s Manor as soon as the small restaurant was closed.

"Cousin, is your body really ready to return to the military?" Fang Weixuan asked with concern.

"If you don\'t go back, it will attract attention." Lord Grim explained a rare sentence.

Fang Weixuan is the youngest son of the Fang family, and there is also an older brother.

Therefore, he devoted himself to cooking, and did not know much about some things in the military.

But he is very concerned about the physical and mental condition of his cousin.

However, the cousin\'s return to the military must have been approved by his brother, which means that with the cousin\'s current physical and mental strength, there is no problem in returning to the military.

That being the case, Fang Weixuan felt a little relieved.

"I can\'t help you much in this regard. If my cousin likes to eat the dishes made by Master Xiaobai, I will try my best to bring some back to you every day." Fang Weixuan said.

Jun Molin refused to comment and asked, "Your little master is from the catering department?"

"Well, you also know that he is just a freshman this year, and his cooking skills are already so good. With time, he will definitely be the youngest five-star chef in the history of our empire. Cousin, do you remember that a few days ago, the entire empire was shaken. A genius boy?" Fang Weixuan spoke of Gu Bai, his tone and expression full of admiration.

Although Gu Bai is younger than him, his cooking skills are much better than him.
In terms of cooking, Gu Bai is his predecessor, worthy of his respect and admiration.

"Well." Jun Morin responded lightly.

Some time ago, there was a young boy who was successfully admitted to the four-star chef certificate at a young age. Although he failed the five-star chef certificate assessment, no one really thought he failed. After all, the previous The grades are all tested by his real guns and hard work.

It just seems that after the failure of the five-star chef certificate examination, this talented young man seems to have disappeared, and there is no news of him on Xingwang anymore.

Now that Fang Weixuan mentioned it, Jun Molin had a guess in his heart.

"It\'s him?"

Although Jun Molin didn\'t mention the name, Fang Weixuan understood it in seconds, nodded vigorously, and said, "It\'s Master Xiaobai."

Jun Molin had some admiration for Gu Bai\'s cooking skills, but now that he heard the news that he was a talented young man, he was not surprised, instead he felt that it was the case.

Whether it is age or cooking skills, it can indeed match the talented young man.

"Cousin, you don\'t know how powerful Master Xiaobai is. He comes from a remote planet, which is almost on the edge of the empire. If it weren\'t for Master Xiaobai, I wouldn\'t know that there is another planet called M95 in our empire. It would take a month to get there by spaceship from the central star.

Moreover, the people there are very poor, and the transportation and housing facilities are relatively backward, but the scenery is very good. Master Xiaobai opened a farm there, and planted many edible crops in it. Even the senior management of the Plantation Research Institute I went to ask Master Xiaobai for advice.

Elder Zhou of the Chefs Association wanted to invite him to come to Central Star for development, but was rejected. I think if Master Xiaobai hadn’t come to school, he might not have come to Central Star, and I don’t know why? I feel that Master Xiaobai doesn\'t seem to like the appearance of Central Star very much. "

Fang Weixuan began to frantically give Gu Bai to his cousin Amway, and at the same time, he also expressed his doubts.

He felt Master Xiaobai\'s resistance to Central Star more than once.

Others have a little money, and they are desperately trying to settle and develop on planets with better conditions, but Master Xiaobai insists on staying on planet M95, and he did not accept any olive branches thrown from other planets.

If it wasn\'t for being admitted to Imperial University this time, I\'m afraid that Master Xiaobai is not going to come to Central Star, at least not in the short term.

And he had a hunch that once Master Xiaobai graduated, he might have to go back to continue running the farm and small restaurant.

Although with the cooking skills of Master Xiaobai, there is no need to worry about not being able to develop anywhere, but obviously the development opportunities and space of Central Star are bigger, right?

But this is Master Xiaobai\'s own business, and he can\'t ask more questions.

However, he really couldn\'t bear Master Xiaobai.

"That\'s his own private matter, don\'t talk too much." Jun Morin reminded.

Fang Weixuan: "Of course I know that."

"Xiao Bai is a wood-type ability user?" Jun Morin asked again.

Originally, he always addressed Gu Bai by "your little white master", but he always felt that such a name was awkward, and he subconsciously didn\'t want to call him this way, and in the end he became a more intimate little white.

But even if he was called Xiao Bai, Jun Molin still felt a little awkward, as if he didn\'t call him by the title that everyone called him before. He seemed to have a closer name that only he could call him.

But he couldn\'t remember what it was.

"It seems so, I didn\'t ask Master Xiaobai before." Fang Weixuan wasn\'t sure whether Xiaobai was a supernatural person, because he had never seen Xiaobai make dishes with supernatural powers.

"He is." Lord Grim said affirmatively, "The dishes he cooks can soothe the spirit, although the effect is still weak."

The soothing dishes made by the wood-type psychic do not work for everyone with psychic power.

Generally speaking, people who are not mentally injured eat ordinary dishes and soothing dishes are similar. Only those who are mentally traumatized or runaway can eat soothing dishes to feel the obvious effect.

It\'s just that this effect will also vary depending on the level of the ability of the cook and the proficiency of the ability to use when cooking.

The soothing dishes made by Gu Bai are relatively weak. It may be that his power level is not high enough, or that he is not very skilled in using powers when cooking.

But he ate four dishes tonight. All four dishes contained supernatural abilities, but the amount contained was different. Some had to be felt carefully before they could be felt, while others could be felt just by eating them.

It stands to reason that there are differences in the abilities contained in different dishes made by the same chef, but they will not be too big, and it will definitely not be like this evening.

Unless this chef is new to supernatural diet, he is not very skilled and is practicing, then there will be good times and bad times.

But no matter which one it is, being able to make soothing dishes at the age of eighteen is a very talented person. As long as you cultivate it well, the future will definitely be immeasurable.

"Really? Master Xiaobai can make soothing dishes? Cousin, did you feel it today? How do you feel? Has your mental strength been relieved?" Fang Weixuan asked excitedly, wishing he could inform his sister-in-law now.

You must know that his cousin\'s mental power level is too high, and the general supernatural power diet cannot relieve his mental power runaway. These days, my cousin eats supernatural power diets made by superpower users, but the effect is not obvious.

Unexpectedly, I just ate a meal prepared by Master Xiaobai, and my cousin actually said that he felt it. What does this mean?
