The Guide of How to Be an Interstellar Tycoon

Chatper 151

Chapter 151: I invite you to cook for me

Unexpectedly, I just ate a meal prepared by Master Xiaobai, and my cousin actually said that he felt it. What does this mean?

This means that the supernatural diet made by Master Xiaobai has an effect on my cousin, and it can relieve my cousin\'s mental runaway. Even if the effect is weak, as long as it has an effect, it is good!

"Well, some are obvious, some are weak." Lord Grim replied truthfully.

If he wants to know about Gu Bai now, he can only find out through investigation or Fang Weixuan.

He doesn\'t want to use the former.

"I\'ll go and ask Master Xiaobai what\'s going on? He\'s only a freshman now. Logically speaking, the class of supernatural diet has just begun, and before he can practice independently, Master Xiaobai really deserves it. My master, walking ahead of others is really amazing." Fang Weixuan admired Gu Bai even more now.

Almost every time he re-acquainted with Gu Bai, his admiration for Gu Bai increased a little more.

When Lord Grim heard the words, he glanced at Fang Weixuan who was excited and excited, but rarely did he pour cold water.

"Cousin, I\'m going to ask Master Xiaobai right now, if the food that Master Xiaobai cooks is really effective in restoring your mental strength, then..." Fang Weixuan looked at Jun Molin tentatively.

The empire is so big, and although the overall number of high-level chefs with supernatural abilities is not large, the royal family can still summon a lot of them, but the dishes made by very few people can have a positive impact on the spiritual power of the cousin.

Now they have finally come across one, whether it is this case or if they really have such an ability, they can\'t miss it.

"I\'ll discuss it with him later." Lord Grim said.

Fang Weixuan was shocked again. Today, he actually saw his cousin\'s abnormal behavior and exceptions several times a day, and they all faced Gu Bai.

If it hadn\'t been for Gu Bai\'s cooking to suit his cousin\'s appetite, and to have a positive impact on his mental strength, he would have thought that his cousin was interested in others.

"Okay, then I\'ll call Master Xiaobai to ask." Fang Weixuan said, and hurriedly walked out of Lord Grim\'s bedroom and ran to call Gu Bai.

Here, Gu Bai is holding a wooden ball and introducing it to the other two roommates in the dormitory.

He not only obtained the consent of the school, but also the opinions of two roommates. After all, the dormitory is not owned by him alone. Even if he wants to keep a pet, he must obtain the consent of other roommates. This is the most basic of life. Politeness question.

Fortunately, neither Wen Yan nor Du Xiaoxing hated keeping pets, nor were they afraid of wolves, so they readily agreed.

Now that the two of them saw the cute and furry appearance of the wooden ball, they were instantly captured.

The wooden ball deservedly became the new group favorite of the 609 dormitory.

"You have another new video message, may I ask if it is connected." Optical brain popped up a video prompt.

"I\'m going to pick up a video first, the wooden ball has to be obedient, and don\'t make trouble." Gu Bai saw that the wooden ball and the two roommates got along very well, so he did not bring the wooden ball back to the room.

Gu Bai: "A Xuan?"

"Master Xiaobai, can you do supernatural diet now? Can you act?"

As soon as the video was connected, Fang Weixuan\'s excitement was immediately conveyed through language, and he asked straight to the point.

"Huh?" Gu Bai didn\'t understand it at first, but he quickly reacted to the afternoon\'s attempt, "Did you feel your mental power relieved in the dish?"

In fact, the afternoon was also Gu Bai\'s first attempt, and it was an attempt without learning any specific methods.

He was not sure about this attempt, and even gave up directly later. Did he not expect it to be successful?

"Well, in fact, my cousin\'s mental power was a little traumatized before, and he has not fully recovered yet, but after eating the dishes you made, his mental power has been relieved a little bit, Master Xiaobai, you are so sweet. It\'s amazing." Fang Weixuan briefly explained what happened, and at the same time did not forget to praise Gu Bai.

Hearing this, Gu Bai was also very happy.

I thought it was a complete failure, but I didn\'t expect it to be successful. Although I don\'t know how the effect compares to what other people have done, success means that the method he tried is feasible.

"Which dish did you feel that your mental power was relieved when you ate it?" Gu Bai continued to ask, so that he could know which method was successful, and he could continue to practice in the future.

"For the four dishes, my cousin felt that his mental power was relieved a little, but the effect was different. The sweet and sour pork loin had the best effect, and the hot and sour shredded potato had the weakest effect. If you didn\'t feel it carefully, you could hardly feel it. "Fang Weixuan said truthfully.

Gu Bai knew that the sweet and sour pork loin was in the process of cooking, and he concentrated the power on the palm of his hand, and then used the spatula as a medium to introduce the power into the dish, and the hot and sour potato shreds were also stir-frying. The ability imported during the production process, but it is an ability imported from a distance without any medium.

Obviously, the ability to input powers from a distance is the least efficient. Most of the powers are dissipated into the air, and only a small part of them enters the dishes.

The other two, one is input before cooking, and the other is input after cooking completely, and the effect of the two is similar.

It seemed that inputting abilities during the cooking process was the most effective way. I wonder if the method taught by the school at that time was the same, or if it was a more efficient way of inputting.

But no matter what, it shows that his current method is feasible.
Before he officially learns the method taught by the school, he can temporarily use this method to make soothing dishes, and he can even try the effects of input powers when the dishes are fried to different degrees, and he may be able to find the best one.

"Okay, I see." Gu Bai told Fang Weixuan his guess.

But Fang Weixuan didn\'t understand much. Although he was a power user, he was not a wood-type power user, and he didn\'t know how to do power diet.

But this didn\'t affect anything, especially knowing that Gu Bai was indeed able to make supernatural diets, and that he had groped for it himself, which made Fang Weixuan even more admired.

"Master Xiaobai, I have an unkind request." Fang Weixuan hesitated for a while, but finally decided to say it.

Gu Bai: "Speak."

Fang Weixuan: "My cousin suffered a little mental trauma before, and he still hasn\'t fully recovered. The dishes made by other superhumans don\'t know why they don\'t work for my cousin. At present, only yours will have some effects. So... so my cousin wants to discuss something with you. I guess he may want to discuss with you about the power diet. If you think it is possible, I will give your communication number to my cousin, and you can discuss it yourself. , if you don\'t think it\'s right, I\'ll go tell my cousin and don\'t give him his phone number."

In Gu Bai\'s mind, Jun Morin\'s handsome face appeared, and his appearance was no different from that of a normal person, but he didn\'t expect that he would endure mental pain all the time.

Gu Bai had previously learned about the consequences of mental trauma on the Star Network.

Mental power is different from others. Once injured, until you recover, you have to bear the pain caused by mental power load, like a headache, tormenting you all the time. It is not something ordinary people can bear all the time. As a result, the man behaved like a normal person, which is enough to show how strong his endurance is.

"Okay, give him my contact number." Gu Bai said.

"Okay, I\'ll push it to you now." Fang Weixuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Gu Bai\'s agreement.

Gu Bai quickly received a communication number, then opened his own communication, and added the other party\'s communication number to the address book. Just as he was about to edit his address, he realized that he didn\'t even know his first name except for his surname Jun. what.

In the end, Gu Bai edited the correspondence name to Instructor Jun, and then sent a text message to the other party.

The other party quickly replied, as if he had been waiting in front of the light brain.

Gu Bai: Hello, I\'m A Xuan\'s master Gu Bai.

Jun Morin: Jun Morin.

Only then did Gu Bai know what the other party\'s name was, but the name sounded a little familiar, but he didn\'t get into it.

Gu Bai: Hello, Instructor Jun, I heard from Ah Xuan that you want to discuss something with me, what is it?

After Gu Bai sent this text message, the other party did not reply, but soon a message came over.


"You don\'t need to call me Instructor Jun, just call me Mo Rin." Jun Mo Rin\'s clear and cold voice came through the light brain, especially Gu Bai also put his ears close to the light brain, and the voice was as if someone was directly touching it. His ears came over, and a flower exploded in his mind.

"Okay, Jun... Mo Rin." Gu Bai was about to call the instructor habitually, but after thinking of the other party\'s advice, he changed his words in time.

What he didn\'t know was that when the other party heard him call his name, the always indifferent eyes changed for a moment, becoming more profound, like a bottomless vortex, whoever saw who fell deeply.

"The dishes you cooked today are delicious and have an effect on my mental power. Axuan should have told you something about me. I want to invite you to be my exclusive chef. You only need to cook one meal a day. What to cook, you can decide for yourself, with a monthly salary of 500,000 stars." Jun Morin directly put forward his request and gave a very attractive salary.

You must know that even a private chef hired by a big family earns only a few hundred thousand a month, and he still cooks three meals a day, and he has to change his taste from time to time to suit the employer.

And he only needs to do one meal a day, and he can do it according to his own ideas, and he can get a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan without living in the other party\'s house. This is simply... a pie in the sky.

Ah Xuan\'s cousin is too rich!

This condition is too tempting, but...

"I\'m still a freshman. The school requires me to live on campus. My daily schedule is not fixed, so I don\'t necessarily have time to cook for you every day." Gu Bai said helplessly.

If he made the decision by himself, even if he didn\'t have a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan, he would be willing to cook for the other party, but the objective situation really did not allow it.

what a shame.

"It depends on your course schedule. If there is enough time, I can send someone to pick you up every day. If the course is too tight, you can finish the delivery in the dormitory and send it to me." Jun Morin rarely said so much at one time, and more lenient conditions.

If this was replaced by someone else, I am afraid that I would have been so excited and grateful.

Of course, if it were someone that Lord Grim was familiar with, he would be shocked by his repeated concessions.

"If you don\'t mind, then I\'ll be fine." Gu Bai said with a smile, for such a condition, he was really moved.

However, since the other party has given in a step, he can\'t be too greedy, "The monthly salary is not as much as 500,000, but 300,000."

Lord Grim was not polite to him either, and the two happily reached a consensus.
