The Guide of How to Be an Interstellar Tycoon

Chatper 149

Chapter 149: It\'s You

If the fan chooses the former, then he will start another live broadcast at night to draw the lottery. If he chooses the latter, he will finish the drawing now and make it and send it out at night.

[Pump now, die early and live early! 】

[I\'m going to take a bath and burn incense now, Xiaobai, wait for me, wait for me to come back and smoke! 】

【Ah ah ah... I\'m going to inform my brother, my brother, my parents and my mother now... 】

[I just turned the koi, I hope the god of koi can take care of me, let Xiaobai draw me this time. 】

[Gods from all walks of life, please bless me to be drawn. 】

[Yesterday there were conditions and the ratio of the lottery draw could reach 1 to 5,000. Today, the ratio is estimated to be drawn from 20,000 to 30,000 people. This is almost the same as winning the lottery, woo woo... Can I be drawn? 】

On the barrage of the live broadcast room, all kinds of gods and gods began to appear, and everyone tried their best to hope that they could be drawn.

Gu Bai didn\'t sell anything. Seeing that the fans were almost there, he directly clicked on the lottery.

This time, there is no restriction on fan following events. Fans who follow him and have never hacked him may be drawn. If you accidentally draw a former black fan, you will directly cancel the quota and draw new lucky ones. fan.

Gu Bai: "The lottery has ended. Fans who have been drawn remember to send me a private message of their delivery address. I\'ll make it back and send it to you directly."

【So fast? There is no TAT in my private messages in the background, and I really didn\'t get selected...]

[Ah ah ah, I was drawn, I was drawn, Xiaobai is really my lucky star, I will always support you in the future. 】

[I was also drawn, I laughed proudly, hahaha...]

[I told you upstairs, it is easy for you to be sacked when you go out like this. 】

[Lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and I under the lemon tree, envy, jealousy and hate~]

There are still a few happy and a few sad on the barrage. Needless to say, the fans who have been drawn are all equally happy, while those who have not been drawn have their own sorrows.

For such a situation, Gu Bai can\'t do anything about it. There are more wolves and less meat. No matter how he distributes, there will still be fans who won\'t get it, and he is alone, so there is no way to increase the number of lottery draws.

After that, Gu Bai let the fans send the barrage on the barrage either happily or sadly, while he bowed his head and cooked lunch at noon.

For a dish, Gu Bai tried to send supernatural powers directly to the ingredients before cooking, and then stir-fry the ingredients containing supernormal powers into dishes.

For the second dish, he did not deliver powers before cooking, but delivered powers during the stir-frying process, but because the temperature of the ingredients was very high during the cooking process, he could not directly touch the ingredients, so he could only isolate them from the air. Transmission ability.

The three dishes were still delivered during the frying process, but this time he concentrated the power on the palm of his hand and delivered it through the spatula connected to the ingredients.

For the four dishes, Gu Bai copied the dishes, and after serving them, he sent abilities into the dishes.

He tried a total of four methods and cooked four dishes, ready to see what was the difference between the four dishes, and whether there would be any effect that could soothe the runaway spirit.

But he had never eaten the soothing dishes made by other power users before, and he didn\'t know how he would feel after eating it, so there was no comparison.

Only at this time did Gu Bai realize that he was a little eager for success. The course had just started, and what he had learned was only the fur in the fur, so he couldn\'t wait to try it.

But when I tried, there was no way to do it, and I could only figure it out myself, which was tantamount to getting twice the result with half the effort.

Gu Bai couldn\'t help laughing at himself, and decided to wait and try it after he learned more. However, these four dishes are still edible, regardless of whether there are supernatural powers in them or whether they have a soothing effect or not. The effect of mental power is harmless to the human body when eaten.

At this moment, Fang Weixuan walked into the kitchen, a little timid and hesitant to say anything.

Gu Bai still rarely saw Fang Weixuan\'s appearance as a little woman, so he couldn\'t help laughing, "What\'s wrong with you?"

"That... my cousin is here. He came to our store for the first time, and he didn\'t know if there was an appointment, so..." Fang Weixuan hesitated and finally said it.

Gu Bai heard the words, "What else do I think it is, what kind of food your cousin wants to eat, I will cook it now."

"No, he\'s not picky eaters, these dishes are enough," Fang Weixuan said directly.

He was right, his cousin is really not picky eaters, because he is equally picky about any dish.

"These four things are relatively simple, okay?" Gu Bai asked uncertainly.

"It\'s alright, no matter how simple the dish is, Xiaobai makes it very delicious." Fang Weixuan said and took the dish out.

He didn\'t expect that his cousin would come to the restaurant to eat. You must know that he had never eaten in a restaurant outside before, even if it was a five-star restaurant, even if it was the best friend\'s invitation, he refused.

Even my own restaurant, my cousin is reluctant to go.

Although I don\'t know the reason, everyone acquiesced to the fact that Lord Grim didn\'t like to go to restaurants to eat, and because of this, no one invited him to restaurants again.
Unexpectedly, he just mentioned the Blue Star Hotel before, and his cousin took it to heart and even came over in person.

This made Fang Weixuan very shocked, and he couldn\'t believe what he saw just now.

"Cousin, this is the dish made by Master Xiaobai, you can try it." Fang Weixuan flattered and brought all the four dishes that Gu Bai made to Jun Molin.

Lord Grim glanced at the dishes in front of him, and then looked behind Fang Weixuan, seeing that there was no one behind him, so he retracted his gaze slightly disappointed.

"The customers who have made reservations in our small hotel have been queued for three months. If we don\'t make reservations in advance, we will not entertain them, but Master Xiaobai, seeing that you are my cousin, made an exception for you. Yes." Fang Weixuan did not forget to put gold on his face while trying to please his cousin.

"Yeah." Lord Grim responded lightly, focusing on the dishes in front of him again.

In terms of the color of the dishes, Gu Bai\'s dishes are definitely not comparable to five-star chefs, especially the chefs who serve as royal chefs for the royal family.

But in terms of smell and taste, although these four dishes seem simple, they are not inferior to five-star chefs.

Jun Morin took a chopstick and put the sweet and sour pork loin in his mouth. It was moderately sweet and sour, with a hint of crispness on the inside, and the innermost meat had a bit of toughness. Both the texture and the taste were very good.

More importantly, the taste was very familiar, exactly the same as what he had eaten in the Blue Star Restaurant in the Second World, and it was obvious that the chef who cooked this dish was the same person.

Both taste and smell were enjoyed, the food was swallowed into the stomach, Lord Grim was about to pick up the second chopsticks, but his body suddenly stopped, and the swollen eyes that had always been calm and unwavering rarely revealed a shock.

"Cousin, what\'s the matter?" Fang Weixuan asked inexplicably, looking at the dishes in front of him, there should be no problem. He has eaten this dish many times, and it is very delicious.

Jun Molin came back to his senses, did not answer Fang Weixuan, continued to pick up the sweet and sour pork loin with chopsticks, chewed it carefully in his mouth, and then picked up other dishes with chopsticks.

One chopstick after another, Lord Grim ate the entire four dishes without saying a word, expressionlessly and silently.

"Cousin, are you still satisfied?" Fang Weixuan asked cautiously. He was a little uneasy about his cousin\'s reaction.

Although this store is not his, he also cares about his cousin\'s evaluation.

"Not bad." Lord Grim wiped his mouth gracefully and gave a two-word evaluation.

Fang Weixuan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

The word "Yes" came from my cousin\'s mouth, which means that he is very satisfied with it.

As expected of Master Xiaobai, even his always picky cousin was conquered.

"Can I meet this little white master?" Lord Grim was silent for a while, and finally said it.

Fang Weixuan: "Huh?"

Jun Molin didn\'t repeat it a second time, just a look, let Fang Weixuan go to the kitchen to invite his little white master immediately.

He was worried that one second later, he would be dominated by his cousin!

"Master Xiaobai, you must save your life." Fang Weixuan immediately called for help as soon as he entered the kitchen.

Gu Bai: ? ? ?

"Master Xiaobai, my cousin, he, he wants to see you, are you... willing to see him?" Fang Weixuan asked uncertainly, "If you don\'t want to, I, I will even be beaten and refuse. cousin\'s."

Gu Bai was amused by his generosity of sacrifice, "Is your cousin so scary?"

"That\'s pretty scary. If you\'ve been with him, you\'ll know that he can "kill" a dead person with just one look." Fang Weixuan said with a look of fear on his face, obviously he had already seen how powerful his cousin was.

Hearing what he said, Gu Bai became a little interested in this cousin he had never met before.

"Let\'s meet then." I wanted to see if this person was really so scary? Gu Bai silently added the second half of the sentence in his heart.

Gu Bai followed Fang Weixuan to the hall, and without introduction, the first thing he saw was Lord Grim.

It is because Jun Molin\'s appearance is too outstanding, even if there are people around, it can make people look at him at first sight.

Moreover, this person, Gu Bai knew.

It is not accurate to say that they know each other. After all, he knows the other party, but the other party may not know him.

Gu Bai did not expect to see his military training instructor here.

"Instructor Jun, hello." Gu Bai stepped forward and greeted him generously.

Although the other party may not remember him, he has to say hello when he recognizes the other party. This is a matter of courtesy.

"It turned out to be you." Jun Molin was also surprised. He didn\'t expect the owner of this small restaurant to be a student he had trained before, and he didn\'t expect that the memory he forgot in the second world might be related to the student in front of him. .
