The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 105: : Ask Zhang Sun Chong to pay back the money!

When he arrived at Changsun\'s mansion, Eunuch Wu yelled outside the door: "The eighth prince is here!"

The door of the mansion opened, and the person who came to greet Li Chengfeng was the great general Sun Wuji?

Li Chengfeng had also seen Changsun Wuji on both sides in the court before, so Li Chengfeng bowed slightly and said, "Li Chengfeng has met the great general, Changsun Wuji!"

Changsun Wuji immediately returned the gift, saying: "The eighth prince is being polite, the old minister should have seen the eighth prince! Come and welcome the guests! Today the eighth prince is a guest at the Changsun\'s residence. Treat the eighth prince with good wine and meat!"

"No need, Mr. Zhao, you\'re welcome! I came to your residence just to see how Mr. Ling\'s injury is doing! After all, what I did yesterday was also wrong. I shouldn\'t have competed with Chang Sun Chong!"

When Changsun Wuji heard this, he was suddenly moved.

Feelings, the Eighth Prince came to Changsun\'s residence to visit Changsun Chong?

In this way, there is no enmity between the two, and the relationship is still very good?

It is also Chang Sun Chong\'s blessing to be able to establish a relationship with the Eighth Prince.

So Changsun Wuji immediately waved his sleeves and said, "Please, please also invite the Eighth Prince to visit the humble house!"

"You\'re welcome, Duke Zhao!"

Li Chengfeng stepped into the Changsun Mansion. It has to be said that the Changsun Mansion is much larger than other dukes\' mansions.

Probably because the eldest grandson\'s family has a large population, so they need to live in a lot of houses.

After all, the Changsun family can be said to be the first surname under the Li surname in the Tang Palace.

"Come, come, please invite the Eighth Prince, the youngest son, Sun Chong, is currently recuperating in the study!"

"Well, okay, then I\'ll go and see Changsun Chong, Zhao Guogong, please go ahead!"

"Okay, I hope the Eighth Prince can guide the child\'s academic attainments! The old minister still has something to do, so let\'s do it first!"

"Okay, go ahead!"

Changsun Wuji had already heard about what happened yesterday.

It is said that it is my son and the eighth prince, who is stronger in the martial arts arena, and where to move the stone?

As a result, the eighth prince lifted a 200-jin stone over his head, but when the eldest grandson rushed to lift it, he dislocated his arm?

In this matter, the Eighth Prince was not to blame, but Changsun Chong himself was not as good as others, and his family lost face.

So Changsun Wuji originally planned to go to Zhenwang Mansion in person today to apologize to the Eighth Prince.

I don\'t want to, but the Eighth Prince personally came to visit Changsun\'s mansion?

This almost flattered Changsun Wuji!

He thought it would be good if the two didn\'t have any grudges. After all, the eighth prince is the prince of the Tang Dynasty, and it is very likely that he will be the king of the king of the country under one person and above ten thousand people in the future of the Tang Dynasty.

After offending Li Chengfeng, the future of their eldest grandson\'s family will be difficult!

Immediately afterwards, Li Chengfeng, led by his servants, walked into Chang Sun Chong\'s study.

Chang Sun Chong heard that the Eighth Prince Li Chengfeng actually came to visit him in person? Chang Sun Chong was overjoyed for a moment, and hurriedly greeted him: "Chang Sun Chong, pay homage to the Eighth Prince!"

"Excuse me! Get up, Changsun Chong, your aunt is my queen mother, so we are considered a family!"

"Why, the family doesn\'t speak two words! How is the injury on your hand?"

Li Chengfeng put his small hands behind his back, looking like a little grown-up.

Changsun Chong nodded and said: "Report to the Eighth Prince, the little minister\'s hand injury is already more than half healed! The imperial doctor said that as long as he cultivates for a while, he will get better!"

"Oh, that\'s alright!"

"Eighth prince, I didn\'t expect you to come to visit me! Changsun Chong is really touched! Also, Changsun Chong really admires the eighth prince. No matter in terms of literary talent or force, I am willing to bow down to you! "


Chang Sun Chong bragged about himself twice when they met, which made Li Chengfeng feel a little embarrassed.

Immediately, Li Chengfeng said: "I, Li Chengfeng, am an upright person. I don\'t like to play tricks. After all, no one can play tricks against me!"

"Yes, yes, the Eighth Prince is right!"

"Well, so, the 1,000 gold you owe me, when will you pay me back?"


"Ding, surprise from Chang Sun Chong, naughty value +50!"

"One, one thousand gold?"

Chang Sun Chong was dumbfounded.

It turned out that the eighth prince came to visit him, but in fact, did he want to get back the 1,000 gold that he lost to him?

Li Chengfeng squinted his big eyes with a serious expression, and said, "Yes, it\'s 1,000 gold! Didn\'t we make a bet before, and whoever loses will give 1,000 gold to the winner?"

"This this…"

"Have you forgotten? Changsun Chong!"

Li Chengfeng looked at Chang Sun Chong innocently with his two big eyes.

Chang Sun Chong gritted his teeth, nodded, and said, "Yes, that\'s right, I do owe the Eighth Prince 1,000 gold!"

"Well, so when do you plan to return it to me?"

"When? I, I have no money now! I don\'t have a thousand pieces of gold with me!"

"Oh, you haven\'t? Then I\'ll ask your father, Zhao Guogong, to go. After all, I\'m willing to gamble and admit defeat! If you lose, you lose! You have to pay me back!"

"Because Zhao Guogong hasn\'t been out for a long time, I should catch up with him now!"

Li Chengfeng pretended to go to Changsun Wuji.

Chang Sun Chong was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Don\'t, don\'t go to my father! I beg you, Eighth Prince, please don\'t let my father I bet with you Ah, otherwise, he\'ll kill me!"

The family education in the Changsun Mansion has always been very strict.

What if Changsun Wuji found out that his son Changsun Chong and Li Chengfeng gambled for money, and the bet was 1000 gold? Then why don\'t you break Chang Sun Chong\'s leg?

On the other hand, Li Chengfeng was happy to be at ease.

He also played chess with Wei Zheng and others for money in front of Li Shimin, and won Wei Zheng a lot of money, but Li Shimin didn\'t say anything.

Because Li Shimin knew that this kid would never let him suffer.

So when he gambles, he can only win, not lose.

That being the case, let him go.

Anyway, the money Li Chengfeng won belongs to him. The son\'s money belongs to the father.

Li Shimin thought about it this way, if Li Chengfeng made money, it was equivalent to making money for his family? Isn\'t it beautiful?

Instead, Li Chengfeng looked at Zhang Sun Chong and said, "Then what should I do now? You have no money, and you owe me money. If I don\'t ask your father for it, who should I ask for it?"

"I, I have money, Eighth Prince, wait for me for a while, and I will hand over the money to you, how about it?"

" long?"

"Three days, just three days, okay?"

"Three days? No, I\'ll only give you one day. After one day, if you don\'t pay me back, I\'ll charge interest at one point per day!"

"A fee of one point per day, interest charged?"

"That\'s right, if you don\'t pay me back the money for one day, it means you owe me an additional 10 gold coins in interest! So if you pay back the money as soon as possible, the interest will be waived, hahaha!"

Li Chengfeng laughed heartily.

On the other hand, Chang Sun Chong\'s face was full of pain.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!