The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 104: : It scared Li Shimin a big jump!

Li Chengfeng patted his arm with a smile, and said: "Human bones are not so fragile. In a sense, they are harder than stones! Changsun Chong\'s arm has not been hit by external force, so it is impossible to break it." of!"

"He just got dislocated because he was too brave to lift a 200-jin boulder and had to force it!"

"Oh? So that\'s the case!"

Hearing this, Chang Sun Chong and Li Jing also breathed a sigh of relief.

In the Xuanzheng Palace, Princess Li Lizhi of Changle soon found Li Shimin who was reviewing the memorial.

Li Lizhi hurriedly said: "Father, it\'s not good! Younger brother Feng\'er and Changsun Chong competed in the martial arts field to see who was stronger. As a result, as a result, his arm was broken!"


Li Shimin was taken aback.

"Li Chengfeng\'s arm is broken? You **** Sun Chong, why don\'t you do that, take me there to have a look!"

Because Li Lizhi spoke too hastily, she didn\'t say whose arm was broken for a while.

Li Shimin thought that Li Chengfeng\'s arm was broken!

Li Lizhi continued: "Father, it\'s not that Brother Feng\'er\'s arm is broken, but Chang Sun Chong\'s arm is broken!"

"Oh? It\'s not Feng\'er? Hiss...then, forget it, I\'d better go over and have a look!"

"Wang Dequan, call the Imperial Physician Duan He and go to the Martial Arts Arena!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Wang Dequan, the chief **** at the side, heard that the son of the grandson\'s family had a broken arm? He was also taken aback, and hurriedly called the imperial physician Duan Heqian to see Chang Sun Chong.

When Li Shimin and Li Lizhi and their party came to the martial arts arena.

I saw Li Chengfeng, that little boy, still alive and kicking aside, while Chang Sun Chong was lying on the ground, his face extremely painful.

Li Jing stood there at a loss, with a worried look on his face.

Because he is a general and doesn\'t know medical skills, Chang Sun Chong suffered a broken bone, so he can only stand there and worry!

"The emperor is here!"

Wang Dequan made a sharp voice, and saw a man walking like a dragon and a tiger quickly came to the center of the martial arts arena.

"Li Jing, pay homage to the emperor!"

"Son, see Father!"

"Well, no courtesy!" Li Shimin waved his sleeves, and continued: "Feng\'er, Li Jing, Changsun Chong, what\'s going on with the three of you?"

Li Shimin looked at Chang Sun Chong, who was lying on the ground with weirdly twisted wrists, and couldn\'t help frowning tightly.

Li Chengfeng wiped his nose with his small hands, and said, "Reporting to my father, it is my son and Changsun Chong who are more powerful! My son lifted this 200-jin stone above his head, but Changsun Chong didn\'t lift it. And dislocated my wrist! So, this is what it looks like now!"

"What? A stone-lifting competition? Nonsense!"

Li Shimin\'s expression was normal, and he glared at Li Chengfeng.

Li Chengfeng still laughed amusedly, and said: "We voluntarily competed in this matter, so Chang Sun Chong was injured. It can\'t be blamed on me, right Chang Sun Chong?"

"Reporting to the emperor, the eighth prince is indeed no wonder for this matter, he is a small minister, he has done it himself!"

"Oh, forget it, Duan He, quickly see a doctor for Chang Sun Chong!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Immediately afterwards, Imperial Physician Duan He observed the injury on Changsun Chong\'s wrist, and said, "Reporting to the emperor, Mr. Changsun\'s wrist is only dislocated, not broken, so there is nothing serious about it! After the old minister fixes Mr. Changsun Chong\'s bone, he will have a period of recuperation." Time will get better!"

"Oh, all right!"

Soon, Changsun Chong was arranged by Li Shimin to Duanhe\'s medical center and went to see a doctor.

Li Chengfeng shrugged helplessly.

Chang Sun Chong still owes me 1,000 gold? Why did you leave?

Hmph, I need to find him some other day. In this world, everyone can owe me money to Li Chengfeng.

Li Chengfeng wanted to leave, but Li Shimin stopped Li Chengfeng and said, "Feng\'er, are you making trouble again?"

"Eh? You can\'t talk nonsense, father, why am I making trouble?"

"Aren\'t you messing around? Then why did the elder, Sun Chong, dislocate his hand, but you are doing nothing?"

Li Chengfeng shook his head helplessly, and said: "It\'s obvious that he\'s not as strong as I am, but he insisted on showing off, but he dislocated his wrist in the end, is it my fault?"

"Hmph, you must be thinking carefully again! I know that kid, Changsun Chong, who is knowledgeable and reasonable, respects his elders, and he is the son of a great general, Sun Wuji. Feng\'er, you can\'t hurt him indiscriminately in the future! After all, the eldest grandson of the empress Wugou is his aunt, don\'t look at the monk\'s face and look at the Buddha\'s face, don\'t bully him in the future!"

"What? I bullied him? It is obvious that I was bullied, father, but you are standing on the side of Chang Sun Chong and talking? Oh, sure enough, you are not my real father!"

"What? Shut up, little bastard!"

"Ding, surprise from Li Shimin, naughty value +20!"

Seeing Li Chengfeng staggering towards the front, Li Shimin was helpless.

Li Shimin has seen with his own eyes how strong Li Chengfeng is.

At that time, I was in the Zhenwang Mansion, and when I wanted to drag Li Chengfeng to study in the Wenxuan Attic, even a dozen guards couldn\'t pull Li Chengfeng?

Therefore, Li Chengfeng\'s strength must be greater than Chang Sun Chong\'s.

In the end, Chang Sun Chong acted bravely and dislocated his wrist?

Chang Sun Chong is definitely no match for Li Chengfeng, so Li Shimin is afraid of conflicts between Li Chengfeng and Chang Sun Chong.

If Li Chengfeng is injured, Li Shimin must be worried.

If Changsun Chong was injured, Li Shimin wouldn\'t be like the queen and Changsun Wuji explaining it!

So Li Shimin felt that Li Chengfeng should not be allowed to mess around.

If he hurt Changsun Chong in the future, he wouldn\'t be able to explain to the queen.

"Oh, that\'s all, Li Jing!"

"Yes, the minister is here!"

"From now on, the Eighth Prince and the eldest grandson are not allowed to mess around!"

"It\'s the emperor, the minister will take good care of the Eighth Prince and the others, and won\'t let them mess around!"

"Well, it\'s a good thing this time it\'s just a dislocation. If Changsun Chong\'s hand is broken and the news gets out, the Changsun family\'s facade will be lost!"

Li Shimin stroked his beard, then went back to the palace and returned to the palace.

Early the next morning Li Chengfeng walked out from the Prince Zhen\'s Mansion.

He yawned and walked towards Duanhe\'s nursing home.

"Eighth Prince, are you here?"

When Duan He saw Li Chengfeng, he greeted him respectfully.

Li Chengfeng nodded slightly, and said: "Well, I want to ask, is Changsun Chongren okay? Where is he now?"

"Reporting to the eighth prince, homework, the old minister has already fixed the dislocated wrist for the eldest grandson, and at this moment, he is recuperating at home!"

"Okay, it\'s the eldest grandson\'s mansion, right?"

"Oh, yes!"

"Okay, goodbye!"

So, Li Chengfeng waved his little hand again, and then walked towards the Changsun Mansion.

Because Li Chengfeng didn\'t forget that Chang Sun Chong still owed him 1,000 gold and hadn\'t paid it back, so he went to Chang Sun Chong to collect the debt this time! _