The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 106: : Zhang Sun Chong stole money and returned it to Li Chengfeng

If I had known, I would not have bet with the Eighth Prince.

It\'s fine now, the dislocated arm is still not healed, and you still owe the Eighth Prince 1,000 gold?

Changsun Chong knew that this matter must not be passed on to his father, Changsun Wuji, otherwise it would not be such a simple punishment as confinement!

Li Chengfeng waved his hand at Changsun Chong, and said: "Then Mr. Changsun, I will go back to the mansion first, and I will come to play with you tomorrow!"

"No need for the Eighth Prince, you don\'t have to come to my house to look for me tomorrow, I\'d better visit you in the King\'s Mansion personally!"

"Well, that\'s fine!"

Because Chang Sun Chong couldn\'t let his family know that he lost 1,000 gold to Li Chengfeng, he decided to steal money from his father\'s vault.

Steal 1000 gold and return it to the Eighth Prince.

After Li Chengfeng left, Chang Sun Chong ran to his mother, took advantage of her lunch break, and stole the key to the treasury.

Then he ran into the treasury and secretly packed 1,000 gold in a bag.

"Shouldn\'t it be discovered? Over the years, Dad has made a lot of money through taxation! He shouldn\'t find out, right?"

The eldest grandson took a deep breath, and then tiptoedly put the key of the finance department back into the distance.

At the end of the day, Chang Sun Chong\'s mother did not find out that the Finance Department had lost 1,000 gold, and Chang Sun Chong couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The next day, Chang Sun Chong rushed towards Li Chengfeng\'s King\'s Mansion with 1,000 gold in his pocket!

Changsun Chong came to the gate of Prince Zhen\'s Mansion and gritted his teeth slightly.

"Hmph, the eighth prince dislocated my arm, and he cheated me of 1,000 gold? After seeing me, I definitely won\'t befriend the eighth prince!"

Changsun Chong looked helpless, and finally knocked on the gate of Prince Zhen\'s Mansion, intending to return the 1,000 gold to Li Chengfeng.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door, and it was Eunuch Wu who opened the door.

Chang Sun Chong saluted slightly, and said: "Young minister, Chang Sun Chong, come to pay homage to the Eighth Prince!"

"Oh? So it\'s the son of the eldest grandson\'s family here? Come on, please, the eighth prince is in the house, playing chess with Princess Changle and the others!"


Chang Sun Chong was very surprised, why is the door to the attic of the Prince Zhen\'s Mansion closed in summer?

Aren\'t they hot?

After Zhang Sun Chong pushed open the door of the living room, he felt a gust of cold air rushing towards him, and he instantly felt a burst of refreshing coolness.

"Okay, it\'s so comfortable!"

Chang Sun Chong couldn\'t help shivering.

This coolness is as comfortable as entering an ice cellar.

In the hot summer, there is no doubt that this kind of place is the most comfortable environment!

"Sun Chong, my minister, pay my respects to the Eighth Prince and Princess Changle!"

"Yo, the eldest grandson is coming to you?"

Li Chengfeng was on the floor playing Dou Dizhu with Li Lizhi and Wu Xu!

Seeing Chang Sun Chong walking in with a big bag of things, he knew that Chang Sun Chong was here to pay back the money!

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "Did you pay back the money so early?"

"Yes, the eighth prince, the minister keeps his word. This is the 1000 gold that the minister lost to you. Do you want some?"

"No need, I believe in the character of the eldest grandson, Eunuch Wu, please accept the 1000 gold for me!"

"Good Eighth Prince!"

Eunuch Wu accepted the money brought by Changsun Chong.

Then, put it in a big box in the backyard.

Today, Li Chengfeng already has more than 30,000 yuan in money.

In addition to the 20,000 gold rewarded by Li Shimin, and the 10,000 gold that Li Yuan cheated, plus the bonus for winning the first place in the calligraphy competition by gambling with Wei Zheng, Li Chengfeng\'s current net worth can be described as a rich man.

Chang Sun Chong looked curiously at the arrangements in the Prince Zhen\'s Mansion, and said, "Eighth Prince, how can your house be so cool? It\'s obviously hot summer outside, but your place is as cool as the cold winter!"

"Well... You don\'t understand the truth if you talk about it too much. Anyway, you just need to know that I am very comfortable here!"

"This, all right!"

Immediately, Li Lizhi covered her mouth and smiled lightly, and said, "Chang Sun Chong, is your hand healed?"

"Well, it\'s just a dislocation, so there\'s nothing serious about it, it\'s all right now!"

"Thank you Princess Changle for your concern!"

Hearing Li Lizhi\'s greeting, Chang Sun Chong was quite moved in his heart.

Li Chengfeng then picked up a big watermelon from the desk, and said: "The visitor is a guest, come, grandson, let\'s eat a piece of watermelon!"

"Okay, thank you Eighth Prince!"

Chang Sun Chong was also polite, and then started playing with Li Chengfeng and the others.

Immediately afterwards, Li Chengfeng said: "Young Master Changsun, you can play casually in the Zhenwang Mansion, but you must never go to the backyard, you understand?"

"Never go to the backyard? Why?"

"There are not so many reasons, you can\'t go anyway!"

"OK then!"

Having said this, Chang Sun Chong couldn\'t help rolling his eyes.

Can\'t go to the backyard? Then there must be some big secret hidden in the backyard.

The Eighth Prince refused to let him go, so he decided to take a look at the backyard of Prince Zhen\'s Mansion. What secrets are there?

If I discovered the secret of the Eighth Prince and caught the Eighth Prince\'s braid, maybe the Eighth Prince will obey my orders in the future!

In the blink of an eye, it was getting late, Li Lizhi and Wu Xu had spent a day playing in the Zhenwang Mansion, and they both went home happily.

And Wu Xu\'s father, the samurai Xun, doesn\'t care about Wu Xu now.

As long as Wu Xu wants to go to Zhenwang Mansion, she can go as she pleases.

As long as she has a good relationship with the Eighth Prince, wouldn\'t it be their Wu family who will benefit in the future?

The eighth prince is the prince of the Tang Dynasty, the future **** king of the country.

Being able to become the wife of the royal family can be regarded as the blessing of the ancestors of the Wu family!

Li Chengfeng sent Li Lizhi and Wu Xu away, and was about to go back home, but at this moment, a **** suddenly rushed towards the Prince Zhen\'s mansion.

Li Chengfeng knew that eunuch, wasn\'t he the chief **** next to Li Shimin, Wang Dequan?

Panting heavily, Wang Dequan said, "Eighth prince, wait a moment, I have something to tell you!"

"Is there something? What\'s the matter?"

At this moment, Chang Sun Chong happened to pass by Wang Dequan.

When he heard that Wang Dequan had something to look for the Eighth Prince, he couldn\'t help but stop.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Dequan said: "Eighth prince, the emperor is looking for you, saying that he has something urgent to discuss with you!"

"What? What does my father want me to do?"

"I don\'t know, but I am here to invite you to the palace under the emperor\'s order!"

"Then, all right! Since the emperor is looking for me, then I\'ll go as hard as I can!"

Li Chengfeng yawned, originally he was going to bed after dinner, but Li Shimin called him, so he still had to go.

After all, the emperor can\'t help but give him face!

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!