The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 103: : Changsun Chong broke a bone?

Later, Li Chengfeng pretended to be difficult and lifted a 100-jin boulder over his head.

When Li Chengfeng put down the big rock, Li Jing couldn\'t help shouting: "Eighth Prince, you are so strong!"

In fact, it takes the strength of an adult to hold this stone on top of the whole country.

In this way, if the eighth prince, who is only six years old, can lift a hundred catties of boulders, he already has the strength of an adult?

Li Jing couldn\'t help being a little surprised in his heart.

He didn\'t expect that the Eighth Prince\'s small body actually possessed such great strength?

Even if you look at the entire Tang Dynasty, there are not many children who can lift 100 catties, right?

"Chang Sun Chong, it\'s your turn!"

Li Chengfeng looked at Chang Sun Chong with an unabated smile.

Chang Sun Chong nodded and said, "Okay, I\'ll come!"

Therefore, Changsun Chong spent a lot of effort to lift the 100-jin stone above his head.

When Chang Sun Chong put down the boulder, he only felt his arm sore.

He was a little surprised, the little Eighth Prince, why is he still alive and kicking after picking up a stone weighing 100 jins, showing a very relaxed appearance?

At this moment, Li Lizhi and Wu Xu are both worried about their health.

Because the next big rock weighed two hundred catties.

Even ordinary soldiers of the Xuanjia Army would find it difficult to hold it on the head of the whole country, let alone the Eighth Prince and Changsun Chong.

"Eighth prince, grandson, may I ask if you want to compete?"

"Competition, of course, I have already won a match. As long as I win this match, Chang Sun Chong will give me 1,000 gold. So, why not compare?"

So, Li Chengfeng fiddled with his clothes, and then ran directly to the big rock that was taller than him.

Li Chengfeng hugged a 200-jin boulder with his small hands, and then exerted all his strength.

"Hey, get up!"


That big rock weighing 200 jins was really picked up by Li Chengfeng?

Seeing this, Li Jing could only say in his heart: The eighth prince is really a god!

On the other hand, Chang Sun Chong began to panic.

No way? How old is the Eighth Prince? Is this a 200-jin boulder? How could he hug it?

Everyone was shocked.

"Hey, get up! 3, 2, 1!"


Li Chengfeng lost for three seconds, then dropped the big stone on the ground, making a loud noise.

"Ding, the shock from Li Jing, naughty value +30!"

"Ding, surprise from Li Lizhi, naughty value +35!"

"Ding, surprise from Chang Sun Chong, naughty value +35!"

Seeing Li Chengfeng lift a 200-jin boulder over his head with ease, everyone was extremely surprised.

That is a real big stone weighing 200 jins. Li Chengfeng is only a six-year-old child, but he can lift it with ease?

Li Chengfeng smiled slightly, looked at Zhang Sun Chong, and said, "It\'s your turn! Come on!"

"Thanks to the Eighth Prince for your encouragement, my minister, I will definitely be able to lift this stone!"

Changsun Chong took a deep breath, he felt that today, he must not lose face in front of Princess Changle.

Otherwise, when he sees the Eighth Prince in the future, he will feel ashamed!

"Okay, then let me come!"

Chang Sun Chong immediately walked to the side of the big rock, hugged it with both hands, and started to exert all his strength.

However, the weight of a 200-jin stone and a 100-jin stone is already a world of difference.

Chang Sun Chong had already used his strength to lift a 100-jin stone, so when he hugged a 200-jin stone, he felt like he was hugging a mountain and couldn\'t move at all.

"No, the Eighth Prince and Princess Changle are watching from behind! I can\'t lose face! I definitely want to pick up this big rock!"


Chang Sun Chong yelled. Unexpectedly, he actually picked up that 200-jin boulder?

Afterwards, the eldest grandson blushed, as if he could no longer hold it on the head of the whole country.

Li Chengfeng walked up to Changsun Chong and said, "Hold it up! If you don\'t lift it up, then you will lose to me?"

"Eight, don\'t worry about the eighth prince, I, I can definitely lift it up!"

Changsun Chong used all his strength to lift the big rock over his head.

Everyone could see that it was already Chang Sun Chong\'s limit strength to lift this big rock, let alone lift it above his head, he simply couldn\'t do it!

But the brave Changsun Chong did not believe in evil.

Because he felt that what the Eighth Prince could do, he would definitely be able to do it too!

"Hey! Get up!"

Changsun Chong gave a loud shout.


As a result, a clicking sound suddenly sounded.

Chang Sun Chong suddenly threw the big rock to the ground, and then fell backward heavily.

" hand!"

Chang Sun Chong gave a loud cry.

Li Jing suddenly felt his heart sink, because he saw that Chang Sun Chong\'s arm was twisted 80 degrees strangely at this moment?

Yes, broken arm?

"Ah! Changsun Chong, your hand!"

Li Lizhi began to exclaim.

Li Chengfeng was also taken He didn\'t expect that Chang Sun Chong would fight so hard?

Lifting the rock broke your own hand?

It\'s not that serious, is it?

Wu Xu covered her eyes, her face full of panic.

None of them thought that such a thing would happen!

Changsun Chong broke his hand while lifting the stone?

Li Chengfeng put his hands in his trouser pockets, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Oh, it\'s over, this matter has become a big deal!"

"Princess Changle, please report this matter to the emperor, Xuan Yu doctor Duan He will come and heal the eldest grandson!"

"Okay, Brother Feng\'er, you wait here for a while, I\'ll go and tell Father!"

"Okay, let\'s go!"

After Li Lizhi left, Li Chengfeng came in front of Chang Sun Chong, and said, "I told you, don\'t compare yourself with me, you don\'t believe me, you still try to be brave? Now it\'s fine, your arm is broken, and you can\'t lift the stone? "

"I, I don\'t know!"

Changsun Chong lay down on the ground, two crystal clear teardrops flashed across the corners of his eyes.

Li Jing also sighed helplessly.

If I had known, I wouldn\'t have let them compete. Now it\'s all right, Changsun Chong\'s arm is broken?

If I break my hand, I\'m afraid I will have a grudge with the eldest grandson\'s family in the future!

At this time, Wu Xu came behind Li Chengfeng, with two big watery eyes, looking at Li Chengfeng worriedly.

She held Li Chengfeng\'s sleeve with her small hand, and said, "Eighth Prince, what should we do now?"

"It\'s okay Xiao Wu, Chang Sun Chong\'s arm should not be broken, it\'s just dislocated, so it\'s not a serious injury!"

"Eighth prince, how did you know?" Wu Xu looked at Li Chengfeng curiously.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!