The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 576

At the Marquis's residence in Ding'an, Gu Chengfeng was sweating after taking a bath. He should be very hot, but he shivered!

"What's the matter?" Gu Chenglin asked him.

Gu Chengfeng scratched his head strangely: "I don't know. Suddenly his back is chilly."

When the emperor woke up, Princess Ning'an naturally wanted to go to the palace to see him.

Xiao Heng and Gu Jiao also stand up together, Xinyang princess looked at them, light way: "you two don't go, wait for news at home."

After doing so many things and forging the imperial edict, who knows what the emperor thinks in his heart, and will he anger them?

Xinyang Princess decided to fight first, and then called two small ones into the palace when the front was safe.

Princess Xinyang takes Yujin to the carriage.

Xiao Heng sent her to the door and asked, "don't you take longyi?"

Xinyang Princess light way: "don't take, obedience always listen to half."

The Emperor just fell asleep for several days, and his face was very haggard. When Princess Xinyang arrived at Huaqing Palace, empress Xiao just fed the emperor some porridge.

The emperor said to empress Xiao, "I'm fine here. Take care of Xiao Qi. I have something to say to Xinyang."

"I'll leave." Empress Xiao put down the bowl and went out.

Princess Xinyang bowed slightly to empress Xiao.

The emperor was so weak that he didn't even have the strength to lift his arm. He sighed and told Duke Wei and other humanitarians: "you all step down."

"Yes Duke Wei glanced at Princess Xinyang without any trace. Strange, did you shave your hand today? I didn't see the Adam's apple... The rash on my face disappeared

Duke Wei murmured and swept Princess Xinyang's skirt.

Yu Jin's eyes sank: "Duke Wei!"

Wei Gonggong such as be hit in the head, Ma liuer ground rolled out!

"What's the matter?" Asked Princess Xinyang.

Yujin wants to talk and stop, mainly because it's hard to say. I didn't find Duke Wei so serious before!

Yujin said in a low voice, "forget it. I'll tell the princess later. The princess will see your majesty first."

Princess Xinyang came to the Dragon bed and saluted slightly: "Your Majesty."

This is the difference between Princess Xinyang and Princess Ning'an. Princess Xinyang never called her brother. Even when he was a prince, Princess Xinyang had six Royal Highnesses.

The emperor looked at the stool and said, "sit down."

"Thank you, your majesty." Princess Xinyang took her seat according to her words.

Yujin was behind her. The emperor held back the palace people. It is reasonable that Princess Xinyang should hold back Yujin.

Princess Xinyang didn't do this because she was not used to being alone with men, except Xiao Heng and longyi.

The Emperor didn't know her habits, but he didn't care that she left Yujin.

Princess Xinyang said, "the imperial doctor also said that your Majesty would have to be in a coma for several days. I didn't want to wake up so soon."

The emperor gnashed his teeth: "it's really thanks to the Gu family boy!"

"What?" Princess Xinyang didn't understand.

"Nothing." The emperor coughed and said, "I know almost everything that happened in the palace recently. The empress also told me about LIULANG."

Princess Xinyang looked at the Emperor: "now that your majesty knows, what will your majesty do?"

With a complicated sigh, the emperor said, "I will not pursue the matter of forging the imperial edict."

Xinyang Princess Liu Mei a Cu: "do not pursue?"

The emperor nodded and said earnestly, "yes, I won't pursue her. I won't pursue all the things she planned. After all, no matter what, she is mine... "

"Your Majesty, what is that?" Princess Xinyang interrupted and pointed to the emperor.

The emperor turned to look.

Xinyang princess suddenly grabbed the jade pillow on the Dragon bed, a pillow will make the emperor dizzy!

Yujin was surprised: "Princess! Why did you stun your majesty? "

Princess Xinyang was so angry that she said, "don't knock your majesty unconscious, wait for your majesty to forgive that woman! After so many crazy things, your majesty did not pursue them all! Why don't I do her first! first then make all known to the emperor! What your majesty wants to do after that is up to him! "


"What do you want to say?" Asked Princess Xinyang.

Yu Jin said: "I don't think your majesty just said it's not her, it's him!"

Yujin took her hand and wrote his words in her palm.

Princess Xinyang said strangely, "he?"

Yujin said: "yes! What did your majesty say before you asked him what he was going to do? "

Princess Xinyang recalled: "he almost knew what happened in the palace recently, and the empress also told him about LIULANG..."

Yujin said, "what else can LIULANG's business be? Little Marquis's life experience! Your majesty said that he forged the imperial edict to let you supervise the country. He also asked people to disguise you into the palace and secretly planned some actions. Your majesty said that he would not investigate what he did. "

Princess Xinyang was once bitten by a snake for ten years. She was afraid of the well rope. The emperor was fascinated by the mother and daughter. She had lost her basic confidence in her majesty, so she thought that what he said was not to pursue Ning'an.

Princess Xinyang looked at the emperor who was stunned by her pillow, and her teeth were aching: "it's rash!"

Tianlong is a place where felons are held. It is heavily guarded and heavily organized.

In the most closely guarded cell, Ning An, who had broken his legs, grabbed the dirty board and roared: "let me out! I want to see your majesty! I want to see the Empress Dowager! I am your favorite sister! If you dare to keep me here, your majesty and the Empress Dowager will surely punish you for death! "

The guards were as cold as iron, and no one was moved by them.

She grabbed the steamed bread and threw it at one of the prison guards.

Steamed bread had already become a stone, hit the jailer's back, the jailer did not move.

"Are you dead! I'm Princess Ning'an! I want to see your majesty

"I want to see your majesty!"

"The emperor won't come to see you. You've lost your heart."

A majestic voice sounded slowly from the other end of the corridor, and the narrow prison truth filled with an air of submission.

The jailers bowed together.

Princess Ning'an was staring at the Empress Dowager Zhuang, who was dressed in a black and Golden Phoenix robe, walking towards her coldly.

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at her with blood all over her body, but she couldn't see the slightest affection.

Princess Ning'an's heart clapped: "empress..."

Behind Zhuang Tai, she said with no expression, "the AI family said, don't call me the empress of the AI family."

Ning'an wronged: "mother... I'm your Ning'an... I don't call you mother's name..."

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "just call it if you like. Anyway, it won't last long."

Ning'an raised her head with tears in her eyes: "what do you mean by that, mother?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked down at her and said, "you are so smart that you don't understand the meaning of mourning for your family?"

Ning An cried: "mother! Xinyang hurt me! They all hurt me

Empress Dowager Zhuang said coldly, "what did they do to you? Do you want to betray your son-in-law and return to Beijing for revenge, or do you want to take over the power of imperial concubine Jing and collude with the state of Yan to bring disaster to the meritorious officials of Zhao? Or do you want to assassinate your majesty and eventually plant all of them on your family? "

Ning An's eyes flashed a little flustered: "empress... Don't believe them..."

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at her coldly: "up to now, you don't have to pretend to be innocent. AI Jia doesn't come here to hear you admit the truth. AI Jia doesn't care whether you admit it or not. If the family says you are guilty, you are guilty. "

Ning An clenched her teeth and complained chokingly: "the empress is eccentric! The empress was not like this before... The empress loved Ning'an the most... Since the girl appeared... The empress had no Ning'an in her heart! "

Empress Dowager Zhuang zhengse way: "Ai Jia is eccentric how! Do I need your permission? "

It's better to have a heart attack!

She never expected empress dowager Zhuang to be so direct, so magnanimous and so merciless!

Ningan's tears came down: "but mother... I'm your Ningan..."

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at her coldly and asked, "are you really Ning'an?"

The pupil of Princess Ning'an shrinks suddenly!

Gu Jiao didn't have to go to the palace. After she came out of the hospital, she went back to the blue water alley with Xiao Heng.

Huang Fuxian woke up and was sitting in a daze in Westinghouse's wheelchair.

Xiaojingkong sneaked at him several times.

"What happened to him?" Gu Jiao stood in the front yard and looked at Huang Fu Xian through the half open window.

Xiaojingkong sighed like an adult: "my little brother missed his mother. My little brother's mother was not good to him and beat him, but he was still worried about his mother. I just thought about it. If Jiaojiao beats me, I will still like Jiaojiao very much. "

Once Ning'an is convicted, the biggest injury is Huangfu Xian.

"I'll see him." Xiao Heng said.

"Forget it, I'll go. I'll see the injury." Gu Jiao gives Xiao Heng the small clearance and steps into Westinghouse.

The setting sun had already set and the house was dark.

Gu Jiao takes out the origami.

"Don't hold the lamp."

Huang said.