The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 575

Huang Fuxian woke up in the sound of saliva.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in a strange room with a simple beam on the top. The walls didn't look like a palace or a farmhouse. At the end of the room, there was a large wardrobe with a desk beside it.

On the opposite side of the bed is a window with bright sky light.

Xu was phototactic. Huang Fu Xian subconsciously looked in the direction of the light coming in. It was so bright that he closed his eyes.

Haw, haw.

The sound of water came again.

Huang Fu Xian slowed down for a while, adjusted himself to the light, opened his eyes again, and saw a cradle near the window.

The cradle was originally higher than the bed, but the fence around it was hollowed out. Huang Fuxian clearly saw the baby in the cradle.

He was eating his fingers, and the sound came from his mouth.

Strange environment, quiet room, because this does not cry does not make small life and more a kind of warmth and vitality.

All of a sudden, a young figure came in. He looked at Huang Fuxian on the bed and looked at Gu Xiaobao in the cradle. With a smile, he went to pinch Gu Xiaobao's face: "Xiao Bao is awake?"

Gu Xiaobao gave him a small look at each other, and then continued to eat his fingers.

"Why are you so good? No one wakes up and doesn't cry. " With a smile, he turned his head and looked at Huang Fuxian, with a formal expression. "Are you awake, too?"

Huang Fu Xian's eyes fell on his face: "doctor song."

Doctor song was surprised: "do you know me?"

Huang Fuxian was still very weak. He nodded faintly and said, "I heard someone call you that on the way back from the frontier fortress."

Doctor song suddenly realized it, and said with a smile, "ah, that's true. You have a good memory. I don't remember that someone told me to be heard by you."

"I'm in the carriage." Huang said.

Even in the carriage, however, hundreds of people in the medical team can only hear a call and remember it, which shows that Huang Fu Xian's memory is not generally strong.

Maybe I'm more handsome?

Huang Fuxian: "your national character is easy to recognize."

Doctor song

Doctor song cleared his throat: "how do you feel? Is there anything wrong? "

Huang Fuxian shook his head slightly, and then realized that he was not too uncomfortable.

There is still slight pain in the wound, but it is much better than before.

As if aware of his doubts, doctor song pointed to the position of his leg and explained, "our boss has operated on you. The bone is worn and the wound is sewn up

"Then why didn't I feel it?"

From childhood to adulthood, Huang Fu Xian had gone through several times of bone grinding, and each time he suffered a lot. It was not only a physical torture, but also a spiritual humiliation.

So this time he would rather die than suffer this kind of pain.

Doctor song laughed and said, "I gave you anesthesia. Of course you don't feel it. Does the wound still hurt? "

"It doesn't hurt much." Huang Fuxian shook his head slightly.

So shocked, he forgot to tell me who let you treat me? I don't want a cure.

"That's good. My boss has told me that if you wake up, you'll take the medicine." Doctor song poured a glass of water and handed him some anti-inflammatory and hemostatic drugs.

Huang Fu Xian was so confused that he ate it.

After eating, I thought of it and asked, "where is this?"

Doctor Song said, "the blue water hutong is our master's home. You know our boss. It's Dr. Gu. "

Huang Fuxian suddenly remembered that lian'er had a fall. He seemed to have fallen off the bridge. He thought he was dead, but vaguely saw a slender figure jump down and fly towards him.

With a plop, they fell into the water.

He didn't remember what happened after that. He fainted.

Huang Fuxian asked, "did Dr. Gu... Bring me back?"

Er Dongjia said, "yes! You're really lucky. I've heard people say that the river was very fast that night, and it was washed away by the waves when it fell in. Fortunately, our boss has good water quality. "

Huang Fu Xian lowered his eyes: "where is she?"

The second owner sighed: "after she saved you..."

Huang Fu Xian's eyelashes trembled and looked at him.

The second owner then said, "I went to the hospital. There was a fight in the capital, and seven or eight people were injured. She was so busy that she asked me to take care of you."

"Oh." Huang Fu Xian's face relaxed without any trace.

"Little brother! You are awake

Here comes the little mushroom.

The second owner said to xiaojingkong with a smile, "is Jingkong coming? You talk to my little brother for a while, and I'll take Xiaobao out first. "

"Well!" Little clearance nodded.

The second owner took Gu Xiaobao, who was eating his fingers, out. Xiaojingkong came to the bedside and looked at huangfuxian with big black eyes: "little brother, you've been sleeping for two days! How do you feel? Is there anything wrong? "

Huang Fuxian: are you all the same here?

"No Huang Fu Xian said carelessly.

Xiaojingkong was lying on the edge of the bed, blinking at him: "are you hungry?"

"Not hungry," he said

"You're very good. You haven't eaten for two days and you're not hungry." Xiaojingkong pointed to the bed under him and said, "you sleep in my bed! Is it comfortable? "

Huangfuxian said, "your bed is hard."

Huangfuxian likes soft beds. Xiaojingkong is used to hard beds in the temple. It happens that Xiao Heng, who has been in exile, also sleeps hard beds in recent years.

The small body of small clearance lies on the bed, small foot pedal on the ground: "Jiaojiao's bed is very soft, but, but can't give you sleep, Jiaojiao's bed only I can sleep."

Huang Fu Xian glanced at him askance and muttered: "who wants to sleep?"

Xiaojingkong suddenly grabs a small pastry from his purse: "little brother, do you want to eat this?"

Huang Fu Xian turned his face and said, "I don't eat this kind of food."

Xiaojingkong put the pastry into his mouth.

Huang Fuxian was stunned by the strong milk fragrance and the light sweetness.

Little headroom tilted his head and asked, "is it delicious? Jiaojiao made it

Huang Fu Xian didn't speak, just gave a vague hum.

On the other hand, Gu Jiao finally finished treating the last patient. She couldn't take a rest. She went back to the yard to change her night clothes and planned to go out. Just at the door, she was blocked by Princess Xinyang's carriage.

Yujin opens the curtain for Princess Xinyang. Princess Xinyang looks at Gu Jiao and asks, "where are you going to dress up?"


A man's cough came from the carriage.

"Shut up." Said Princess Xinyang, turning her head.

Xiao Heng shut up.

"You come up." Princess Xinyang said to Gu Jiao.

"Oh." Gu Jiao got on the carriage with a red tassel gun.

Yu Jin pursed her lips and laughed: "I'll get some tea."

Then she got out of the carriage.

Only princess Xinyang and Xiao Heng and Gu Jiao were left in the car.

Xiao Heng was caught by Princess Xinyang on the way out in his usual clothes. Then Princess Xinyang came to catch Gu Jiao.

Princess Xinyang calmly looked at Gu Jiao's red tassel gun: "what? Are you going to destroy the nest of those people? "

Xiao Heng opened his mouth.

Princess Xinyang: "I didn't ask you."

Xiao Heng is autistic again.

Gu Jiao blinked: "isn't Princess Ning'an running away? I'll get her. "

"I'm not here, am I? Need you to catch it? Young age, worry so much Xinyang Princess cold finish saying, stretch out a hand to want to take down the red tassel gun in Gu Jiao's hand, took for a while didn't take, she a face embarrassed.

"I, I will." Xiao Heng holds the red tassel gun wrapped in cloth in both hands and takes it from his daughter-in-law and his mother-in-law.


How heavy!

I almost missed it.

But in front of his daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, Xiao Heng still put his red tassel gun on his leg.

"Is it heavy?" Princess Xinyang said.

Xiao Heng said as if nothing had happened: "it's not heavy. It's not heavy at all. The carriage is too small, or I can play two guns for you."

Princess Xinyang snorted coldly and said, "I let her go on purpose that night. I know the person I let her go. I can't help you in the war. I'm more than enough to deal with a few remaining evils. Just wait at home."

Gu Jiao said: "Yan people seem to have the means to pay the Dragon shadow guard."

Princess Xinyang said, "I know. Don't worry."

Xiao Heng didn't move.

He didn't move, so did Gu Jiao.

Princess Xinyang said to Xiao Heng, "what are you doing? Not yet? "

Xiao Heng laughed: "I don't want to accompany you more?"

Princess Xinyang said to Gu Jiao, "he can't take it."

Xiao Heng: "is it OK to expose your son like this?

Gu Jiao bent her lips and got out of the carriage with a red tassel gun.

After Xinyang princess left, Gu Jiao asked Xiao Heng, "do I really need to go?"

Xiao Heng shook his head: "no, she has four Dragon shadow guards in addition to dragon one, which is enough to catch one Ning'an."

Princess Xinyang didn't release Ning'an to get the whereabouts of Yan people. The whereabouts of Yan people have already been tracked by Xiao Jiu. Princess Xinyang wants to know what cards Ning'an still has.

Princess Xinyang sent two dragon shadow guards and a dark guard from Princess mansion to watch Ning'an.

Ning'an is extremely vigilant. He walked around the mountain forest for a day and a night before he got into a seemingly insignificant cave.

After that, she came to a secret camp like a peach forest.

There are 100 experts in the camp.

This should be the nest left by Princess Jing to Ning'an.

Princess Xinyang takes one or four Dragon shadow guards and a group of dark guards from Princess mansion to the camp and catches Ning'an.

In addition, a small box was found in the secret room.

"Open." Princess Xinyang said to Ning'an.

Ning An sneer: "to open their own open."

Xinyang princess looked at the wooden box on the table: "you think I can't break it?"

Ning An provocative way: "please."

"It seems that it can't be broken at will." Princess Xinyang said to the dark guard, "take the box back and open it with the key."

Princess Ning'an's face changed.

Princess Xinyang said with a smile, "are you surprised that your key has been made again?"

Princess Ning'an's eyes were full of surprise: "you!"

Princess Xinyang said, "take it back, and don't put it under house arrest. Just put it in jail."

Ning An threatened: "you dare! I am a princess

"Coincidentally, me too." Princess Xinyang looked down at Ning'an kneeling on the ground by the Dragon shadow guard, "you'd better not run away this time, or I'll break your leg."

What dragon one hears is - slightly slightly slightly, break your leg.

The Dragon dashed past and broke Ning'an's leg!


Princess Xinyang

This time, Princess Xinyang didn't take people back to the palace, but directly put them in the dungeon of Dali temple.

Then she took the small box to Bishui Hutong.

Gu Jiao's key has been made. If she can really open this box.

When they opened it, they found that this seemingly simple wooden box had a very complicated mechanism. If it was forced to split or pry open, the mechanism would smash the contents of the box.

"See what Princess Jing left for Ning'an." Gu Jiao said.

"Good." Xiao Heng took out the things in the box. They were several books of accounts, which recorded the contacts between Princess Jing and some officials in the court over the years. "These officials... Are the contacts that Princess Jing left to Ning'an."

Xinyang Princess pause, said: "these books are very important, with them, we can hold those officials."

Xiao Heng turned down and said, "there is another treasure map."

Gu Jiao murmured: "do you really have a treasure map?"

Xiao Heng laughingly looked at Gu Jiao: "it's silver tickets that cheat you. Roughly speaking, there are hundreds of thousands of Liang."

Gu Jiao's eyes are green.

Xinyang princess will Gu Jiao's small eyes, helplessly press the eyebrow: "Xing Shangshu, they can overturn the case."

Xiao Heng nodded: "that's right. I've got everything I need to get. I don't have to worry about anything any more."

Princess Xinyang got up and said, "it's time to tell the world about Ning'an's crime."

"Princess!" Yujin came to the door and reported, "Your Majesty is awake!"