The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 577

Gu Jiao took back the fire fold and slowly came to Huangfu Xian's side.

Huang Fuxian seems to be sitting here peacefully at this time, but before that, he experienced a soul stirring rescue. His stump was already injured and soaked in the river, and the wound showed a large area of ulceration.

Jingkong said that he had slept for two days, because Jingkong only saw him sleep for two days when he moved here. Before that, it took three days to rescue him in the hospital and wait for him to get through the dangerous period.

"Does it still hurt?" Gu Jiao asked, "your wound."

Huangfu Xian pause, want to say no pain, hesitated for a moment or truthfully said: "a little bit."

There is a slight choking nasal sound.

Gu Jiao pretended not to hear: "let me see."

Now it was dark, and there was no lamp in the room, so she could see nothing.

Huang Fu Xian did not refuse.

Gu Jiao lifted up his trouser legs.

Huang Fu Xian was not used to it, but he tried to hold it back.

I can't see it anyway.

So he thought.

Unexpectedly, Gu Jiao directly took out a small medicine box from her pocket, with a small flashlight, and pressed it open.

Huang Fu Xian's face changed: "didn't you say no lighting?"

Gu Jiao said: "it's not an oil lamp, it's a flashlight. I call it - turn on the flashlight."

Huang Fuxian

Huang Fuxian wanted to say that you were cheating, and then he was attracted by the little thing that could shine.

"Where is this pearl of the night?"

Everything that Huang Fu Xian had seen that would shine was a night pearl besides fire, but it wasn't so bright either.

"Want to know?" Gu Jiao asked.

"I don't want to." Huang Fu Xian turned his face stubbornly.

Gu Jiao bent his lips, squatted down on one knee, flashed a flashlight in one hand and untied his gauze in the other.

Huang Fu Xian suddenly grabbed her hand, held his breath and said, "it's ugly!"

Gu Jiao raised her eyes and looked into his eyes. Her eyes were as pure and clean as those of xiaojingkong.

Just compared with the innocence of small clearance, she had a little more convincing calmness in her eyes.

Huang Fu Xian's eyelashes trembled and slowly released his hand.

Gu Jiao unties the gauze layer by layer, revealing the wound that has been sewn up by her.

"Healing well, no postoperative infection, but still take medicine on time." Gu Jiao said, back to the east room with a small medicine box, gave him a careful change of medicine, "if you don't hurt badly, you won't take painkillers."

"Well." Huang Fu Xian gave a dull reply.

Gu Jiao bandaged him and began to clean up medical consumables.

"What happened to the little fat man?"

Huangfu suddenly spoke.

Gu Jiao said: "you say Qin Chuyu? He's back in the palace, and lian'er is in the palace. The queen has something to ask her. She won't be embarrassed. "

That night, it was dangerous. After she fell into the water with Huangfu Xian, she put her dagger into a stone in the middle of the river.

The dragon a few moves seconds those black clothes person, fly body but descend, she and Huang Fu Xian fished up.

Then they went back to the capital together.

Huang Fu Xian turned his head, his eyes fell on her chin. Just now she was squatting. He didn't see her. Now she stood up, and the wound of the needle was exposed in Huang Fu Xian's eyes.

Huang Fu Xian was stunned: "your chin..."

Gu Jiao didn't care and said, "scrape it."

The wound is on the inside of the chin. It's very obscure. Huang Fu Xian's eyes are sharp. Otherwise, he can't see it.

Huang Fu Xian dropped his eyes and pinched his trouser legs with his fingertips: "did you knock it underwater?"

Gu Jiao answered faintly: "mmm."

At night, the water was too big to see clearly, but Gu Jiao knew there was a stone when her chin was scratched.

"It's not worth it for a man like me," he said

Gu Jiao did not speak, continue to busy with the work at hand.

The room was quiet, but the sound of fireworks from the next room and the front yard came from time to time. Xiao BA was eating Gu Yan's shoes again. Xiao Jiu was with him, and the other seven chickens went back to their cages.

Uncle Zhao next door is yelling at his little son. Aunt Liu is chasing geese in the alley. Grandma Zhou's family is frying mandarin fish again, and the smell comes here.

Huang Fuxian looked at Gu Jiao's busy figure again. For some reason, a strange emotion suddenly surged into his heart.

"When I was a child, she was very kind to me."

When Gu Jiao had finished cleaning up, Huang Fuxian said again, "she always takes me out to play and makes delicious food for me. When she goes to help the victims, she also carries me on her back. The most thing I have ever done in my memory is to lie on her back and feed porridge and sheep with her."

"Do you live so hard in the frontier fortress?" Gu Jiao has been to the frontier fortress. Naturally, she knows that the people in the frontier fortress are very miserable. She also heard that Princess Ning'an has no royal burden and is suffering with the people.

But isn't Ning An's true face exposed? People can't help suspecting that the so-called hardship is a show.

"I don't feel bitter." Huang said.

"So it is." Gu Jiao said.

When he was so poor in the countryside, he never gave up the hardship of his family.

What children want is sometimes very simple.

Huangfu Xian looked at the dark night: "but then everything changed."

Gu Jiao looked at him.

Huang Fu Xian's eyes were fixed on the brightest star in the night sky, like remembering something far away: "since my leg broke, she was like a different person. She didn't dare to come near me any more. She didn't like to carry me and hold me as before, and she didn't let me sleep with her anymore. She said, "she's afraid to press my wound."

"I was only five years old. I didn't understand. As I grew up, I realized that she was not afraid. She hated me. She hated my broken body. She hated that I could never be a normal child again. She didn't even want to stay with me."

"Every time I grind bones, I hope she can accompany me. She doesn't need to hold me, she just needs to hold my hand."

"But she did not."

Not once.

Gu Jiao seems to understand that a large part of Huang Fu Xian's rejection of himself comes from his parents, especially Princess Ning'an. It destroys all his self-esteem and self-confidence. Compared with taking away his legs, all kinds of violence in Ning'an really causes a devastating blow to him.

Why doesn't his mother hurt him?

Because he doesn't have legs?

What's the point of his life?

Gu Jiao looked at him and said, "she treated you like this. Are you still sad for her?"

Huang Fu Xian was silent for a long time before he said in a low voice: "she is my mother."


In the dark prison, Empress Dowager Zhuang stood in the corridor with a faint look, not a step closer.

Duke Qin had already taken the Yamen servants to other places, leaving only a few confidants to guard them.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "come on, when did you become Ning'an?"

Most of the people in the world can't tear their face and break the window paper, but the Empress Dowager Zhuang is not of such a disposition.

She is not a bit indecisive.

If she wants to say it, she can say it to the point.

Ning An lay on the ground, raised his head and looked at empress dowager Zhuang with a smile: "I am Ning An, Empress Dowager!"

Empress Dowager Zhuang said coldly, "you don't admit it when it comes to the end!"

Ning an a face surprised surprised way: "I want to admit what?"? I am Ning'an! Ning'an is me! Mother is old fool? You don't even remember your own daughter? When the mother's heart changed, she said straight away. When she didn't feel better, she said straight away. Why use this method to humiliate Ning'an? "

Empress Dowager Zhuang was not irritated by her, but looked down at her as if she were watching the last struggle of a mole ant.

Under the gaze of Empress Dowager Zhuang, Ning'an began to smile, her shoulders trembling: "mother, your ability to plant people has not changed at all! That's how you planted my mother's concubine. Now you're planting me again! "

Empress Dowager Zhuang did not argue with her, but let her laugh and talk to herself.

Ning An's every punch seemed to hit cotton. She grasped the board of the cell and squeezed her cheek tightly between the cracks of the board. "Mother said I'm not Ning An. Is there any evidence? Mother, look at my face. Isn't it Ning'an's face? "


Empress Dowager Zhuang threw a stack of letters on the corridor in front of Ning'an.

Ning An's eyes moved down, slowly stretched out his hand, took the letter in from the crack of the prison door, and read it carefully by the yellow fire light in the corridor.

Every time she looked at a page, her face changed. When she saw half of it, she suddenly tore up the letter like crazy!

"Nonsense! nonsense! It's all bullshit

"I'm Ning'an!"

"I am Ning'an!"

She was so excited that the tendons of her forehead burst out.

Empress Dowager Zhuang took a look at her and said, "well, I'd better tell you a story. Where to start? It's better to start with the experience of a noble family. The daughter of this aristocratic family has been intelligent, courageous and good-looking since she was a child. However, her biological mother is not favored, and she is often run by the common sisters in her family. On her way to Shangxiang temple, she ran into an expert. The two of them became close friends after several exchanges. After a year of contact, the expert successfully convinced his best friend to join a non-governmental organization called the red lotus society. "

"The Red Lotus Club is actually another identity of the remaining evils of the former dynasty, and this daughter has become the death of the remaining evils of the former dynasty. When she was ordered to enter the palace to get close to the emperor, her original purpose should be to become the queen or the most sacred concubine, to give birth to the Dragon son for the emperor, to support him as the crown prince, and then to take the emperor's life. In this way, Jiangshan would fall into the hands of the remaining evils of the previous dynasty. "

"It's a pity that she didn't become a queen or a concubine. Even the Emperor didn't like to see her. She can only hold the Queen's thigh, the queen lost a daughter. It's also a coincidence that she was pregnant only one month later than the queen, so she secretly prepared oxytocin to make the baby premature, and the Queen's baby was born on the same day. "

"But no one knows that she has a child in her stomach. It was only an hour apart, but it was born two days ago. "

"The two children never cry together. After the elder sister cries, the younger sister cries. After the younger sister cries, the elder sister cries. To outsiders, it sounds like only one child is crying."

"The midwife who delivered her was her confidant, or rather the confidant arranged by the expert for her. The fate of these two children was doomed from birth, one stayed in the palace, the other was carried out."

"They will be two perfect pieces, more perfect than the princess. But who stays in the palace to be a princess and who goes out to be a martyr? "

"The imperial concubine left her elder sister who was born first, because the child was lying in her arms and had taken her first sip of milk. She couldn't let the child go. Another, she didn't even take a look at it, so she was ruthlessly carried out. "

Ning An covered his ears: "stop talking... Stop talking..."

"Everyone hears that the queen loves the little princess because she was born on the same day as her daughter, just like her daughter was reincarnated. But in fact, the queen loves her just because she is really a beautiful and lovely child, which has nothing to do with the so-called birthday. "

"That child is lively and active. It seems that she is not afraid of everything. In fact, she is afraid of everything. She is a paper tiger. She is afraid of the dark, especially the dark."

"But sometimes, she doesn't seem to be afraid. She likes chestnuts, but occasionally she hates them. The queen only thought that she was a child's heart, not her heart. The queen loves the child, but do you know when the Queen really decided not to let the child down for the rest of her life? "

Ning An raised her ears subconsciously.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said: "it was the night when the queen was put into the cold palace. The queen was ill and no royal doctor dared to treat her. That night, the thunder flashed and thundered, and the queen lay alone on the bed of the cold palace, feeling that she might die like this. Unexpectedly, at this time, a thin figure came in through the wall of the cold palace. "

"She opened the door, thunder and lightning chasing behind her, her thin figure may be blown down by the wind at any time, but she was not afraid, she rushed into the house, rushed into the Queen's arms, said to the queen," mother, I come to see you "," mother, don't be afraid, I'd rather accompany you. "

Ning An's body suddenly stops.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's eyes flashed memories: "at that time, the child who rushed for her in the thunder and lightning, the child who was punctured when she turned over the wall, the child who had a good fall on the road, the child who had a bloody knee... The queen said to herself, she will love her all her life!"

Ning an opened his eyes in disbelief.

"That child... Even once... Once... Tell the queen... She's not Ning'an... She's Ning'an's sister..." Empress Dowager Zhuang choked in her throat and squeezed her finger under her wide sleeve.

Ning An's eyes gradually filled with tears, and she looked at empress dowager Zhuang in a daze.

Empress Dowager Zhuang took a deep breath, looked up, turned around and looked into the dark corridor: "the queen will save her, and will hurt her. She never needs to live in the shadow of Ning'an. "

"Mother!" Ning'an burst into tears and rushed to grab empress dowager Zhuang's clothes.

Zhuang Tai walked to the exit without expression.

A drop of hot tears fell, she did not look back once.