The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 574

Gu Jiao slept until the afternoon.

Long Yi has been taken out by Xiao Heng. Gu Jiao is the only one left in the room.

Gu Jiao sat up, looked at her bed and thought for a while.

"Well, I sleep on my own?"

Today, both Guozijian and Qinghe academy have classes. However, Gu Chengfeng has been busy helping Gu Jiao "punish evils" recently and asked for leave for the Academy on the grounds of physical discomfort.

The original one-day invitation was changed to two days.

When Gu Jiao came out of the east room, he was chopping firewood in the backyard. Seeing Gu Jiao, he stopped chopping firewood and waved to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao lightly walked over: "what's the matter?"

Gu Chengfeng looked around, lowered the volume and said, "come here, I'll tell you something."

"What?" Gu Jiao didn't go.

Gu Chengfeng tut a, put down the ax, especially skillfully with a cloth to wipe his hand, close to Gu Jiao's ear, whispered to Gu Jiao: "is..."

Before he finished, a tall figure came down from the sky, grabbed his collar and threw him out!

Gu Chengfeng, who was thrown to hang on the branch of a tree, was stunned.

small shrimp?

Gu Jiao didn't understand.

How did this guy offend longyi?

After a while, xiaojingkong came back from Guozijian.

"Jiaojiao! I have an exam today

Xiaojingkong ran to the backyard, took out his test paper and handed it to Gu Jiao.

No accident, another big one.

Gu Jiao kneaded the small head that rubs clear space: "clear space is wonderful."

Small clearance bowed his head, to the finger, shy: "want to kiss Jiaojiao."

Then he was taken away by dragon one——

Gu Jiao looked at the two people's back and touched her chin strangely.

Just at this time, Xiao Heng came back from the outside with a basket of eggs and handed them to Gu Jiao without changing his face: "the eggs given by grandma Zhou say thank you for treating her grandson's cold last time."

Gu Jiao took a deep look at him: "really?"

"Ah, yes." Xiao Heng took the basket back and said, "I'll put it in the kitchen."

He passed Gu Jiao by.

Gu Jiao turned around and ran after him, squinting and following up: "did you say anything to longyi?"

"Say what?" Xiao Heng calmly put the basket on the stove, opened the small jar of eggs and put them in one by one.

Gu Jiao asked, "why didn't longyi let people get close to me?"

Xiao Heng turned his back to Gu Jiao and laid the eggs. The corners of his lips involuntarily hooked up. He turned his head and regained his expressionless face: "do you have any?"

"Yes." Gu Jiao nodded.

Xiao Heng's face was not red, and he said breathlessly, "maybe they are making fun of longyi."

Gu Jiao thought, "Oh."

After putting the last egg, Xiao Heng turns his head and looks at Gu Jiao. Gu Jiao is leaning back against the stove, thinking about something. The sunset slants in from the door and falls on her perfect side face, shining her slender eyelashes.

Xiao Heng's eyes moved: "that..."

"Well?" Gu Jiao looks at him suspiciously.

"Here you are..." Xiao Heng pointed to her sideburns.

Gu Jiao raised her hand to touch it, but she didn't touch anything.

Xiao Heng went over, stretched out his left hand, which had never caught an egg, and picked off a small leaf that had fallen on Gu Jiao's sideburns.

They were very close apart, breathing, and climbing each other in the quiet room.

As soon as Xiao Heng lowered his head, he could almost kiss her on the forehead.

"What is it?" Gu Jiao looks up at him.

Xiao Heng looked at the face that was close at hand. His heart tilted to her and covered her gently.

The next second, a shadow flashed by, Xiao Heng was also caught by the dragon!

Xiao Heng: "yes!"

Xiao Heng's other people, except me, are all others.

Other people in longyi - all others.


Gu Jiao went to the iron shop in the afternoon and handed a drawing to the blacksmith.

The blacksmith looked at the strange drawing and said, "we haven't made this kind of thing."

"Can you do it?" Gu Jiao asked

The blacksmith said, "if you can do it, it's just... Maybe it's not as good-looking as your drawing."

Gu Jiao said, "we can do it first."


Gu Jiao came out of the iron shop and went to the hospital.

She opened the small medicine box, looked at the full of emergency medicine, frowned: "there is still no material to make the receiving cavity, do you really want me to cut the resin?"

Is muttering, two owners rushed into her yard: "Xiaogu! It's a big deal! "

Gu Jiao came out of the room: "what's the matter?"

The second owner was frightened and said, "I don't know! Just now a patient who was treated in our hospital turned out to be an officer of the Imperial Guard. Then he came down to report that something had happened in the palace, and the queen told him to hurry into the palace! "

Palace, Bixia palace.

Yesterday, Princess Xinyang slapped her from the steps, and Princess Ning'an, who had fallen all over, was hijacking Qin Chuyu with a dagger.

On her side and behind her, there were ten experts waiting for her in case someone snatched Qin Chuyu back from her hands.

A large number of guards were ambushed outside the Bixia hall, and the archers were well prepared.

Princess Ning'an looked at empress Xiao and said, "don't act rashly. You killed me, but no one can guarantee that I won't cut your son's throat when I fall down."

Empress Xiao never expected that Princess Ning'an would be caught dead with them so soon. She couldn't hide it, so she didn't even bother to pretend to be fearless?

Empress Xiao had to admit that ordinary people could not make such a decisive decision as Ning'an.

This is really a bold woman!

When Princess Ning'an was put under house arrest in Bixia palace, she began to secretly assess the possibility of a reversal against the wind. Princess Xinyang showed her absolute strength in Jinluan palace. The emperor favored her, but Xinyang was not used to her.

Sooner or later, she will be exposed.

Instead of waiting to die, it's better to take the initiative and kill them unprepared!

"Mother, I'm afraid of..."

Qin Chuyu was so scared that he cried.

Empress Xiao's heart was broken. She wished she could tear the woman in front of her, who even had children, to pieces!

What if my brother was here?

Brother will say, don't cry, a man's eyes leak urine, are you ashamed?

"Don't cry!" Empress Xiao took a deep breath and said, "you are the prince! Hold back your tears

Qin Chuyu was stunned at first, and then cried even more fiercely: "I can't hold back... Wuwu..."

Empress Xiao was angry and heartbroken. She held back her heart and looked coldly at Ning'an: "what do you want?"

Princess Ning'an said in a cold voice: "get ready for the carriage and send us out of the city! Don't let anyone follow you, or I'll die with your son! "

Su Gong looked anxiously at empress Xiao.

Empress Xiao clenched her fist: "prepare the carriage!"

Ning An Princess light way: "Lotus son, bring out virtuous son."

Lian'er on one side had been scared silly by this scene. She seemed to know Princess Ning'an the first day and looked at her with red eyes.

Princess Ning'an said angrily, "what are you doing! Don't go

Lian'er's body shook, and a drop of big tears came down.

"... yes, yes."

She went back to the room in a daze and came to the bedside chokingly, "young master, young master..."

She called a few times, but Huang Fuxian didn't respond.

She reached out and touched Huang Fu Xian's forehead. Her face changed: "Princess! Young master, he is ill! His head is so hot! Let's call for an imperial doctor for you soon! "

Empress Xiao quickly comforted her and said, "Ning'an, if you have something to say, the child's health is very important. I'll call a royal doctor for you first, and you'll let xian'er treat you."

"No need!" Ningan Princess Mou Guang coldly looked at one side of a master, "you go to help."

The master entered the room, wrapped Huang Fu Xian in a quilt and put him in a wheelchair.

The pale huangfuxian was pushed out.

"Carriage Princess Ning'an's dagger was pasted on Qin Chuyu's neck.

"Ah Qin Chuyu screams!

Empress Xiao trembled and said, "Su Qi'an, prepare a carriage for Princess Ning'an! It's the kind that can make xian'er sit on it. "

Duke Su went to prepare a special carriage.

Master will huangfuxian with a wheelchair on the carriage, Ningan Princess escorted huangfuxian also on the carriage.

"Lian'er, come up." She said.

Lian'er sat up with tears in her eyes.

Ning an opened the curtain and said to empress Xiao, "no one is allowed to follow. Once I find out, I'll cut off one of his fingers."


"The seventh Prince has been hijacked? Which gate did you go out from? " Xiao Heng asked Qin Gonggong who came to report.

Duke Qin said: "according to the news from the city guards, it's the west gate."

"West gate." Xiao Heng got up to search.

Gu Jiao arrived at a map with tacit understanding.

Xiao Heng nodded: "thank you very much."

He spread out the map, pointed to the official road outside the west gate and said: "cangbei trail, cangbei mountain, Phoenix Pavilion... Their horses should be tired when they run to the Phoenix Pavilion. There is a post station near the Phoenix Pavilion. If they want to change horses, they may stay here."

Gu Jiao asked, "what if they don't change horses?"

Xiao Heng frowned: "if you don't change horses, it will be a bit of trouble."

It's not difficult to deal with Ning'an, but she's a crazy woman. She's forced to do something to hurt Qin Chuyu.

What's more, there is a wounded Huang Fu Xian. It's really hard to ensure the safety of the two children when they fight together.

It's not safe to start on the road, and if they stop, it's easier to find a flaw.

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

A carriage galloped wildly on the official road outside the west gate, with nine experts riding fast horses at the front and back of the carriage.

The driver said, "princess, we have entered cangbei mountain. Five miles ahead is the Phoenix Pavilion post station, which is the only post station in this area. The horses can't run any more. Shall we go to the post station to change some horses?"

Qin Chuyu has been crying and sleeping. She is held in her arms by lian'er.

Princess Ning'an said, "if you don't change horses, keep going. Someone will meet us in front of you."

This means that a dead horse will never stay.

"Yes The master of driving should take off.

"Cough, cough!" Huang Fu Xian coughed and opened his eyes slowly. "I have a stomachache... I want to go to the toilet..."

"Bear with it first."

"Can't bear... I... vomit --" Huang Fuxian said, suddenly spitting out something.

Princess Ning'an frowned and looked at the filth on the ground. She said impatiently, "go to the post station!"

The carriage stopped at the post station.

"Lotus." Princess Ning'an winked at lian'er.

Lian'er understood and pushed Huang Fuxian down the back door of the carriage.

The carriage is soiled and must be cleaned up.

Princess Ning'an wakes Qin Chuyu up. Qin Chuyu is about to cry when she wakes up. However, she is hoarse all the way and can't cry any flowers.

Several people got out of the carriage.

Princess Ning'an said to Qin Chuyu, "go to Gongfang, too. There is no place for you to pee on the way for a while."

Qin Chuyu has peed several times along the way. Every time he takes a kettle, Princess Ning'an is about to be smoked to death.

Princess Ning'an asked a master to go with the three of them.

"Young master, I'll help you." Said the master.

There are no special facilities in Gong's room outside, so Huang Fuxian can't complete the toilet by himself.

"Good." Huang Fu Xian did not refuse.

The master took huangfuxian into Gongfang.

Lian'er and Qin Chuyu are shivering in the cold wind. They don't know whether it's because of cold or fear.

Not long after, there was a fierce voice from the Gong room: "don't touch me here! Don't be so careless! I'll kill you

Not far away the experts shake their heads together, their childe is such a temperament uncertain temperament.

What everyone didn't know was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground and a painful hum.

The master had fallen into the hut, and huangfuxian was lying on his body, his face was spattered with blood.

"Lian'er, come in."

He said calmly.


Lian'er takes Qin Chuyu in.

Seeing the scene inside, lian'er suddenly widens her eyes, and Qin Chuyu screams: "ah --"

Fortunately, his voice has already split dumb, ah, no voice.

"Young master, what's the matter with you?" Lian'er squats down and looks anxiously at Huangfu Xian, whose face and hands are full of blood.

Huang Fuxian tightly grasped lian'er's hand and said weakly, "lian'er, take him away."

Lian'er shook her head in fear: "I... I can't take them away... I don't know the way... I'm afraid they can't..."

Huang Fuxian held back the dizziness in his head at any time: "you can, lian'er... The people from the imperial palace will soon find you... You will run east... If the people from the imperial court want to chase you... And don't want to be found... They will go that way... I will tell them... You killed this man... You took Qin Chuyu to the West... They will chase you... So you must go quickly ……”

"How about you, young man..."

"I'm her own son... I'll be fine... Hurry up... It's too late..."

Lian'er's tears fell down. She clenched her teeth and carried Huang Fuxian up: "let's go together!"

Huang Fu Xian closed his eyes and said, "let's go together... We can't get away..."

Qin Chuyu ran out!

Lian'er was shocked!

She was about to chase Qin Chuyu back when she saw that Qin Chuyu pushed the wheelchair outside.

His legs were shaking, and so was his hand pushing the wheelchair.

Huang Fu Xian gave a weak sneer: "I'm afraid I'm afraid to be like this... I want to take me away... I'm not afraid I'll eat you on the way..."

Qin Chuyu's teeth trembled and cried hoarsely: "if you really want to eat... Just take a small bite... Don't eat too much... I'm afraid of pain..."

"Why have you been so long?" In the carriage that had been cleaned up, Princess Ning'an pressed her painful forehead, "go and see what's going on."

A master went to Gongfang in the backyard.

The wheelchair is still there.

The curtain of the courtroom was closed.

The master yelled inside: "are you well?"

There was no response.

The master frowned, strode over and lifted the curtain.

"Princess - they're gone!"

On the rugged mountain road, lian'er carries Huangfu Xianshen on her back and walks with one foot shallow. Qin Chuyu follows them breathlessly.

"Forward... Left..."

"Right side..."

"Further forward..."

Huang Fuxian weakly points the way to lian'er, and he can't hold on any longer.

Lian'er asked anxiously, "where are you going now, young master?"

To the east of

"Young master! Young master

"There they are

The master of Princess Ning'an is catching up.

"Let's go!" Lian'er and Qin Chuyu casually choose a mountain road and run forward vigorously.

But how do they compete with those people?

When passing a wooden bridge, he was blocked by the group's lightness skills, and the way he came was blocked by several people.

The river flows fast under the wooden bridge.

If you fall, you will be swept away by the river.

A master said: "lian'er, how dare you hijack your son!"

"I..." lian'er looked at the experts on both sides in horror and said, "don't come here! Otherwise, I'll jump down with you! "

"You dare!" The master rushed to lian'er with his knife.

Lian'er was too scared to move.

At the critical moment, a figure that was almost left with shadow peeled off from the night, came to the master's back and kicked him down!

He fell into the water and was swept away by the swift waves without even struggling.

The eight masters are handed over to Long Yi. Gu Jiao goes to the three men in the middle of the wooden bridge.

Lian er's eyes were hot: "doctor gu!"

She carries huangfuxian on her back, takes Qin Chuyu with her and runs to Gu Jiao. Unexpectedly, there is ice in the gully of the wooden bridge. She steps on it carelessly, and the sole of her foot slips, and the whole person jumps out!

Gu Jiao grabs her hand, but only grabs her. Huang Fu Xian on her back falls out.

Gu Jiao almost didn't even think about it. She jumped up and hugged Huang Fu Xian tightly before she fell into the turbulent river.