The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 573

Long Yi catches the prince in a place where there is no one and smokes his butt. It's not a heavy hand, but it's enough for the prince to drink a pot.

After returning to Kunning palace, empress Xiao called people to enter the palace.

It is inconvenient for a man other than Xiao Heng to enter Kunning palace. Empress Xiao met him in the side hall of Huaqing Palace.

Ever since she came from the Jinluan hall, empress Xiao never stopped wondering.

From the moment Xiao Heng received the call, he knew that paper could not hold fire. Some things would come back sooner or later. Besides, at this stage, there was no need to hide empress Xiao.

Xiao Heng first told all about what Princess Jing had done, but Princess Xinyang didn't mention it. For example, she was given death by the emperor.

Empress Xiao has been waiting for Xiao Heng for a while. Now when she hears that the emperor has given death to her once beloved concubine Jing, she doesn't have much trouble in her heart.

It's just a little sad.

It is said that the imperial family is merciless, but empress Xiao understands that the emperor is a very affectionate person, and the prince perfectly inherits his affections, so she is deeply in love with wenlinlang.

"What about Princess Ning'an? What's the matter with her? "

Compared with Princess Jing, who had already settled the problem, empress Xiao was more concerned about the living Royal Princess. "Ning'an... Does she really want to harm Xinyang?"

Xiao Heng shook his head: "it's not."

Princess Ning'an came back for revenge, but the object of revenge was not princess Xinyang.

Her majesty, aunt, Gu Jiao, Gu family... Are the ultimate targets of her revenge. In Ning'an's view, her majesty and the Empress Dowager killed imperial concubine Jing, while Gu Jiao and Gu Changqing killed her son-in-law.

Empress Xiao's Liu Mei frowned: "what's the matter with the maid who cares for her family?" She can understand the other three, but isn't the son-in-law killed by Gu Changqing?

Xiao Heng said: "when she was in the frontier fortress, the remaining evildoers of the former dynasty came to the plague patients and tried to use them to poison Gu's army. Jiaojiao was treating a patient who was unfortunately infected. Without her knowledge, Jiaojiao was in a coma in an operation and was later arrested by her husband-in-law. The son-in-law is also infected. Jiao Jiao didn't give him any medicine. "

Empress Xiao said indignantly: "of course, this kind of bastard can't be given medicine! So? She put this account in the head of the maid? But didn't they get the plague themselves? Infected can only be said to eat evil! What do you have to do with the girl who looks after the family! "

Xiao Heng said calmly, "some people are unreasonable. If they are reasonable, they will not become that kind of people."

Empress Xiao sighed: "that's what I said. In this way, she didn't give up her husband's son-in-law in the first place, but she had no choice. "

Xiao Heng then said: "listen to Jiaojiao, her relationship with her husband-in-law has been stiff since before her husband-in-law diagnosed the plague. Now think about it, maybe she has figured out every step of the way back from a long time."

Even the son-in-law didn't understand her mind, only thought that she really alienated herself.

"This person's mind is too deep... Why didn't you find her so resourceful before?" Empress Xiao frowned tightly, and the bright smile of the girl Ning'an flashed in her mind. For a moment, it was unbelievable.

Next, Xiao Heng tells empress Xiao about the case of xianleju, the murder of Liu Ping by Princess Ning'an, the persecution of her majesty, the bribe of Li Shilang to slander Xing Shangshu and Empress Dowager Zhuang.

Of course, Princess Ning'an faked two imperial edicts.

Empress Xiao was so angry that her face turned blue: "that's unreasonable! That's ridiculous

Her teeth itched angrily. After a while, she pressed down her anger and asked Xiao Heng, "is the Empress Dowager OK?"

Xiao Heng said: "it's all right. The Empress Dowager lives in Bishui Hutong. It's very safe."

"That's good." Empress Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, "you should be careful yourself."

Xiao Heng nodded: "we will."

Empress Xiao looked at him again, with a bit of complexity in her eyes: "in other words, you're too brave. Xuening'an forges the imperial edict, but you even find someone to disguise as Princess Xinyang!"

She said that yesterday's Princess Xinyang how strange, speak Yin Yang strange, still fell in front of her! All the people in the harem have seen it!

This wants to let Xinyang know, must not pick their skin!

Empress Xiao thought about it, she was miserable for them.

Empress Xiao said, "and if your mother didn't come back in time, how would you deal with the situation in Jinluan Palace this morning?"

Xiao Heng really thought about it.

Yesterday, after Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng followed Princess Ning'an back, they found that Gu Chengfeng's skirt had been scraped off a little gold yarn. At that time, they speculated that their identity might have been exposed.

Princess Ning'an will expose them as soon as possible.

And the most powerful time is the first time "Xinyang Princess" went to court.

Just as they were meditating, Princess Xinyang came back.

It came back quietly. It didn't disturb anyone.

It's worth mentioning that Gu Jiao's disguised identity is not fabricated. There is a maid named yu'er in the house on Zhuque street. The human skin mask Gu Jiao wears is made according to her face.

There is still some preciseness in this respect.

Today, Princess Ning'an made a scene in front of the courtiers, which can be regarded as a complete capsize. Princess Xinyang is not easy to be provoked. Just because she doesn't play tricks doesn't mean she won't, she just disdains.

Empress Xiao sighed that these guys were just born. They were not afraid of tigers. How could they die? But they also beat the teacher Fu to death.

I don't know whether it's their luck or Ningan's.

"What are you going to do next?" she said

Xiao Heng said: "there is still a force in the dark. The next step is to catch all that force."

Empress Xiao pondered for a moment and asked, "where did that power come from?"

Xiao Heng paused: "the state of Yan."

Empress Xiao took a breath!


Xiao Heng should have confessed everything, the only thing he didn't mention was his life experience.

It's not that he didn't dare to tell empress Xiao that no matter whether he was Princess Xinyang or not, he was the son of Xuanping Marquis, and empress Xiao was still his aunt.

He just didn't know how to speak.

At first, he didn't want to mention his life experience to the people around him because it was hard for him to say, but now he is afraid.

I'm afraid that he will leave Princess Xinyang one day to find the truth that he shouldn't have.

He has only one mother, Princess Xinyang.


Bishui Hutong.

Gu Jiao sits listlessly in the main room peeling corn. Last night, she was dragged by the dragon and pouted the charcoal pen all night. Now she is sleepy and tired. Her little head keeps pecking at the rice.

Gu Chengfeng came over and sat down in front of her, shaking his hands: "Hello, girl!"

Gu Jiao ignored him and continued to peck rice.

For a moment, Gu Chengfeng almost pecked on the table and put the back of his hand over her forehead.

Gu Jiao closed her eyes and said, "your hands are hard."

Gu Chengfeng: when I give you a cushion, you still hate it! Is the back of my hand hard or the table hard!

Gu Jiao sat up straight.

Gu Chengfeng looked at her strangely: "what's the matter with you?"

"I didn't sleep well." Gu Jiao yawned, "get up early in the morning, hands are so sour."

Gu Chengfeng cut a, took Gu Jiao peeled a small half corn cob, way: "your woman hand acid what?"? It's not a man

Gu Jiao asked: "why can't women have sour hands?"

"Female..." Gu Chengfeng said half aware of what he just said, suddenly choked and cleared his throat, "I'm so hungry, go to see if there's anything to eat in the back!"

Then he walked away, forgetting to put back the corn cob.

When Xiao Heng came back from the palace, Gu Jiao had fallen asleep on the table and drooled.

The family went out, even Gu Xiaobao and Yao were not in, no accident is to see my aunt playing cards.

Xiao Heng comes to Gu Jiao and gently holds her back to the east room. He takes off her clothes and shoes and pulls a quilt to cover her.

Gu Jiao turned over to him. He was arranging Gu Jiao's hair. Suddenly, Gu Jiao pressed his hand under his cheek.

Soft and delicate touch from palm.

He seems to have been rubbed by something.

He sat down by the bed without pulling his hand out.

He looked at her, the corners of his lips raised slightly unconsciously.

Gu Jiao sleeps soundly and soundly.

In the room, there was a charcoal basin. It was warm. Soon she was hot all over and her cheeks became red.

Xiao Heng felt the heat of his palm. He looked at her face and unconsciously put out his other hand to brush away the green silk on her face.

Then he lowered his head slowly.

But just as he was about to kiss him, he suddenly felt something. He turned his head and saw a face with a mask. I don't know when it came to him. He opened a pair of innocent and cold eyes and looked at him with doubts.

Xiao Heng Shua sat up straight!

Longyi also sat up straight.

Xiao Heng is sitting on the bed, Long Yi is sitting on the small bench with small clearance.

Xiao Heng's eyelashes trembled. Thinking of what he had just been seen by the dragon, his ears turned red slightly and said, "you can't do that."

Longyi understood.

Xiao Heng added: "no one else can do this to her."

Long Yi looks at the sky and thinks about it. He probably understands it.