The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 553

Strictly speaking, no wonder Gu Jiao.

People are conditioned. After spending several months in the frontier fortress and on the way back to Beijing, Gu Jiao got used to it. She had already equated seeing the old Marquis with wearing a mask.

No, it's too early.

If she doesn't wear it, she can still be Gu Jiao. If she does, she can't tell.

Gu Jiao looks at the emperor in the room with deep resentment. She is the first to dismantle the vest.

Why call her?

If you don't call her, her elder brother doesn't look back, and she has a little time to think.

... hasty!

The Emperor gave Gu Jiao a strange look: "Gu..."

"Little brother?"

The old Marquis stood up and walked towards Gu Jiao with a blank and uncertain face.

He recognized that this mask belonged to his younger brother. In a battle, the feather on the mask fell off, or he personally asked someone to get two peacock hairs to put on his brother's mask.

The figure of the visitor is similar to that of his younger brother. The only difference is that he is wearing a woman's skirt!

Gu Jiao's eyes turned, holding the hand of the old Marquis, and entering the play in a second: big brother!

The old Marquis looked at his hands. They knew each other like this when they were at the frontier fortress!

He looked at Gu Jiao's eyes again, which were familiar to him!

The old Marquis suddenly excited: "little brother!"

Gu Jiao: big brother!

The old Marquis's eyes were full of tears: "little brother!"

Gu Jiao: big brother!

The emperor was even more confused.

Who can tell me what happened?

Why does Gu Chao call his granddaughter Xiaodi?

Why did the little doctor throw his kind eyes and small expressions at the emperor?

The emperor is in a mess in the wind, OK!

Gu Chao held Gu Jiao's hand tightly and asked, "little brother, how did you dress like this?"

Gu Jiao's eyes turned, drew back her hand, took out her notebook, and wrote: "someone is chasing me, Qiao Zhuang, so as not to be watched."

The Marquis was filled with indignation and said, "who dares to chase and kill my younger brother? Is it that my younger brother's military contribution is too great to hinder some people's eyes? Why don't you move to Houfu, brother, and protect you

Gu Jiao heart way, that can't, moved to Hou Fu, how to secretly poke to do things?

Gu Jiao solemnly wrote: "brother, don't worry, everything is under control."

The old Marquis thought about his brother's skill at home. He nodded thoughtfully. In the capital, no one can hurt his little brother unless he is against Shanglong Yingwei.

Even if you can't fight, you can run!

The emperor was stunned by the strange recognition of his brothers.

The Marquis thought of something and asked, "by the way, little brother, how can you enter the palace?"

Gu Jiao finished writing without changing her face, and raised her small book: "Your Majesty summoned me!"

The Emperor

Is it OK to pass the imperial edict in front of me?

The old Marquis took Gu Jiao by the hand and went into the imperial study. He arched his hand to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, did you call my younger brother to come here to reward him? I know that your majesty is the emperor of Ming Dynasty, and the rewards and punishments are always clear! At the beginning, I took my unfilial grandson to sneak into the prefect's house to rescue me. It was Wei Chen's younger brother! Fighting with Grand Marshal Tang, the one who guards the flag of Zhao state and the frontier fortress city is also the younger brother of Weichen! It's Weichen's younger brother who cures the plague, and it's my younger brother who carries the nest of the remaining evils of the former dynasty! I hope your majesty will not give credit to others by mistake! "

The Emperor

The reason why the Marquis knew that his younger brother did those things was that he asked Gu Chengfeng every day where his younger brother had gone.

Gu Chengfeng can't make it up, so he has to tell Gu Jiao's whereabouts. For example, Gu Jiao went to Lingguan City, Gu Jiao saved the plague patients, and Gu Jiao wrongly carried the nest of the remaining evils of the previous dynasty.

It's just that Gu Chengfeng doesn't use "your granddaughter" but "your brother".

The old Marquis is seriously injured and has been lying in the ward. His information basically comes from Gu Chengfeng. In addition, Tang Yueshan and Gu Changqing don't tell the truth, so Gu Jiao's waistcoat has been covered to death.

"Your Majesty, it is said that the cabinet and the people have heard that Princess Ning'an has made great contributions to the frontier fortress and should be granted the title of Princess protector. I'm not disrespectful to Princess Ning'an. I really don't know where to start from! At that time, I was imprisoned in the prefect's mansion. I know exactly what happened in the mansion. Princess Ning'an didn't cooperate with my second grandson. It was he who didn't fear life and death to break into the mansion. It was he who escaped from Lingguan city with my second grandson. It was also he who joined hands with Marshal Tang to fight and pursue. It was thanks to my younger brother that I returned to Yuegu City safely! "

"Shouchengchi, it's my brother who fought against the enemy, and it's my brother who saved me and the princess! Princess Ning'an's righteousness and national integrity are very impressive. Her Majesty wants to confer the title of her eldest princess. I have no objection, but not everyone can afford to protect the country

The old Marquis said, regardless of what the emperor's face turned black, he lifted his hem, held back the pain, knelt down on one knee, arched his hand and said, "I beg you to set me up, and grant me the title of the little brother Gu to protect the country!"

The Emperor

It's all about what and what!!!

The emperor tried his best to resist the impulse that he didn't pull Gu Jiao's little waistcoat off. Maybe he was old and talked a lot. The old Marquis talked a lot. He wanted to give his brother a marquis.

As soon as the emperor draws his lips, you still share the happiness and the marquis!

The old Marquis retired, and Gu Jiao remained in the imperial library, her big eyes blinking.

The emperor took a sip of the tea and glanced at her: "don't be paranoid, I won't give you Marquis!"

Gu Jiao: "Oh."

The emperor put down his tea cup: "if I say no, I won't!"

Gu Jiao shows her hand: "Oh."

The emperor took a deep breath and asked, "what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

"Here you are." Gu Jiao took out a memorial from her arms.

When the emperor saw the handwriting, he knew it was written by Lao Jijiu. He turned it over and put the fold on the table.

Gu Jiao left, turned and walked out.

The emperor looked at her little back, clenched his fist, and said, "I am the emperor, and I can say nine things! No Marquis, no Marquis! "

Gu Jiao: Oh.


The hospital.

Mo Qianxue is still not allowed to go down to the ground. She leans against the head of the bed to weave a red rope.

Xiaojiangli came to work in the hospital. She looked at the red rope in Mo Qianxue's hand and said, "sister Mo, the red rope is not made up!"

Mo Qianxue choked and said, "why not? I think that's how you made it up! "

Xiaojiangli handed her the red rope she had woven: "the middle finger should hook this line, and then the index finger should go inside, not outside."

Mo Qianxue muttered: "how so complicated?"

It's worse than practicing martial arts!

"If sister Mo doesn't want to make this up, we can play something else," she said

Mo Qianxue stubborn way: "no, I want this!"

Xiaojiangli sighed: "well, I'll take it down and make it up again for you to see."

God knows this is the 11th time that Xiaojiang pear has been demolished.

Mo Qianxue's hands are obviously the secret weapon magic hands praised by the owner, but he can't even weave a rope. Mo Qianxue is also angry!

"Sister Mo, look after it."

Instead of sitting on the stool, xiaojiangli was lying on the bed. She raised the red rope with her two fingers, but as soon as she tied a knot, a concealed weapon broke through the window and went straight into xiaojiangli's shoulder.

Mo Qianxue's eyes trembled and caught the concealed weapon!

Unexpectedly, there is sweat medicine powder on the concealed weapon. Xiaojiangli inhales it in her mouth and nose, and then falls asleep on Mo Qianxue.

This dose is useless for Mo Qianxue.

Mo Qianxue throws the concealed weapon back out of the window.

There was only a dull sound. It was the concealed weapon that hit something.

Soon, the window lattice was pulled away from the outside, and Hua Xiyao came in.

She pulled out the concealed weapon on the handle of her fan and said with a slow smile, "I'm joking with my sister. Why is my sister so angry? If I really want to kill her, I will not be smearing with sweat, but with poison. "

"What are you doing here?" Mo Qianxue asked in a cold voice.

Hua Xiyao shook her fan and said with a charming smile, "I'll tell my sister that the three-day deadline is up. When is my sister going to attack her?"

Mo Qianxue's face did not change and said: "you go to tell the little Lord that when my wound is healed, I will have the strength to do it."

Hua Xiyao sneered: "I've broken my bones and muscles for 100 days. Does my sister want to keep it till next year? Elder sister should not be too soft hearted to start? My elder sister is living a life of love here. She doesn't have to be a flower leader or please those smelly men. In such a day, my elder sister must be addicted to it and can't extricate herself? "

Mo Qianxue said impolitely: "when did I please those smelly men? Don't put your huaxiyao style on me

Hua Xiyao's face sank: "little Lord, let me tell you that the plan has changed. In three days, lead her out of the capital!"